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Help With Getting Custom Sweatshirts Printed how do I get it done?

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Hi all,I'm the president of my school's german club and we'd like to get some sweatshirts made like the image I attached... just with like the three colors diagonally. Is there any place I could get this done that would be reasonably inexpensive? (I know the image isn't very artistic but then again neither am I... it's just an example.)Thanks!


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Turning the whole sweatshirt to colors illustrated would cost a lot! I tried few ways to print company shirts for myself and found out that silk screened logo is the cheapest way to go.


Some silk prints are better if you stick to fewer colors. But in your case it would have to be 3 colors. Or, you can pick a black sweatshirt and use only 2 colors (making black as your base color), etc.


You can run the risk and have white sweatshirt to dye to specific colors but washing these dyed sweatshirts are even trickier. I would not suggest it at all.


A design for your thought...


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I don't think many (or any) companies can do this (though I really like the design). Most companies get one color as a background, and then add your text to it. They may be able to do it with tee shirts though. Also, you may want to look through the phone book. Most of the time if you look locally, you can get a better deal, and it won't have to be shipped.Good Luck!

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mmkay thanks. I wasn't sure if it was possible because it'd almost have to be custom made and all. we'll probably end up going with something simpler but it was a cool idea so I was just wondering if it was possible. I'll probably just end up going with a silk screened logo.Thanks for the help!

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