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Cant Log Into Cpanel [resolved] Page cant be displayed

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Help I can not log into cpanel. I just upgraded to IE-7 and now I can not get into my Cpanel.
what the page is telling me is this.

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage
Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet.
The website is encountering problems.
There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems

More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Internet connectivity has been lost.
The website is temporarily unavailable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.
The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.
If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click Tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

For offline users

You can still view subscribed feeds and some recently viewed webpages.
To view subscribed feeds

Click the Favorites Center button , click Feeds, and then click the feed you want to view.

To view recently visited webpages (might not work on all pages)

Click Tools , and then click Work Offline.
Click the Favorites Center button , click History, and then click the page you want to view.

am I the only one with this problem, or does Cpanel just not liking IE7

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Must a connection issue at your end. I just connected to my account Cpanel. FF3.

I have tried everything from a full diskclean to a reboot to even unplugging the comp. nothing. sumitted at ticket on this. even some of the pages there do not open. maybe it is them. I hope

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Have you tried resetting/changing your cPanel password? If you haven't tried that already, I recommend you do.Download Firefox aswell, Internet Explorer can sometimes cause difficulties with web-based control panels, like cPanel.-Sky

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As suggested try a different browser. As i said in the shoutbox im on the gamma server using FF3 and no problems. Also try clearing your cache (tools, clear data) and trying again. Also try CTRL+F5 (force refresh) see if that has any effect

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Have you tried resetting/changing your cPanel password? If you haven't tried that already, I recommend you do.
Download Firefox aswell, Internet Explorer can sometimes cause difficulties with web-based control panels, like cPanel.


Have Tried it using FF as well same problems, as for pw change, not gonna waste 10 Credits on that if it is not on my side

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Its not a password issue it is a connection and this is what you need to do because I had the same issue, of which I mentioned in the shoutbox. First do a cache cleaning once again, then open up a command prompt window and then type in ipconfig /flushdns this will clean out anymore caches your computer has stored. Then unplug everything including the power cord for your modem wait 10 minutes then power up your modem wait till it is loaded, then plug it back into your computer and then turn your computer verify that you have a connection and then wait 4 hours for xisto xisto's cache to clear for your ip number. Then if that don't work, try pinging your website and see if you get a packet loss of 100% if so contact your ISP to see what is going on.

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To check that it is Echo of thunder's end and not T17 surely he/she could post the URL to their site and if we can see it then presumably everything is ok the T17 side

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I know the site is working since I saw it to make sure it was up when I was helping figuring out the problem yesterday, but to get a second opinion of everything here is the website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Like I mention yesterday I had a similar problem with Xisto in which I had no access whatsoever to the forums and I had to reset my router and redo my MAC address before getting back into trap again.

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