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Watching Porn Addiction is it normal?

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I think its perfectly healthy and natural to have an interest and desire for sex.... most of the questions seem to come from a moral standpoint.Another question is .. "what is too much?""How much does it take for you to become addicted?"Those have to be answered by the individual, as well as the moral issues involved.I would say, like with many other things, if watching porn makes you give up other things in your life, or you cant function at work or school because you are too busy watching, or if you cant have a physical relationship with a living person because you are no longer turned on without the flicker of the screen .. perhaps you should turn around at the next exit, and get off the porn-highway lol.I'm very open minded and believe in live and let live .. as long as it dont hurt others or yourself..... enjoy!

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Two caveats about my post:

1. This is a gal jumping into a conversation about men's health and porn. I'm not a psychologist, so I can't tell you if there's a huge gender difference in beliefs.

2. I like porn -- not all, but definitely certain types. And since I like it, I'm already biased that there's nothing wrong with watching it.


All that said, and totally avoiding the possible issues raised if you're watching excessive amounts of snuff porn or anything like that, I think that the basic issue is simply that excessively doing so much of something that it takes away from you life is likely to be bad.


Now if you're just in a habit, rut, routine, whatever, of watching porn during a time you regularly watched something else, like a tv show, then I think that's fine. If you're skipping work to watch porn, that's probably not a good idea.


Personally, I've found that I'll go in spurts with porn watching. I'll watch it quite a bit for a few days and then maybe not for a few months. I've heard somewhere that with sex in general, the more you have, the more often you desire it. That only explains that once I start I'll watch it pretty regularly. It doesn't explain why I can then stop and go without watching porn for months. I think that is simply that I move on to something else. I do the same things with spending time on a discussion board or into a new hobby. I'll get into it for awhile and then move on after awhile. Under this logic, as long as you're able to take a few weeks off from watching porn, then maybe watching it every day for a few weeks isn't that bad.


I haven't read it yet, but I just picked up a book called "Getting Unstuck" by Pema Chodron. I'm not too sure if I'm going to be a fan of it, but the back page was interesting.


"Have you ever had an itch - and not scratched it? In the Buddhist tradition, this points to a vast paradox: that by refraining from our urge to "scratch," great peace and happiness is available....An urge comes up, and we succomb to it, and it becomes stronger...We reinforce our cravings, habits, and addictions by giving in to them repeatedly."


Basically it seems that the theory of just trying to have a "small bite" of something just ends up making you crave more. Not at all that I'm diagnosing you with an addiction or advocating that you never watch porn. I'm just saying that it seems as though you simply got into a pattern of watching it more often and now it's habitual enough for you to call it an addiction.


Assuming you want to stop this "addiction" then I'd suggest any standard "recovery" program - 12 steps, cold turkey, finding a replacement activity - could work.


While you probably won't find a medicated patch soley for porn addictions, you might be able to get a doc to proscribe Ortho Evra. A steady dose of estrogen into your system would probably put a damper on your sex drive a bit! :)

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that is an interesting point. When I studied addiction in my psych class they did say the most effective way to quit would be to replace it with something else. The case was how to quit someking and the teacher had said that he got a girlfriend to quit, and it worked...granted it does sound like he used her a bit because he later dumped her...and consequentially started smoking again. That aside though I believe that this might work. I did a google search on stopping and got a ton of pictures and very little information...so btw never search google for info. The recomended approach I found though was to open all the windows in the room or move your computer into a more open place, they claim that most peoples sense of modesty makes them think twice if they are out in the open...additionally they said that if the activities associated with the bad habit carried over even when not watching the subject try doing other activities like cold showers or exercise. The claim behind the cold shower is that it is a shock to the body and might make the urge less intense...granted from my days camping I know that cold showers suck so if this is not something you can do they did suggest that exercise burns off extra energy. Although as your endurance builds you may actually increase your sex drive, but hopefully the period it takes to build up your endurance to physical activites allows you to break any existing addiction. One of my friends had a problem with this once and he said that none of that worked for him so he installed some software on his computer to block all the sites so no matter how much he wanted to start watching the videos and pics they just werent available to him. Someone had advised him to think of the nastiest thing he could imagine so he started watching shows like CSI and Dexter (I believe thats what it is called...the one about the serial killer) and he got netflicks and rented some of the top rated horror flicks. From what I understand he no longer suffers from any addiction.One option that is available is put yourself in a highly social situation, in front of a community who cares for you it would be harder to waste time watching the stuff...especially if the people in the community are a bit pushy, that is one of the reasons that I never really got into the stuff myself.

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If you watch porn everyday, you, my friend, need to get a life

Do you still get aroused by watching porn? I still remember the look on my friends faces when I showed them internet porn for the first time. Internet's good FOR PORN!!
Is posting your favourite porn against the rules? Anyways, i got this video on my favourites, i watch it/remember it while masturbating everyday... it's on porntube. A girl is using a *BLEEP*ing machine up her pooper. I want to get me one of those!

That is sad

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Addiction.......How do you define addiction anyway?Is it when you always do something several times a day?Is it when you do it longer than X hours?Is it when you always think of it no matter where you are?Or is it just something you just want to identify as addiction?In any case, Porn addiction? Get a social life....... Or replace porn with gore.....its a lot more enthusiastic.......Out of Topic: people liked to click this topic for they see the word PORN......I wonder how many people just looked at my all capped porn and then read everything else.........How sad...

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Watching porn is fine. So is masturbating. It's a normal and healthy thing. It can also be a great stress reliever. Although, as with anything else, doing it to much is bad for you physically and mentally.Last thing I think any male wants to do is hurt his penis. I'm being serious here. You don't want friction burns. x3

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Touchy Topic..BUt glad you brought it up, I won't lie I've watched pornography, however when the need to watch affects areas of life it is time to get help. Pornography addiction is real and as destructive as gambling. If you can't get to sleep without watching porn, you can't go a day without watching try taking a break, by getting a monitoring tool and blocking pornographic sites from yourself.I personally do not find pornography enticing, it is to me fake and I rather use my imagination to be honest.In short porn addictions are real and can be controlled.

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I've heard that it's acctualy good to watch porn - maybe not everyday, but maybe a few days / week - since this would help keeping your level of something in the brain in good values, and it would make you feel good. But sure, its an addiction if you watch everyday, lucky its a good addiction :)

Well i agree with you. I also think it keeps some of your brain muscles in a healthy state and ready to kick! lol!

Its only bad when you feel bad about it or makes you neglect other important things.

One other thing that is bad is exposing young ones but if you're of age..it's not bad to watch some every now and then. When i was young i bumped into it online and got the following morning by my older brother!

I was embarrassed but did not feel too bad because i knew sometime in his life he had had a glimpse also which i guess makes it natural since everyone gets into it at some point in their life lol!

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It's really hard to say what is "normal" and what is not. There really is no way of determining it.From my own experience, I know many people that fall in the category of porn watchers and a lot that never have. Some haven't watched it before because of morals, some because of religious reasons, etc.So really it is just what you feel is right, or what you feel is wrong. Don't let others tell you what is appropriate and what is not, because only you know how you feel.

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Is watching porn normal cus i watch it everyday i think i m addicted to it i might have a problem lol.

I Don?t think it's harmful. Many people watch porn movies everyday and i think it is the result of changes of hormones inside your body. With your growing age your hormone will change and you will be ok so don't think that it is addiction just enjoy this phase of life.

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Watching porn can't be too bad for you, of course you learn to enjoy it. I think watching porn every day of your life is a bit odd. It's far less addictive than most of the illegal drugs. It's probably far less addictive than drinking alcohol, and definitely far less addictive than smoking. It may well be far less addictive than distance running or similar heavy exercise.Wanting other women is quite another matter. It might be relatively normal to have a desire for other women, but if it becomes a need, then there is definitely something badly wrong.

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I think for teen boys and girls too, to watch porn is normal, it's like a phase of growing, but once you start becoming an adult you start leaving that phase behind, maybe once in a while but not like everyday, I personally think is pathetic for an adult person to watch porn on a daily basis, it's like c'mon get a life start practicing instead of only watching...

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Yeah I totally agree with you, the only kind of adult that would still watch porn is the society rejects, Ha. I also think people who use vibrators are idiots I can understand girls and their vibrators but teen boys and toys are just over-rated.

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