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Should Same Sex Couples Have Kids?

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I wanted to make another debate topic and thought this was an interesting topic.I'm saying no.I'm not against same sex couples per say (though I don't agree with the idea) but I feel they should not be allowed to parent children. Ill give you my main reason why -Think of the kids. One day little Billy is at school and he's asked "Billy, what does your Mom do for a living?"Billy responds, "I don't have a Mom just 2 Dads."Little Billy get teased and ridiculed.Its one thing that same sex couples can get married now a days but having kids is another.I don't feel that women who choose to be with another women should be able to get artificial insemination.Same as I feel a man and another man shouldn't be able to adopt.I'm not prejudice but I feel that kids shouldn't be brought up in that type of environment although some face worse in todays world.What are you guys views on this?

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I'm not prejudice

Its one thing that same sex couples can get married now a days

Sounds a bit prejudice to me! What people do in their own homes is up to them, for all i care next door could be trying to make babies with a pork sausage. It really doesnt bother me!

The point you raised about the kid being bullied is however, valid. Kids can be evil, in fact kids ARE evil. But we dont stay kids forever. I think it depends all on the situation at hand, the bullying is a hard thing to overcome, and could affect the kid severely, turning him against his parents (seeing them as the reason for its misery) or it could do the opposite, and the kid could become very pro gay, become a great person with morals, strength and understanding.

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I think most people know instinctively that this is wrong. If you disagree think of this. If your wife died and then you died would you want your son to be raised by two men or in a family with a man and a woman. Children learn different things from parents or caregivers of each sex. How skewed would their reality be if they don't get this. Also most homosexual people as they are a minority can't help but have strong attitudes that are out of balance with the rest of society (the other 90% +). So what chance would a child have of distinguishing between the attitudes of a noisy minority and that of mainstream society?As adults we can choose our own beliefs but children don't yet have this faculty. It would be irresponsible not to factor this any argument about same sex couples wanting to raise children. Perhaps same sex couples are being selfish. If you don't want to live like the majority of the world then fine we can't make you. But you also lose the privledges that go along with that, including the 'right' to raise children and train up the next generation.

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If you don't want to live like the majority of the world then fine we can't make you. But you also lose the privledges that go along with that, including the 'right' to raise children and train up the next generation.

Thats extremely homophobic. Why does it matter if people are gay? Im not gay, and i wouldnt like two gay men to walk up to me butt naked and start oiling themselves in front of me....but that is unlikely to happen unless i venture into certain clubs in soho (london) on a friday night. So i have nothing to fear from gay people. I know who, and what, i am. If you are afraid of gays i suggest you take some time to look inwards and discover who and what you really are. When you can write down exactly who and what you are you will no longer fear or hate gay people.

along with that gay people have the same rights as straight people. to say different is being narrow minded and ignorant. However, i do agree that there are issues when gay people have children because of the things other children may say and it COULD confuse the child, i do think that every child needs a male and a female influence in their lives, such as mum and dad, this gives balance rather than living with two same sex parents in which case the child may think the opposite sex is inferior, or there is something disgusting about then and this could lead to problems later on.

To say gay people have no right to have children is irresponsible. To say there are problems that need to be looked at is much more sensible and accurate.

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No I am not homophobic and yes I know myself well. I have also studied psychology, counselling, sociology and many other areas and have studied the causes and behaviours of homosexuals. The idea of a well adjusted homosexual person is somewhat of a myth. Mostly they have deep trauma associated with childhood or adult experiences and are not what you could call well adjusted. If they think they are then most likely they suffer from denial and a lack of awareness.An no I am not being irresponsible to assume that people without a grasp of fundamental sexuality and moral values do NOT have the right to raise children. How can a person who does understand or accept how we are designed have any idea how to nurture a new human being.From the way you jumped down my throat and assumed I was narrow minded without looking behind what I was saying seems to say more about you than me. I HAVE thought it through and have known many homosexual people. I have seen what they get up to, how they live, talked to them, being approached by them. I find some of their thought processes and behaviours quite amusing but I also see their pain that they try and hide so well.Would a reasonably stable and 'well adjusted' gay couple provide a better environment than a hetero couple with alcohol, violence and verbal abuse in the mix? YES I think they would but it would not be ideal OR preferrable.I do think it important to distance the person from the comments themselves and not make personal remarks based on your own subjective opinion.

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Sorry, i apologise for "jumping down your throat" as you put it, i just assumed, wrongly, you were one of those uninformed, possibly religious people who blindly accept what society tells them to believe, but clearly you arent. So my apologies for that. And in order to stay on topic lets think of something to say about homosexuality!

Mostly they have deep trauma associated with childhood or adult experiences and are not what you could call well adjusted. If they think they are then most likely they suffer from denial and a lack of awareness.

I too studied psychology, and i wouldnt say All homosexuals are gay because of trauma. I do think some make an informed "choice" (eg they think carefully, try it and enjoy it, rather than trying it and not enjoying it but doing again anyway because of life experiences and eventually conditioning themselves to like it). But i suspect a lot of younger homosexuals are gay because of rejections from the opposite sex, constantly being exposed to an adult homosexual etc....

Of course, others would say homosexuality isnt a choice, youre either gay or not gay from the day you are born. I wouldnt say that is true either as i do think sexuality is heavily influenced by life experiences. However this doesnt touch on the right to have children. As a bottom line i would say gay people DO have the right to have children, but in some cases it may not be in the childs best interest.

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No worries mate let's stay on topic :) Back to the queers heheYea I guess they are two separate issues, child welfare and what some people call 'lifestyle choice'. There are many areas of the homosexual experience that people just don't know about. You think the hetero's have a hard time in the area of love and rejection you should some hear some stories from the homosexual community! It's really bad out there for some. I have compassion but think the needs of children come first.Now this is slightly off topic but it is for this same reason why I don't support abortion for selfish reasons: Some one has to protect the young (whether they are born yet or not they are still citizens). So it is the idea of protecting the young from harm that is behind my view.It is laden with strong opinion for many different reasons and I acknowledge my own biases. Although they may be partly be formed by religious beliefs I have a brain and like to see issues from all possible angles. At the end of the day we all have emotions, dreams and desires to be loved and accepted and that's what makes us all so similar. No-one really has 'rights' of any kind anyway we just have what can believe for and what we can take.

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here's an arguement. i don't think you agree with what you just said, but you said it to create a debate...

my personal belief is i agree with you that children will get teased because kids are cruel at a young age and don't know any better. at the same time, a lot of kids in this world grow up without a mother AND a father and lost without guidance. if there is a couple m/m,f/f.m/f, that can offer a child lots of love and guidance, it doesn't matter who these people are who raise them. i'll bet my life that there are a lot of same sex couples raising children the RIGHT way better than different sex couples raising their own children. children are #1 in every sense to me. as long as they are being raised right with lots of love and the right guidance, there should NEVER be a problem in who is raising them...even if the couple is same sex.

now don't tell me you disagree with same sex raising children just because children tease other children for any reason in grade school...gimme a break....

I wanted to make another debate topic and thought this was an interesting topic.

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sure, there are things a child can learn from a man AND a woman and if they aren't raised with both, it can create a loss or a longing in a child, BUT! there are some circumstances where same sex couples are forced to adopt because obviously they can't have children on there own. now think about who they are adopting. an unwanted child that nobody else wanted and this same sex couple is willing to offer this child MORE than anyone ever offered this child. would this be worse for the child or better for the child? can you please answer me this since you are bragging about studying psychology and seem to know what is best for an adopted child?

even children who grow up with mother and father don't have it all because NO parents are perfect for any child. parents can only do their best in what they know in raising their children. also, since same sex couples cannot naturally have children, they adopt for more UNSELFISH reasons than other couples who can have children naturally.

ask yourself this. why do men and women want to have children....is it for the child or for their own selves......

who are children better off with? the parents who make selfish choices or the parents who make unselfish choices....

i live in a world where people will DICTATE the best for a child by the sexual preferance of the childs parents...that's pretty sad when the focus is on the adults and not in the childs best interest.....

I think most people know instinctively that this is wrong. I

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I think the general consensus would be that where there is love and support that is good for a child. However if we had the choice to raise a child in a stable socially acceptable family such as the normal model in society we would choose it. If this is not available and a child has a need then a same sex couple would be better than a child having no support. I am sure there are many same sex couples that are able to offer the love and support to love a child that is not the argument. It is whether 'in the best circumstances' that would be preferable and I believe in the 'best' circumstances this would not be.KJ

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