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God Sees The Mind , Not The Purse !

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Tony was addressing a group of over 300 women, when the president of the organization took a letter they received from a missionary asking for help of $ 4000 to take care of an emergency operation for his daughter. She asked the speaker, ?Brother Tony will you please pray that the Lord would provide this need?? He said, ?No.? But continued, ?I believe that God has already provided the resources and that all we need to do is give. Tell you what I?m going to do. I?m going to step up to this table and give every bit of cash I have in my pocket. And if all of you will do the same thing, I think God has already provided the resources.? He pulled out all the money he had in his pocket and it was $15 and then looked at the president of the organization. She opened her purse and took all out, and the amount was about $ 40.One by one the rest followed, and at the end when they counted the collection they found that they had collected just a few dollars more than $ 4000. God truly provided. Tony said, ?Now, here?s the lesson. God wants us to give what we have, and not what we don?t have. The only problem was that we were keeping it for ourselves. Now let?s pray and thank God for His provision.?So friends, the problem with our giving is that we hold back our hand and restrict our giving. We try to reason out. The Lord always sees the heart and mind of the giver ? and not the quantum given. How different our standard is from that of our Lord! We see how much a man gives. Christ sees how much he keeps. The old lady had just two mites. She gave all that she had. And that moved the heart of the Lord to commend her. So, let us give our very best. Let us not hold back anything for selfish ends.

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I believe what you say above for the simple reason .. Every Cause has an effect. Say Mental or Physical. Therefore, If someone raises his/her voice over you, even though you might CONTROL it at that instant, the energy you absorb has to be released. And no doubt, that same rage which you have now stored in.. comes out on say.. your friend or spouse. Most of the times, you might know that the person you are accusing is not the right person but still, the energy in you wants to flow out and without your control .. actions happen. Which no doubt, you will regret again.My point being, emotions are pure form of energy. It has to transfer from one to another..But what in cases of Sacrifice and Love. If you give something belonging to you with wisdom & love to someone (provided, the other person needs/wants it), how do you think our universe based on laws of cause and effect will balance out. If you think about it, what you lost should get back something to you.Now its up to the GIVERS choice, where he chooses what he wants back. If the giver (out of wisdom), desires from heart blessings for someone, health for his loved one, peace for his family, prosperity etc.. It will be given.However, The Giver giving things out of ultimate wisdom desiring nothing at all... God, out of choice gives him the spiritual gift of awakening & wisdom. What would you ask is "Gift of awakening".. This I can say can be put as a microscopic increase in the level of your consciousness. This directly affects your discriminative intelligence .. guided by your inner wisdom. In short, by acting in wisdom, you gain more wisdom and peace :) Which I can conclude to bring me closer to God :D

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She gave all that she had. And that moved the heart of the Lord to commend her. So, let us give our very best. Let us not hold back anything for selfish ends.

if you ever say this to a dummy though that give more than what's in their poket but all they have in their bank account and after selling everything they own, person will be left homeless and without the immediate attention people need on a regular basis to survive without others and in fact, if he were to have his basic needs met, it would be from the help of someone else giving to him. BUT! just because you give doesn't necessarilly mean you will get the same in return....at least not in the same form as opa pointed out.

i have been in different churches and even so-called temples built around "self realization". they all pass around an offering plate. differences between the typical churches and the self realization centers i have attended is the churches will always ask directly for money.

now, what i believe is that everyone in this world has something to offer wether it be money or lending a hand to another in help and support. not everyone has the means to give financially but has the means to give in other ways. to say people limit their giving qualities financially isn't really seeing the true and full picture of giving as a whole. churches in general are so much in to giving financially that they will print out little booklets for you that usually pressure people in other ways to give at least 10% of your income instead of insisting just giving what you can or feel comfortable giving. some people are more fortunate to give financially than others and even though what goes around comes around, i think it's more realistic to just give whatever you are confortable giving wether it's financially or in other ways that doesn't even have to be directly related to any church.

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The topic is quite general; the topic is not limited to money. Money was mentioned since it is an easy source to target—money gets you what you want, it is the main thing people trade to obtain material things. Churches ask for money because you can't trade, for example, a chair for food; you can't trade a chair as payment for the electric bill—it's not how the system of today works. It is only logical to accept money over other, non-organic (non-edible) things. Believers often volunteer to transport the goods that were purchased with the money that was given to the church. Indeed, i would like to see how people would feed the poor if there's no way to get the food to come to the poor.


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

Therefore, If someone raises his/her voice over you, even though you might CONTROL it at that instant, the energy you absorb has to be released. And no doubt, that same rage which you have now stored in.. comes out on say.. your friend or spouse. Most of the times, you might know that the person you are accusing is not the right person but still, the energy in you wants to flow out and without your control .. actions happen. Which no doubt, you will regret again.


My point being, emotions are pure form of energy. It has to transfer from one to another..

The "energy" that is "absorbed," when released, does not necessarily have to be the same "energy" that was "absorbed." It could have been "converted" when it was "absorbed," and therefore a loving "energy" is released in turn. There can also be cases where no "energy" is absorbed, or after being "absorbed" none is released. But energy does not need to be transferred; energy is only "transferred" when "absorbed."


But what in cases of Sacrifice and Love. If you give something belonging to you with wisdom & love to someone (provided, the other person needs/wants it), how do you think our universe based on laws of cause and effect will balance out. If you think about it, what you lost should get back something to you.


Now its up to the GIVERS choice, where he chooses what he wants back. If the giver (out of wisdom), desires from heart blessings for someone, health for his loved one, peace for his family, prosperity etc.. It will be given.

If there is an outside source that gives what one has lost, then it is reasonable to say that this outside source is God, for this source has to have a conscious, or else i would assume it impossible for anything to get anything in return. However, that would imply that God is Himself subject to the very laws He set in place—but this is impossible and (slightly) blasphemous. But a question arises regardless: What happens when evil gets what good deserves and vice versa? Is the system therefore imbalanced? Or is it that what was observed to be good is what was kept and therefore marked as "wisdom"? Did they willingly exclude undesirable events? However, we are met with this statement that contradicts what was previously mentioned:

However, The Giver giving things out of ultimate wisdom desiring nothing at all... God, out of choice gives him the spiritual gift of awakening & wisdom.

For this implies that God is above the laws He set in place. If i think about it, "cause and effect" does not mean things will balance out. For the cause could just be a desire for things to be unbalanced, therefore reaching its effect of imbalance.

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i don't believe any higher power will create imbalance or what one thinks is imbalance(if one sees more good than bad or vica versa). sure, god or any higher power can guide energy in a certain direction, but there are natural laws in itself that will create balance. there will always be consequences to certain actions that in and of itself will naturally create a balance. cause and effect in energy wether good or bad has to do with sacrificing something for something else. you give up something but you also gain something in return. if this wasn't the case and there was no balance, then the world as we know it has the possibilities of being a utopia or on the other spectrum, truely evil and chaotic. chances of that being a possibility is slim to none....i believe we need this balance and therefor it is there. we need the negative just as much as the positive but in different ways and meanings.

we need the negative to learn from and we need it to allow ourselves to convert that energy in to good or at least that's how most would look at it as learning experiences which the negative wasn't really negative, it was just how the situation was percieved. people need to stop looking through their eyeballs to see the world but look more on a less physical level to truely notice how things are balanced through nature.

now to say one can have a desire for things to be unbalanced and that will create imbalance. what you are saying is nothing from one side of that spectum will allow itself to become balanced? maybe things will just seem imbalanced to the naked eye but the actual effect is something more than one sided imbalance and not paying close attention to the other side which will create the balance needed.

now as far as giving to a church, there are many churches out there that have thrift stores where people can donate just like they have food pantries. also, i don't understand fully why the original poster related giving to church and god? i have given myself in many ways that don't relate to church or god or too much on a monetary level of giving. i also disagree that one should give all he has. i do consider giving a very good act but i also believe that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing due to the fact that i believe in life's natural balance

the balance and cause and effect and give and take is somewhat the same idea behind taking a picture with a camera. the more you adjust the aperture to let more light in, the more you have to adust the shutter speed to take a faster picture to create a balance of taking a picture where the result will be the same. now opposite is true to creat balance when taking a picture. if adjusting the aperture to allow less light in without adusting the shutter speed to compensate, you are giving up something you may need for something else that you need more in how you would rather have the picture turn out. you can't have it all so in effect, you have to give up something to gain something and vica versa as well. life to me works the same in a sense as taking a picture with a camera.

so with giving(which i think was the point of the thread), you are giving to something specific. it balances to what you aren't giving to or what you aren't capable of giving to because you can only concentrate on giving to so many people or things or causes etc.....leaving what you didn't give to weaker now in ratio but there's a strength on the other side that balances out. when one gives too much, then they might not be able to send their own kids through college or may the mortagage. one had good intentions gave something ultimately good but also had negative results. why too much of a good thing can be bad. at the same time we get lost sometimes in our own perseption because like i said before, sometimes the negative is only negative because we percieve it to be negative. the consequence to the negative and the continued cycle of things being balanced is when a door closes, another one opens and vica versa so if what you lost by giving is meant to be, then you will gain it back in other ways. if it's not meant to be, then your on the road to finding your true self and more purpose in your life.

if people pay close attention, they are able to see life cycles and the balance these cycles create by giving OR not giving

However, we are met with this statement that contradicts what was previously mentioned: For this implies that God is above the laws He set in place. If i think about it, "cause and effect" does not mean things will balance out. For the cause could just be a desire for things to be unbalanced, therefore reaching its effect of imbalance.

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Laws are nothing without a maintainer. Miracles happen because God chose to momentarily stop maintaining a natural law. Since He created the system, it is not hard for Him to continue maintaining order in other areas while He chooses to cause a miracle in another. If we were to talk about other kinds of laws, like it is against the law to murder, those laws are useless if not maintained.


If anything imbalanced is caused, it is through some kind of will, for if the universe was placed in balance, only some other will can destroy that balance and that will would have to be equal to the will that placed it in balance or greater or be allowed to cause an imbalance. Therefore there is no imbalance for the universe unless God so wills it but an imbalance in the lives of people, wherewith God provides ways of accepting life and peace. If things are in constant balancing out, then there is little to no free will, for all are on set paths for things to balance out—you have to "roll with the flow."


You cannot balance out what is already balanced, it's like trying to fix something that isn't broken—you might just end up breaking it, causing an imbalance. Therefore, if something is balanced out, it was because there was a previous imbalance and not because we perceived it to be imbalanced. So either things must have already been balanced and we just perceived it as imbalanced or it became unbalanced and therefore balanced itself out through an outside will.


The original poster mentioned God and the church as due their faith. When the Bible says "be rich towards God," what does that mean? Luke 12:16-21 is useful. Can you give anything to God that He Himself hasn't already given you? Therefore your only choice is to give to those less fortunate. The church tends to have a community willing to help, where one person alone can only do so much. Giving away everything you have is also a Biblical teaching. You cannot say that doing such is a bad thing because of the natural balancing laws. For if things are constantly being balanced out, then those who gave everything they had will just receive things again to give it all away again. So there is no problem with giving everything you have away.


If you refrain from giving due to a selfish reason, then that is a desire for an imbalance to continue. For you are just giving to those that already have, and those that don't have are still left not having. When one gives everything they have, they no longer have to worry about college, etc. But you're assuming that "giving away everything you have" means literally "handing things over to where you no longer have any ownership whatsoever to these things." It can also be bringing in the homeless into your very home, etc. "What is mine is yours also." It can also mean giving it everything you have in effort. When times seem troubling, do not fret, but rely on God.


Also, everything is perceived, so there cannot be a sometimes, for it is an always. Without God things can only be subjective, where there is nothing positive or negative outside of how one perceives things. If things are constantly being balanced out, then there is no need to fret when evil is committed; there is no need to fret when injustice is prevalent. People would only need to care about their own desires, for things will "eventually balance out anyway..." I can only be grateful that there is a God that is just who provokes others to do good, for i do not see how this balancing-out thing can ever be any motivation to do good.

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The "energy" that is "absorbed," when released, does not necessarily have to be the same "energy" that was "absorbed." It could have been "converted" when it was "absorbed," and therefore a loving "energy" is released in turn. There can also be cases where no "energy" is absorbed, or after being "absorbed" none is released. But energy does not need to be transferred; energy is only "transferred" when "absorbed."

If there is an outside source that gives what one has lost, then it is reasonable to say that this outside source is God, for this source has to have a conscious, or else i would assume it impossible for anything to get anything in return. However, that would imply that God is Himself subject to the very laws He set in placebut this is impossible and (slightly) blasphemous. But a question arises regardless: What happens when evil gets what good deserves and vice versa? Is the system therefore imbalanced? Or is it that what was observed to be good is what was kept and therefore marked as "wisdom"? Did they willingly exclude undesirable events? However, we are met with this statement that contradicts what was previously mentioned: For this implies that God is above the laws He set in place. If i think about it, "cause and effect" does not mean things will balance out. For the cause could just be a desire for things to be unbalanced, therefore reaching its effect of imbalance.

What happens when evil gets what good deserves and vice versa?

This is a very good question and trust me.. I wondered about it a lot. I can only share my understanding because I myself am not an enlightened being to be able to put down the cause-n-effect (god) law in human words.


Every Human is doing his duty whether he likes it or not. This also includes.. eating healthy food when you are hungry, sleeping after a tiring day... EVIL GETTING GOOD, I get the picture of this famous GANGSTER (atleast in India) who runs his D-Company.. there is hardly any field in crime category that this fellow has not scored. His name... is DAUD IBRAHIM. Lets see this Chap, From top to bottom .. everyone has stamped him as BAD. He has MILLIONS of Dollars and is on HIT LIST in many countries. WHY is this Bad guy going away and still alive. If we actually CALCULATE his ACTIONS with any common man, its like comparing your wealth to Bill Gates. However, Mr. Daud rolls MASSIVE MONEY in all his Under Ground activities (terming them BAD) and has a company in Dubai.


Thousands of Families of the bad guys who work under him, depend on him. So many kids are eating food and living happy.. because of this BAD guy because their daddy is also bad. So many humans like us who were gifted with strength and anger needed a field to be warriors. Many humans just like us had their inner most desire to fight and so many today have gotten a chance.. because of this bugger.


BUT... some of these BAD guys also PRAY and God Loves them as well. These BAD guys have special Gods who they believe does not consider their killing as BAD but merely considers it their duty. God never shared your Prejudice for EVIL people with Evil People. God is the name of absolute PERFECTION. He is the ORDER and PRECISION. He is precise n creative in making a VIRUS or a BIG PLANET. He is everywhere, he is the TRUTH. If your eyes, your technology, your understanding cannot behold his entire scope of creation and its dimensions, lets not use our little words to name it and disrespect the truth in the first place... we just accept this CREATION as it is and its father as GOD.


We have a limited understanding of Time. Einstein shook the world with his theory of relativity and made everyone re-consider their basics. I agree, its very painful to see really good people, time after time hammering their desires & instincts with their Will because of their deep hope in the One. They are so strong by heart that they really suffer his world and yet keep themselves as examples to others. People whom I look and my heart prays to God for why was I made soo fortunate. I simply wondered ..why?


My understanding of the world today comes from the observation & knowledge I parted to gather from the day I was born. Earlier .. things were changing in front of me & life was rolling at a same pace. As my understanding grew, Things which were linked to me got defined as good and bad automatically. Some really were Good and some places I was wrong.


I always wondered though, DO I REALLY know what is ACTUALLY GOOD for me at any instant with respect to ALL people who are linked to me?


Today, I m certain my hobby of Computers was Good, but is that really true? A ton of things I haven't tried in life and yet, I so assumed that yes! indeed! Computers is my field. What if some other field was MORE FUN, FILLED WITH LIFE and MORE MONEY! Hence, Now I have stopped defining things GOOD for me and now scale them only GOOD if it leads to higher WISDOM in me. This way of calculation and referencing gave me more satisfaction with the way I was learning, working and progressing.


HUMANS are now journeying into space and some are successfully living there. Well, yes... you do not want to live alone in space is a different thing.. yet some human is living there. There was a time, Man wondered to stay on Water and now we can live for months there.


Hats off to this being who has managed sooo much... Yet, a Human knowing his LIMITS and CAPACITIES, Knowing the feats of others by channels of media like television, Watching the people in POVERTY STRUCK countries... still he gets depressed. There is no end to the WANTS of any human. We all need a purpose to live.


We now calculate success by Money, Fame, Health and RELATIONSHIP(with a chosen few) and I feel joy to see people who calculate them with "wisdom" & "love".

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i'm going to have to come back to this post to think about it more but i think this is the sole reason why i try so hard not to judge even though i still do on some levels. what is good and what is evil. does laws created by the people dictate this question or does a moral code that will always be relative dictate it? i have always tried in the last 5 years to come to understanding on your question and even how it relates to my own life and what i do with my life. everyone has a lot in common and i believe the one thing everyone has in common is to feel for others and a need to help them in their own way. i also believe that in life, there are time fillers and/or distractions or walls that keep us from being us and what we were born to do. for the most part i believe we can only blame ourselves as we are our worst enemy in many ways. the original message on this thread was about money, but some say money is the route of all evil so aside from money, what do we have to give? what we have to give is not as direct as handing someone money and will get less recognition, but probably a lot more important than what money can offer. it's also important to be selfish and take care of our own selves because if we lose our way in doing that, it will be more difficult to help and take care of others. i know that if i gave money to eerything and everyone my heart went out to, i would neglect the others when i was finally broke. why it isn't everyone's duty to give money as this original topic stated.


i just woke up like i said, but that question made me think because i always ask silimar questions to my own self. heck, what if "evil" is "good" and vica versa? what should be relative perspective and what shouldn't be that can actually answer this question in a black and white, yes or no answer.


who are those warriors or protectors that are willing to sacrifice what others think to do "good"? or is it good? is there other alternatives? weird...i have to think on this one. you hit on something that i believe in yet i still have no answers...


What happens when evil gets what good deserves and vice versa?

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God is a MirrorGod or in my belief, is a person attain the highest counsciousness and the consciousness itself is whole and one, he had relieved himself from all suffering and able to accept any condition, whether it is love, to be loved, or anything opposite.So he can aware inside the lowest level which is the heart chakra, all of his consciousness is gather one there, the 7 chakra points become one and lock there, in the chakra, so the 7 colours finally become one, like a rainbow which is separated and become 7 colours and yet the source is actually one.The sacrifice technique, which is well known in self consciousness centre, is the technique to see inside their heart, to become still and stable inside their heart to find their true self. In this true self, they see a mirror, where he and his god is talking and separated by a mirror, he say to this mirror "God, I want to come to you, I want to sacrifice myself to see you, I want to sense the happiness, sacrifice and love which is always shown by you" And he knocks the mirror, with the intention of the love that he feels (his true self), which is the subtle energy in this universe that bless anything bad anything good, everything. Up until one day, he can knock down this mirror and thus this mirror is broken, the energy flows out from the god side via this mirror, and the whole world grumbles and a voice come out from there "I am God" for human I shall sacrifice myself, and all his karma is wiped by the energy. And thus he begin the journey to become one with god.The mirror is the ego, the will to destroy each own ego, is the way to control the lower self, the self that filled with energy, but once the mirror is destroyed, the energy and himself become one, thus like a water from a bucket is thrown to the sea, up until the water is thrown into this sea, we can still separate that the water from the bucket and the water in the sea, but once it is thrown inside this sea, we can only see one sea, there is no thing left for us to differentiate the water and sea.A voice comes from the heart, and all the creatures which is materialized or not materialized creatures from all the universe bow down to him, as the gate of the god is opened, the god flowned out all energy that is limitless, it is called love. And thus when common people seeing this god creatures, they are looking at the mirror, how he behave to this god, is shown by the god to do the same to him but god changes it from negative or lower part to higher part. A person to blame his poor to god, will be changed by god to be a condition you should work hard and where the universe will send him the hard work until he rejects it. If he shows love to this god, then the god shows unlimited love to him. So the it is like multiply, he send 5 then it is multiplied by unlimit, and thus unlimited is sent to him.

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God is a Mirror
God or in my belief, is a person attain the highest counsciousness and the consciousness itself is whole and one, he had relieved himself from all suffering and able to accept any condition, whether it is love, to be loved, or anything opposite.

So he can aware inside the lowest level which is the heart chakra, all of his consciousness is gather one there, the 7 chakra points become one and lock there, in the chakra, so the 7 colours finally become one, like a rainbow which is separated and become 7 colours and yet the source is actually one.

The sacrifice technique, which is well known in self consciousness centre, is the technique to see inside their heart, to become still and stable inside their heart to find their true self. In this true self, they see a mirror, where he and his god is talking and separated by a mirror, he say to this mirror "God, I want to come to you, I want to sacrifice myself to see you, I want to sense the happiness, sacrifice and love which is always shown by you" And he knocks the mirror, with the intention of the love that he feels (his true self), which is the subtle energy in this universe that bless anything bad anything good, everything. Up until one day, he can knock down this mirror and thus this mirror is broken, the energy flows out from the god side via this mirror, and the whole world grumbles and a voice come out from there "I am God" for human I shall sacrifice myself, and all his karma is wiped by the energy. And thus he begin the journey to become one with god.

The mirror is the ego, the will to destroy each own ego, is the way to control the lower self, the self that filled with energy, but once the mirror is destroyed, the energy and himself become one, thus like a water from a bucket is thrown to the sea, up until the water is thrown into this sea, we can still separate that the water from the bucket and the water in the sea, but once it is thrown inside this sea, we can only see one sea, there is no thing left for us to differentiate the water and sea.

A voice comes from the heart, and all the creatures which is materialized or not materialized creatures from all the universe bow down to him, as the gate of the god is opened, the god flowned out all energy that is limitless, it is called love. And thus when common people seeing this god creatures, they are looking at the mirror, how he behave to this god, is shown by the god to do the same to him but god changes it from negative or lower part to higher part. A person to blame his poor to god, will be changed by god to be a condition you should work hard and where the universe will send him the hard work until he rejects it. If he shows love to this god, then the god shows unlimited love to him. So the it is like multiply, he send 5 then it is multiplied by unlimit, and thus unlimited is sent to him.

What is God? This might be a question we try to answer whole our lives, but all that exists is driven by some force and God is that force. This question has a philosophical point of view, with so many religions on this earth, so many different beliefs in practice what we follow towards our mystical journey into the existance?
What caused life, what made us progress to this stage in civilization, what is our future? A single question generates lot many questions and we are not able to decide on any perticular answer that logically satisfies all our conditions. This is really a dimension, which we have not understood till yet and more we try to find out, more complicated it becomes.

All these things being reasons, I strongly feel the existance of a universal force which is running this whole system.
I feel, there must be many more earths, many more civilizations, many more superior life forms in this universe, it is just that we are far away from reaching them or we have not attained their level of knowledge.. And answer to all our philosophical and regional questions lie behind that hidden world- where we have a more rational intelligence which can account for the system life and this world runs.

Still- for now, God is a belief inside our hearts, souls and it takes the form we want to pursue the feeling known as God.
Wish He will enlighten us and answer someday!

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I like to believe that God sees the mind and heart of thegiver and not how much cash he has.If only life were that simple though. The threat of starvation to a lot of people would preventthem from giving everything they had. Still, the ultimate act of giving it all away would give someone the ultimate inner spiritual satisfaction.

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In hindu religion we have a saying, "God helps only those who help themselves." The first step is what you have to initiate and if you do it by heart, your initiation will attract all good with the grace of God. Consider a sinking ship, if you do not act it is obvious that you are going to drown...but if you try, you might come out of the horror of upcoming death and do something which would save you and your fellows. So without saying- unless you act, just praying is not going to help much. Everyone must accept the fact that this is the most important fact when it comes to seeking help from someone.

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