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Windows Vista Randomly Freezing Vista freezes randomly

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I DID ask that the "stick to xp ditch vista" comments....not exist, for a reason. Mainly because I prefer this topic stay as a "Oh geez my computer keeps freezing" topic, and not a "Vista is lame, stick with xp"...topicThe fact is I LIKE vista, and will stick with vista. I won't go back to XP.Good news, after changing my motherboard processor and memory there is no more freezing. Seems the issue was between having a PCIe1.0 graphics port, while I had a 2.0 card. Or the socket 939 processor. Oh well, no more freezing. Thanks for the help.

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I would suggest you go into Reliability and Performance Monitor and look for Windows Failures. And check to see if there are any Windows Failures for the days this is happening. If not then you need to enable RACAgent in the task scheduler and then after that wait for the next freeze, copy down the stop codes, and go to support.Microsoft.Com and look up those codes using the first ten digits. If not on microsoft's website then do a google search instead.

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Have you tried modifying the Memory Frequency from Bios ?I Tried Vista and Windows7 and both of them were just reseting like crazy , totaly random , both idle and high load. After fresh install they used to work good for 1-2 days.. sometimes even more but when they started giving bluescreen+restart.. they just never stoped , sometimes it used to crash before loading windows.. that was weird.After i got my memory frequency from 400 to 533 or even higher.. it never reseted again .. after i tried everything. registry repair , daily backup , registry backup , memory optimizers ..everything.I was so convinced that it was not a hardware problem because Windows XP was running absolutely great , no crashes and uptime for days...but it turned out that this was the problem.Good luck with it.. i know exactly what you're going through.

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vista hangingWindows Vista Randomly Freezing

I have a dual system os x & vista ult.,  my vista hangs at times, after I render a few files in maya.  I have tried everything.  I have had luck with a program called O&O defrag., I defrag at the third level "optimize/complete".  I have to run this when ever vista hangs on me.  I went into the registry and disabled the vista defrag.  For me it does work.

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