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Were You Aware Of The Tv Stations Becoming Digital Now?

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well my dad has been freaking me out telling me to get coupons from this site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ because supposevely starting february 2009, if you have a regular tv that access regular channels [not cox, cable, satellite etc] it will not work anymore with an antenna etc, because all the television stations in the united states are going digital??

to me this all seems like a drag, you ether have to buy a television with a degital tuner or tv converter; which i have no clue how much they are, the US congress people are giving out the 40 dollard coupons, [towards the purchase of the tv converter boxes] which kinda tells you, they are going to be expensive

i just think the whole change is ghetto, and should be publicized more, because i KNOW february 2009 is going to come and people are going to tv like WTF! NO TV??? AHH! haha [we actuly heard about this on a Spanish channel that actually informs you of crap], not going to affect me though haha, ive had directv satellite cable since i can remember, and my family is psycho so we have cox cable as well haha

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Well I heard those converters are like $400, but again if your living in the US and have a Rabbit Ears TV set then your either really poor or live deep in the woods somewhere. Giselle they have been advertising this whole conversion since it was first announce as there are TV ad's about this like every 5 minutes and what not. Of course, its just of the TV makers labeling their TV properly as there was a big deal about it a few months ago when the government starting going after them with lawsuits and junk like that. Of course, it will be interesting what happens when they do flip the switch as that will determine how many people are really affected regardless if your TV is old school or new school.

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Yeah, they really have been advertising it for a while, and they announced it first several years ago.Anyway, it is an unfortunate thing because, for the most part, the people that can afford to get digital TV, in whatever form, are already getting it. The only people that this really affects are the people who cannot afford cable or satellite TV. I think, though, that certain circumstances will let you get the converter for close to free, but I forget.

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So you are trying to say that televisions that get the regular channel and only uses an antenna will not work anymore? Old news for me. Soon they will be all done changing over to these... boxes. Transmitters. Just an extra box you plug in your television. Haha, do not know how to explain it. It is not that big of a deal is it? It does not cost that much, it is simple. I mean: What is the problem?

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Well I heard those converters are like $400,

no they have rebates so your paying around $50 to $75 for the converters. and I so do agree you will have some poor guy that has no cable near him or her. but what is even worse is that even now before they have even made the change over some cable stations, are moving to the upper channals just to get money, or is this the cabe co doing this, just to get money.
or are they making all the Tv Stations Digital just to get more money out of us? Makes ya think huh? yea go out and buy a new 60 inch flat screen HD and watch the change. betting you will see a big change in your cable bill too.

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