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Weed Addicting?

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I have to agree with Aeon, but i know someone who burned he's house being too stoned..so just like be a responsible drinker, be a responsible toker.. vice is still a vice.. moderation is the key..its always easier said than done.

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I truly don't see what is so wrong about smoking marijuana personally, it's a personal life choice, and in my eyes, it is way better than drinking alcohol (causes less deaths), and a better habit then cigarettes (I believe marijuana is a cleaner habit). Therefore, I think it should be 100% legal, but thats a different subject.I don't think that marijuana is addicting physically, I can see how it can be mentally I suppose, but it doesn't happen to many people. I've seen marijuana become more addicting to people who don't do it often, maybe just that first time, and then they are fixed on that one time, wondering why it wasn't as good as they thought because they probably didn't know the difference between fake marijuana and dank, and that's just the way it is. I've personally spoken to people who are somewhat mentally wrapped around marijuana, they have never hit a joint or a bong or even a blunt in their life, but they are wrapped around whether its a good thing or not for them to do, and that's the only addiction I've seen towards marijuana. I've never seen somebody need a hit this minute or this second, it just doesn't happen. Basically, it's just an overall cleaner habit.Does anybody here know how hard it is to die from OD on pot? I think I heard you need over 1,000 joints in a day. Thats freaking insane. Lets call 1 bowl $5, just for the sake of putting a price on something, x that by the size of the bowl, we will call 2 bowls 1/8 oz. Times that by 8, you have 16 bowls, which we will call 32 joints. Right there you are in the 100s, and you aren't even close. People have to be freaking lifted in order to OD.Lets take alcohol. One bottle of sky is pretty cheap right? I think it's about $40. Drink half that bottle, you will probably die.^Don't take any of this that I smoke pot, I won't do it, and never have, until it's legal, I take all this knowledge off people who have smoked marijuana in the past, and most have gotten slapped with a hefty ticket.

Edited by nol (see edit history)

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It's easy to quit though, compared to cigarettes or alcohol, which are extremely addictive.

I disagree. In my own experience whenever I don't smoke marijuana I suffer from sleep deprivation for two nights and only after those two nights are over can I sleep a third night.

I believe it is mentally addictive, it is not that easy to give up. Moodswings are commonplace when not smoking. But as i've said, the threshold for me personally is around two days and then i'm fine.

Also, the whole 'it can make you schizophrenic' argument is flawed as it only speeds up susceptibility to schizophrenia, it doesn't cause it which is a common misconception.

I disagree with the legalisation arguments entirely too. Sure I want it legal, but the arguments used to get it legalised I will never agree with. I don't want it legal for medicinal use only and I don't want it to be taxxed to the high heavens - just that the idea of making nature against the law is entirely flawed and its on those grounds alone why I personally want it legalised.
Edited by CitizenErased (see edit history)

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Medicinal use is already legal, in California theres a triangle of cities, and inside those cities there are schools to learn to grow Marijuana, and it is legal to grow up to a certain amount without being ticketed. The marijuana of course has to be grown for medicinal reasons, but of course thats never going to happen, but they do grow it outside in the open, sure with a fenced area to stop people from stealing, but still, it's pretty known whether or not your a pot grower in that area of california. Marijuana technically doesn't come from the ground though, not naturally at least, its a fused plant made with hemp and THC, but otherwise I agree, theres no reason we should be restricted on things we can grow. I sure understand Cocaine, especially Crack Cocaine, that makes sense, ban it to heck I don't care, I don't see how that drug interests anybody anyways (same with inhalents what the hell were people thinking?).

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Excessive use of marijuana or any psychoactive substances may lead to physical and psychological dependency.A person who is physically dependent, but not psychologically dependent can have their dose slowly dropped until they are no longer dependent. However, if that person is psychologically dependent, they are still at serious risk for relapse into abuse and subsequent physical dependence.I remember one day morning outside our university, me and my friend and he is my classmate to went to a public toilet and smoked one stick of marijuana. He told me that it is a high grade marijuana and I never yet tried that kind of stuff before. The only effect that I experienced before was the laughing trip(it's a thing that you just smile or laughed for no reasons), but after smoking that heavy stuff of with my friend I felt the effect in constant. My head start to feel heavy and my eyes turn bloody, I also experienced short-term memory loss and numbness on my lips so I just decided to skipped school on that day. Ridding back home is a wild ride when I get out of car I throw up and it really felt like I'm totally wasted. Inside our house I just found myself walking back and forth so I just went to my room and forced myself to just get some sleep.On the next and only that day I never smoke cigarettes and hate the smell of it...

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I wouldn't be surprised if you got some sort of laced marijuana. I've heard of people getting the totally wasted effect when you add some acid to it, or some LSD, maybe some more hardcore stuff. I doubt that it was straight up mary jane because that doesn't usually happen. Eyes turning that bloody color is normal for those stronger doses when you get the 2-3 joints in. Head feeling light is normally what marijuana does, and memory loss and numbness is just normal. Probably you just got a little bit more THC then you guys are used to, packed in one joint, or blunt, and it might've been laced with something, but it would be hard to tell.Psychological dependancy is hard to get off of, but I've never seen or heard of the ocassional marijuana smoker having such an addiction. I have heard of some extremely hardcore users, that are physically hooked on that drug, but otherwise I haven't seen it. I don't know what you would call high grade marijuana, theres not really a grade of marijuana, theres more of types ie dank, purp, haze, cheeba, sweedish cheeba, etc etc. Depending on the kind you get I would guess its a different effect and taste but otherwise I'm not so sure on that aspect.

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Weed also know as pot and marijuana(not sure if thats correct spelling), do you think it's addictive?
Well my opinion on it is that, weed is only addictive mentally not physically. So if you do it or wish to do it or want to quit you can do it with will power no additional help such as nicotine patches which some smokers use to get rid of there addiction for smoking. If you compare weed to alcohol and cigarettes you can see a clear difference. Weed is illegal and alcohol and cigarettes isn't, yet alcohol and cigarettes are addictive and cause more problems in our society today.

yaah your right!
but weed is not that addictive
if you can control yourself using it!

im a user of weed but im not a addicted to it!
bec. im only using it when im depressed or
cannot sleep,,
its like a medicine for me, hehe

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Weed is definitely psychologically addicting,and never physically though.You can only get so stoned off of it anyway. I only smoke it once in awhile now.It can become habit forming and you can get all irritablewhen you don't have it, then you end up wasting money

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I am a proud pro-marijuana citizen.Even before my first puff, I was an internet user, and I was very curious about drugs, and I have tried many.I have found only few to be worthy of human experience. Most of them are really poisonous and addictive, and goes hand-in-hand with prostitution and theft. Most of them are.Marijuana is not of of this kind. Many of our parents have smoked it, our leaders have smoked it. I have smoked it.And It really impair mental reasoning. If yhou want to be smarter than anybody stay away from it.It soothes anxiety, but it tis a vicious circle, for smoking relieves anxiety, and when you go cold turkey, you smoke again. It is a very joyful addiction. I am addicted to substance. In times of anxietty I recognize my will to smoke. But I want the marijuana, not the tobacco. Therefore, I find marijuana phisically addictive as well.I would never steal for it. But I do fantasize of a free country. And no pot heads should be allowed to drive in this ideal world.I find it absurd to be guilty for growing one's own recreational herbs. A home could never provide for a community smoke supply!Well I just want to state my true desire for the right to consume substance freely.

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I smoke pot and i must say 1 thing. It can turn into a Habit and its possible to crave it but not like cigs. I heard of people getting depressed because of wanting a joint. However it has not happened to me before so i cant say this for sure.All i know is that it can turn into a habit and its important to see how much you smoke and if you want to quit just find something to do that you like the most :) Lack of things to do is probably the main reason people turn into serious pot heads. A joint or two can never hurt though ^^

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Yeah, Marijuana addiction is purely a mental thing in my books. People force themselves to think that they need it, and that is what gets them. It makes them crazy.Not to mention it makes people waste their money. Why get high when you can hang out with your friends and have fun somewhere else? Spend money in a creative way rather then on something that'll get you in a lot of trouble if you get caught.

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