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Weed Addicting?

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Weed also know as pot and marijuana(not sure if thats correct spelling), do you think it's addictive?Well my opinion on it is that, weed is only addictive mentally not physically. So if you do it or wish to do it or want to quit you can do it with will power no additional help such as nicotine patches which some smokers use to get rid of there addiction for smoking. If you compare weed to alcohol and cigarettes you can see a clear difference. Weed is illegal and alcohol and cigarettes isn't, yet alcohol and cigarettes are addictive and cause more problems in our society today.

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I don't think it's addictive, but it's habit forming. If you smoke pot every day, you get used to it and miss it when you don't have it. It's easy to quit though, compared to cigarettes or alcohol, which are extremely addictive. As for legalizing it, I'd support that, not because I think smoking pot is good, but because if people could buy it from legal sources, they'd keep away from drug dealers who then try to turn people on to hard addictive drugs.

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To my knowledge, marijuana is only mentally addicting. It has no chemicals such as nicotine in it that would cause you to be physically addicted to it. However, it is often the case that people will mix marijuana and tobacco together. At this point it would be both mentally and physically addicting.As for pure marijuana without tobacco, really the only reason it would be mentally addicting would be if you became addicted to the high that it brought you. I suppose there could be other reasons, but I am not aware of them. I have also heard that mixing tobacco and marijuana results in something that is much worse than a single cigarette. Apparently, one of those is similar to smoking multiple cigarettes. I imagine that cancer causing agents, and other chemicals either have an enhanced effect, or the marijuana itself adds to the damage.I have also heard that marijuana can result in brain damage, or perhaps equally as bad, makes you stupid ;).As for legalization, I do not really care. I think that if someone decides to smoke marijuana they should be allowed to do so. After all, there is much more harmful materials available, such as alcohol.

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Well my opinion on it is that, weed is only addictive mentally not physically. So if you do it or wish to do it or want to quit you can do it with will power no additional help such as nicotine patches which some smokers use to get rid of there addiction for smoking.

Plenty of people give up smoking using their will power alone, and plenty of people can't give up cannabis using their will power alone. The UK government, for example, is certain that you can't get addicted to it, but a large number of people believe that you can get addicted to the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol, or the effects of it. If you become addicted to the chemical, then surely that is further evidence that it is a 'physical' addiction rather than a 'mental' one?

If you compare weed to alcohol and cigarettes you can see a clear difference. Weed is illegal and alcohol and cigarettes isn't, yet alcohol and cigarettes are addictive and cause more problems in our society today.

I disagree with alcohol and cigarettes causing more problems in society. Cigarettes, now we have a smoking ban in the UK, mean that if people want to smoke themselves to death in their own home then they can, without killing me in the process. The main social problem of smokers creating a horrible atmosphere for other people has gone. Alcohol is becoming an increasing problem, and the related problems of drink driving, drunk and disorderly behaviour, things like that. However, cannabis often drives people to commit all sorts of other crimes to fund their addiction. You very rarely hear of people breaking into a house to fund their next pint of beer, but all too often they are funding an illegal drug habit. Whether it is a strong addiction, and they will do whatever it takes to keep it up, or a desensitisation to crime after taking illegal drugs, I'm not sure, but that is a much bigger problem.

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Yeah weed is additing far more tha cigerate.many people havetried to deny the fcat but it kept on remains the truth.many reserch have been conducted on the smokers and it was found that those that started smorking it at 20's does not give it up even till late 60's.some people whoa are smokers of weed have kept on swiming dipper into it even when on tries to stop it.Drug enforcers have voiced plain that it is very addictive.I dont think it have any metal effect but I have seen a situation were are smoker got mad for a reason yet unknown tome.

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Well I would have to say no that its not addicting, I have smoker on and off since I was about 14 yrs old yes I was not the best child. I have not smoked personally in a couple years but when I was smoking I smoked alot and never had any trouble quitting. I would after a few months or a year or so say Im done for a while and that was it I wouldnt crave it once in a while I would miss it but thats about it. now ciggarettes that is a diiferent story for me I have been addicted for many years and wish I would have never started I have tried so many times to quit and it has not worked for me, I know the best way is not with drugs it is with just sheer will power and i consider myself to be a very strong willed person but I just cant seem to kick this awful habit.

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Weed is not addicting physically as I know, but if you become a weed smoker and you like it, you can and need to smoke much more than others, people I know who smoked weed over 1-2 years got quite dumb, I really see that, when they are normal, they seem normal, they drink some alcohol or smoke some weed, they get more stupid and do stupid things and talk more stupid than before, so I guess it's stupid to smoke weed for quite a lot.Drinking is also a big problem, but for example, in Egypt and similar countries, people don't drink alcohol there and they don't have the problem with drunk drivers and etc. but as I know they occasionally smoke something, hashish or some other stuff which gets them high, so I don't know even what to say, I guess everything is bad if it's to much, you have to do something else to and not only get high or drunk every weekend or else you get stupid :)

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many people sing the praises of weed, dont know if its true but i believe if you suffer a lot of pain, like joints, then they say pot can ease it. I dont know enough about this subject to make an in-depth comment, but it must be illegal for some reason, and what i can see makes it worse is that you have to roll it with tobacco to smoke it, that in itself will kill you even if weed was some wonder drug. I have it heard it said though about pot, that it can damage your mind, make you paranoid with prolonged use, and thats not good

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Well this is a debate that could go for a few pages tbhIn my own experience it wasnt smoking the marijuana that was addicting it was the high and the social highthat it brought me, for example a sunday :I would awake about 1 -2 in the afternoon after being out all night and there would be friends about so we would start smoking marijuana straight away and all get the giggles and high and because we were all recovrring from abusing our bodies one way or the other the night before we socially accepted each other and it enhanced our social aspects during the day...But then again I would wake up on a monday morning and smoke a joint and have a bad high because I would then go into work with all these *straight heads* and have to cope with being so monged from a few splifs on the way in that it was depressiveto be honest if you ask a pot smoker while he is smoking it wether it is harmful / addictive he will laugh away your challenges but just ask one of the many people in rehabilitation with skunk psychosis and it is a different story all together...I realsie that during my hayday of smoking weed it did become an addiction but only through the social and high aspects not the physical....but the pysichal and mental effets do not always appear straight away...but as has been said further up we illegalise a plant that has been used for medical reasons by all goverments at one point or another, for pties sake look at the uk goverment as soon as china delegalised opium we started waging wars on them, as soon as the goverment has worked out a way of making the most possible profit out of it they will legalise it but until that point they wont....Honestly coming from an experienced smoker most police dont think it should be illegal and i know 1 or 2 that actually admit to smoking it socialyanyway thats my ran over :)I hope I have enlightened you in some way

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The worst thing about weed though for me, is that it smells so bad, i was in the local indian take away the other day and there were a few young people smoking it like it was just nothing, and it did smell awful. a few people actually went outside to get away from the smell, which must be bad if you can smell it against all that indian curry... :)

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I suppose it depends on opinion I myself love the smell of a really fruity weed but then again it is like a fine wine *cough*Some wines i dont like the smell and taste of others i doSome people can be called conisuers of marijuana

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This is Toxik. Speakin on behalf of cemetary records.Is marijuana addicting?well. tell me...is television addicting?are high calorie foods adicting?Fact is everything that pleasures the mind body and spirit are addicting.marijuana being a innocent plant that is constantly demonized by the government and press.Marijuana does not kill nor does it provoke murder.In fact the most fatal part of marijuana or any luxury is the money involved.Money is really wat should be demonized.In this country money not even realMarijuana is addicting only to the mind.Where as cigarettes are more addicting to the habit.You could go cold turkey without smoking marijuanna. (pot, weed, grass, bud, doja, jeeber, reefer, cannabis, dat *BLEEP*in good *BLEEP*.).In Conclusion, Marijuana has alotta benafits to the common human being. and thats wat we all are. This so called god created us, just as he created a plant.Now, wats more harmless than a plant?Why is ok to drop bombs on other but illegal to make glass water pipes?questions like these are constantly examined by the world's finest.So wen next time tradgedy happens the next time sad story on the news is told.Don't demonize and look down upon thy plant.its just a plant.FREEDOM!!!!would have no withdrawls.

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well ofcourse it has chemicals for one that are not really good for you.. :Pbut I smoke weed all the time for almost 8 years now.. :D and i still love it! ofcourse been smoking less as before cause I have to work now.but in terms of harmful things for you, you think the food you eat everyday has ALL healthy contents in it? so what makes marijauna worst? ..ofcourse you get too stoned and lazy to work..(i learned my lesson.) but we can ALWAYS BE A RESPONSIBLE TOKER. :)

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Cannabis is not addictive because it does not contain any opiates.However, Cannabis can become addictive mentally. It's easy to break from mental addiction vs. physical addiction, so there's no real harm or foul with Pot.It's an amazing herb. I'm sick and tired of people viewing it so negatively. It's a painkiller, mood-lifter, and meditative herb. It's a heck of a lot safer than the painkillers they hand you over the counter.No one has ever died from an OD of Cannabis. Ever.

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