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Coffin coffin for your dead body

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I've thought that it's a interesting thing to discuss as long as some have after death wishes...I saw a movie with that made me think that I would choose a dark red coffin for my burial..I don't know if my wish will come true or not, as long as I'm dead but I hope it will not come true too soon ;))

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Coffins, to me, are just a waste of money. People only see it once, then it will be buried. ( Part that is a waste. )I would however, if needed, the cheapest one possible. ( Be light on the finances of who's paying. )

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I would have to agree...seriously I am not going to know what I am resting on when I die so if it is a small wood box as compared to a cotton linning who cares? The coffin industry is a big scam actually if you ask me. They make up these sentimental stories about taking care of your loved ones then they go off throw em in a box and burry a hole flop em down in it and pile on the dirt and how much money do they make for this?

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Well, if you actually believen those things, then a person might actually spend a lot of their money doing so. They'll spend thousands on coffins, ceremonies, and payy for people to dig holes.If I dont believen those things, I would still buy a coffin, just for the sake of t. I mean, it IS their final resting place.If you dont have the money--- I'd probably try to buy the cheapest coffin, or the most expensive wooden box (less than a coffin).

Edited by harrison858 (see edit history)

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Coffins are a rip off. Seriously they're dead I don't think they care if it's a good coffin or not. It costs enough money as is for someone to come dig a hole. Personally I would rather have a cheap coffin and a cool looking gravestone because thats the part people see.

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I never thought about it that way, but it's true... why not spend the extra money on a better looking gravestone instead of the coffin? Since it is the only thing that would be seen after the fact, that would definitely make more sense. Still, with the idea that the coffin is the final resting place of a person's body after they've passed away, that's why I think people spend all the extra money so that it's nice. I couldn't imagine spending less on a coffin, because I would feel somehow that I didn't honour the dead enough to give them the best. I also couldn't imagine the kind of hurt that it would bring to family members that would have to see someone they loved lying in a cheap wooden box during the viewing. It would seem sad that the person would have to spend the rest of their un-life in such a box.I'm guessing it's the sentimental fools such as myself that keep the coffin business the money-maker that is has become.

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