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Webmail Server Script

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Hi Guys!

A friend of mine came to me asking me to help him write code for his server so that his clients can go on his site and create a webmail account. I told him I'm not a programmer but I googled the subject. I ran into SquirrelMail and was impressed with what it could do. Going through the documentation I saw this

There are only two requirements for SquirrelMail:

A web server with PHP installed. PHP needs to be at least 4.1.0.

Access to an IMAP server which supports IMAP 4 rev 1.

I have php5 running on my XPproSP3 but I don't know if I have the other thing. How do I check if I have it?

Is it one of the defaults on XP?

What about this:

Configuring PHP


Without the PHP gettext extension you lose in performance.

The PHP mbstring extension is required for translations that use multibyte or character sets but ISO-8859-1. Without the PHP mbstring extension the interface will remain usable, but some internationalization features and fixes won't be enabled. It's a must if you want to read and write Japanese emails, and users who whish to do that must also set their language option to Japanese.

The PHP XML extension is required if the DIGEST-MD5 authentication is used.

Do I have it in php5? Forgive me if I'm asking silly questions. I'm a novice.


Does anyone know anything better than SquirrelMail? Is saw a number at hotscripts but choosing one is just like throwing a dice. We don't want to gamble because he wants to do it for a paying client.

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By "the other thing" I guess you mean the IMAP server? If you are running this on your local machine, then no, you probably don't. You will need to search around for an IMAP server you can run on Windows XP, and then download, install and configure it.

However, if you are running this on your hosting at Xisto, you can use the IMAP server for Xisto (details in the Readme). That will allow you to manage your email accounts on Xisto.

As for the PHP extensions, you will need to create a PHP file and put the following into it:


Open that file in your browser and it will tell you which extensions you have. If you are missing one then you will need to download and install it as per the instructions provided with the extension.

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Thanx rvalkass for such a fast reply. It was so comprehensive. but it seems the more the info I get the more I get confused. Searching for the IMAP server I found myself stuck here. I believe what I need is here but I just can't figure out which file to download. I opened the /windows directory and ended up with a .exe file, which is what I was looking for. Idon't like the unzip and configure kind of installation. When I opened the install.txt what I read there showed me that this could be some client software for the guys at Washington University.

Should thing be so hard?

Isn't this something most pple need?

Is it supposed to be readily available?

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