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Phobias What are you afraid of?

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I'm afraid of hurting myself or getting hurt, afraid of change, afraid of loss. But my most normal phobia is fear of the dark. Although I don't require a nightlight or anything to go to sleep, I don't like waking up and having everything dark. I also don't like partially open doors. If a door is slightly open, it makes me feel weird. I'll close it all the way and go back to what I'm doing. I'm proud to say I'm not afraid of animals (I love them all!). I can tolerate reptiles and insects alike. I may severely dislike certain creatures but it's not a phobia of mine. Come on, I grew up in Houston and India. You've got to be used to bugs by then!

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Hi, I don't really have any fears or phobias, but if I had too say any then I would say heights. Like you said I always confront fears, so I don't let it stop me. If there is a high roller coaster for instance, then I will go on it, and if there is a tall ladder then I would just climb it, just to say 'it aint stopping me', but to be honest i've got over it pretty much now. I don't have a problem with heights anymore.

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I have a very odd fear.I'm not really afraid of being stabbed.But I'm really afraid of being stabbed in the belly button.I don't know why its any different, I just think that would suck.It freaks me out, even if someone else messes with there own belly button.I just can't watch it.-Wiggles

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I have a very strange one...I think I have a legitimate fear of dental appointments. No joke. I get physically sick to the stomach every time I'm in there. It seems disgraceful, but it's the truth...I don't like sharp objects and weird tasting substances making their way in and out of my mouth. The last time I went I came out bleeding profusely...What a way to help tame my fear!

Nothing personal man but I'd dearly love to be the guy ahead of you in the dentist's waiting room. If I knew, I'd have moaned in pain, gnashed my teeth or let out a bloodcurdling scream for something as minor as oral prophylaxis. I don't like dentists either but they're usually not ones I'd like to get into an argument with; they can easily get their own back along with surgeons and hairstylists.


Still, I doubt it qualifies as fear. I think I'm pretty much a normal person. I'm not afraid of heights where there's no danger involved. I mean, if I were on the 60th floor, I can comfortably look out a tall glass window. However, put me on a tightrope at the same height and, well... let's just say things take on a strangely different angle.


Really, I guess I only have mortal fear of one thing, which I'm not even sure exists, which makes it even creepier. Of course, I'm not gonna divulge it but I guess you could compare it to a kid in fear of the Boogeyman. If the thing is real, all the more reason to fear it. Thing is, I'm not sure if it's real and it's not as nonsense as the Boogeyman.


Ah, never mind. I'm not sharing anyway :)

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I think the lighter term they use now is "anxiety disorder" since phobia was a bit...frightening :)I don't like small, coffined places which makes me claustrophobic and I also don't like being on high buildings (it's not a phobia, it's just something I don't like).

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Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest *BLEEP* in the valley.Ok, ok, I'm a little creeped out by spiders. And maybe public speaking. I'd actually like to run for President, but standing in front of all those people makeing speachs would be a real gut twister. But seriously, there are some weird phobia's here.

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Yeah I seen weird phobias, occasionally Muary would do a show about fears and I tell this if your afriad of jello and the way it wiggle you need to be in a white coat.

As for fears you could say depending on my mood these three fears are basically one in the same Gerascophobia, Chronophobia, and Thanatophobia.

Fear of getting old, fear of time, and fear of dying.

Individually they don't do anything to me but together they can really screw with my mind, and especially when I go through my bouts of depression they make me the weakest. Yeah I joke about getting old in the forums and stuff and to people I talk to MSN, but with the way my mind works its hard to beat it sometimes and it takes days for it to finally pass before I am back to normal (well normal for me that is)

And no waving a clock in my face won't do anything to get me going nor talking about it so don't bother trying :).

Although I don't consider it a fear because I can when I need to an that is talk in front of groups, I dread doing it but sometimes miracles happen and I can get through it just fine.

Of course if I were to browse through this website on list of phobia's I bet I could connect a few more to my name.

I got one Postaphobia - fear of posting on forums :)

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Yeah, I've noticed that I have a ridiculous fear. I joke about it a lot but it manages to ruin my life during Christmas times (when its shown on TV) and when I browse around in video game stores and DVD stores. My phobia is of Steven Spielberg's E.T. I can't help it, if I see it, even a small action figure or toy I freak out and in worst case scenarios I burst into tears, though thankfully it's getting better now, but I'm trying to conquer my fear :)-reply by Rikku

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fears and stuff



I have a terrible fear of needles/surrenges and scaple knives


Like just even people discussing about stabs or tiny cuts makes me get kind of sick to my stomach


In school, we were watching this movie about meth, and it kept showing them stabbing their arms with needles and I had to leave the room


I also have an extreme fear of ladders and ferris wheels

Like I'm not afraid to be on a tall building but for some reason I can't go near those two


Even those tiny kiddie ladders you use if you're short (like me) and I just FREAK out man


I don't like spiders or tight spaces but I think I just don't like them they're not scary enough to be phobias ya know?


-reply by Bloompie

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fears again



I forgot to mention I'm also deathly afraid of like dead people or zombies in particular


Like its kinda weird cuz I can watch scary movies and I'm not afraid of dead animals and stuff


But I cannot go anywhere near haunted corn mazes or houses that they have in october or go to haunted attractions I freak out like crazy to the point of tears


I can't even entirely play zombie video games I get so freaked out

But I like zombie films I dunno if these count as phobias or not but yea


-reply by Bloompie

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Claustrophobia: Fear of crowded areas or small places.


I have the worst fear of small spaces.Crowded areas isn't that bad for me, as being from one of the most populated countries on the team I can handle a mess of people XD. But the fact is that some times it gets hectic and if I were to have been born in America without the exposure I had before, I would probably be afraid of crowds too. But the main subject of fear in my eyes is that of small places. Now this may be hard to imagine, but picture you being trapped in a small opening in a cave, with no room to move, just a dim bit of light that is soon taken away with a few more falling rocks. It's not fully the fact that I couldn't move that scared me, but I would hate being hopeless and bound to die a slow death. Not very cheery I know, but hey the topic is about phobias.




Now I have another one that I can't seem to find a word for it but I'll use:


Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things.


Firstly, I am not afraid of death to myself more than the next person. It's just an end and I agree that I'd have to leave some time or another, I won't hide the fact that if I am doomed to die, I wouldn't panic, I would just ... die O_O But what I fear is other people I know dying. It's not so much the fact that they were killed or stopped breathing, it's the idea that they no longer exist. When my grandma died, I spent nights thinking about how someone I could just picture in my head would not NEVER exist in the same world as me. I have a very hard time dealing with permanence, any type of decision that is irreversible draws a sense of hesitance in me, and death is the granddaddy of all permanent decisions. I also had a hard time when the likes of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit left us, God bless their souls, because I could not get over the fact that they would never be. Hard to explain yes, but it's true all the same.



Ornithophobia: Fear of birds.


I am afraid of all types of birds. I can't honestly say I can live in the immediate presence of any type, species or gender of bird without being unlimitedly uncomfortable. Why? I hate the idea of birds, I hate the fact that they are these little things with winds that flap so wildly and hit against each other. Now I'm not saying I hate birds, they are fun. Birds = great. Birds + Me = Doom. I think this started when at my home (India) birds used to enter and fly around. I used to be petrified by them just hovering over me. This became even worse when I saw dead birds. The splattered guts and spread out feathers disgusts me so much that I am regretting making this post as I type T_T. Now say this fear of birds dead and alive was portrayed in degree by the amount X. My fears became Googleplex(X)^2 when my friend ran over a bird while he was driving around in a parking lot. Never give a sophomore the keys to a car, and never let someone morbidly afraid of birds sit by when you run over one.






Nice topic >_> Now I need to go sit in a corner and rid my self of these goose bumps!

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Has anyone seen the new Indiana Jones movie? It was interesting because I went with two friends and all three of us had phobias of something in that movie. One of my friend's is afraid of bugs, you should have seen him jump from his seat during the gigantic ant scene. LOL. Another is afraid of snakes. 'nuf said. :D And I am afraid of aliens. I know that doesn't sound like a legit fear, but I think I must have been abducted or something. j/k?? I'm not one of those crazy people who go around wearing aluminum foil on their heads. But for an example: A couple years ago, I got off work very late. I was living with 2 roommates at the time, both asleep. I turned on the TV and started watching a movie that was on TV that I had never seen. It was "Signs". I was not expecting the scene where they were watching the news and running behind the kids was an alien. "Its behind!" AAAAAH. I jumped up screaming and ran into one of my roommates room and woke them up. LOL. I have never lived that one down.

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