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Why Does Hillary Get More Press Than Ron Paul? Arent they both in the same boat?

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Ron Paul needs an act of God to win the nomination, and receives no press coverage. Hillary also needs an act of God to win the nomination, yet she gets the most press of all candidates. Obviously, Hillary is owned by the right people.What say you?

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Although I don't really care that much about the US elections, so I wouldn't really know the answer to the question, my guess would be that Hilary's would be the first female president and she's an ex-President's wife so she's a lot easier to make a fuss over, hence the increased attention. What I do find funny about it all is that if Hilary gets elected, the last four presidents would be Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. Aren't you glad you live in a democracy? :lol:

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Who is Ron Paul? That pretty sums up this guy and what are you talking about, the republicans already had their nomination months ago with John McCain. So yeah Ron Paul never had a chance just because no one knows him except for like 3 people; you, WM and Misa and thats it.

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Interesting. Actually the conservatives at my school are all for Ron Paul. I think there's still a pro-Ron Paul group. :lol: He seems like a nice guy and really close to my almost-libertarian views, but I think Hillary's previous political influence carried her through in this case.@electriic ink: Well, we don't live in a democracy. We live in a republic. If it becomes a crowned republic, so be it. The Most Serene Republic of Venice was one and it existed for a thousand years. ... that being said, I don't like the looks of it.

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Who is Ron Paul? That pretty sums up this guy and what are you talking about, the republicans already had their nomination months ago with John McCain. So yeah Ron Paul never had a chance just because no one knows him except for like 3 people; you, WM and Misa and thats it.

Surprise, surprise. Ron Paul is still running. He only has about 8% of the vote, but he's still campaigning for the nomination. If that surprises you, that's my point! The media stopped covering him because he could only win by some fluke like McCain having a heart attack or something. Hillary can't win. Technically, she hasn't been mathematically eliminated yet, but it's close. I just think some very powerful people in the media are keeping the cameras on her, hoping for a miracle.

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Hillary received much more media coverage because she was a much more viable mainstream candidate. Ron Paul might be popular with some groups of people, but even they will admit that most of his ideas definitely do not fit into mainstream public views. I'm not arguing for one over the over (to tell you the truth I don't like either of them all that much), but Hillary Clinton had a broader appeal to the US populace. Ron Paul has a very vocal base, but Hillary Clinton had the backing of a much larger group of people, as well as the Clinton name brand left over from her husband's presidency. I think that Ron Paul probably could have used more media coverage, and should have received it, but from the media's point of view they could address a larger number of people by talking about Hillary.

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Chillary has her own image to fight. The Americans know the Clintons all too well. Their memories are short, but not that short. She hasn't been as successful at re-building her image in the public eye as she'd like.Ron Paul is the only candidate who's willing to discuss the real issues and offer real solutions. The Main Stream Media (MSM) is controlled by foreign banking cartel interests (See their board of directors for a list) who can't let someone like him win an election in the U.S. Dr. Paul wants to abandon the fiat money the Federal Reserve prints from thin air and revert to the gold and silver standard that we had up to 1913. You know, the one that actually worked... Just after it was replaced the country and much of the world experienced a massive depression. Nothing like the one that's about to hit us, but very nasty none the less. Dr. Paul's new book, "Revolution: A Manifesto" is number one NY Times best sellers non-fiction right now which is garnering him new media attention. Don't listen to Mike. He shouldn't be commenting on political stuff since he's so dis-interested. The National Republican Convention isn't until September (labor day weekend?) in St. Paul, MN. (A good omen, we hope) The Washington State convention is at the end of May and I'm a Delegate elected to represent my county. We'll be there in force, overwhelming the Neo-Cons. Should be a good time. Remember, it ain't over till the Fat Lady sings...

Edited by Watermonkey (see edit history)

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My thanks to the topic starter for opening up a timely issue whose ramifications are absolutely HUGE. Whatever affects America, affects the rest of the world. One really need look no further than ownership of major media to understand why Patriot and Constitutionalist Ron Paul is being censored and shut out for mass consumption. Nary ten years ago, dozens of corporations had their hands in the mass media pie. Now, you can count them on one hand. I'm sure you're all familiar with the term, "absolute power corrupts, absolutely." Something similar is afoot with "our" media, in as much it's been consolidated down to five or six major players who answer to powerful world cartels. Guess who sits on the board of directors for mega media hotshots the likes of Time Warner? International bankers, that's who. The same ruthless cut-throats who own and operate the so-called "Federal" reserve that's destroying the American Dollar and bringing about the next great depression (by design), delivered via puppet Greenspan and his latest incarnation of mayhem.


To bring this more into focus, Congressman Ron Paul wants to eradicate the corrupt Federal Reserve and replace our fiat currency with something sound and tangible. Gold was our standard before the Fed slithered it's insiduous way into the system and turned America from the greatest Empire the world has ever known into a debter nation of less-than-sovereign status. John F. Kennedy was gunned down for the very same reason. He was a learned economist who understood the dark road the Federal Reserve was leading us down, and he was murdered for his desire to eliminate the Federal Reserve. The banking cartel replaced him with pro-fed President Johnson.


Ron Paul is dangerous to the power brokers for two reasons. Firstly, he wants to restore our sovereign monetary system by eliminating the Federal Reserve and replacing it with something that actually serves the citizens rather than suck them dry. Secondly, his support comes from the grassroots level. Meaning that his movement stems from the will of the people, and not a goverment (i.e. international banking cartel) inspired propaganda campaign like Clinton-Obama-McCain. I spell out these names as one unit because if you vote for one, you vote for all. There is no difference. They are all handled by elite banking cartel forces with strong ties to Globalist entities who seek to draw the United States into a North American Union with Canada and Mexico via elite organizations affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations. They're so trustworthy they keep their minutes hidden from the populations they claim to serve. So - now you understand why our corrupt bank-owned media censors Ron Paul, the only true voice of the people.

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Ron Paul, what a Joke!

Why Does Hillary Get More Press Than Ron Paul?


Replying to Watermonkey


Ron Paul is a racist, isolationist, and the type of person we DON"T want in office. The only people stupid enough to vote for him are, surprise, people in orange county, CA.

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