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Means Of Ubuntu

Ubuntu is an African word meaning 'Humanity to others', or 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world.

What Is Ubuntu ?

Ubuntu is and always will be free of charge. You do not pay any licensing fees. You can download, use and share Ubuntu with your friends, family, school or business for absolutely nothing.

About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need - a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more.

Free Ubuntu CD

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Notice from jlhaslip:
Marginal on the cut and paste standards. https://www.ubuntu.com/

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Using ubuntu-xp seamless with the sun xVM virtualBox is amazing, its like having an operating system made up of ubuntu and windows at the same time. This is an awesome way to use both operating systems... no need to dualboot anymore. All you need is to install the guest operating system (either windows or ubuntu) into the virtual machine (sun xVM VirtualBox is free) and a couple of programs into the host operating system to transmit data to and from the virtualBox. Look for videos in youtube..

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You should state there's three types, Full, Alternative, and Live CD. Also You should state that you need to burn an iso to a CD/DVD and then boot it and install it to the hard drive, some people might also skip this because they do not understand Linux, you should say that you can Dual Boot.

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Ive never really looked into other operating systems, and for that reason I don't think I ever will unless they prove that they are more useful than using an apple or windows based system. Don't get me wrong, I've taken a glimpse and read up about what these systems have to offer, but its just that I don't think they offer the same amount of features and security that windows and apple does. Unless you pay money for an operating system IMO its not really worth you're time. Unless that is you really think that an free operating system is what you are looking for, I'm just advising that they aren't as reliable.

Edited by savge17 (see edit history)

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Ive never really looked into other operating systems, and for that reason I don't think I ever will unless they prove that they are more useful than using an apple or windows based system.

Ubuntu, and most other Linux distributions, can do everything a Windows PC or Apple Mac can. The difference is that you get all that functionality, and more, for free. Updates, for life, are also free. Linux also boots much faster than a Windows or Apple Mac system, uses less memory to do equivalent tasks, and is much more secure that either a Mac or Windows system. Does that make Linux more useful?

Don't get me wrong, I've taken a glimpse and read up about what these systems have to offer, but its just that I don't think they offer the same amount of features and security that windows and apple does.

Windows, on its own, has very few useful features. You have to buy an image editing application, an office suite, email software, games, audio software, video editing software... Everything. On a Mac there are a few more little features in the OS, but you still have to pay for most of the same stuff. Yes, they may bundle it, but by no means does that mean it is free. On Linux, all that functionality is built in, pre-installed or freely available to install with one click of the mouse! Surely that beats Mac/Windows?

As for security, Linux is inherently more secure than Windows. Random applications on Windows have so much access it is laughable, and the current system in Vista goes way too far with annoying you for absolutely zero added security. Apple Mac is built on UNIX, so has similar security to Linux - they are pretty much as secure as each other.

Unless you pay money for an operating system IMO its not really worth you're time. Unless that is you really think that an free operating system is what you are looking for, I'm just advising that they aren't as reliable.

And this is what is wrong with most peoples' perceptions. For some reason people believe that if you pay for something it must instantly be better. Price does not correlate to quality. Windows Vista costs Ł320.08. I have four computers in my house, so that is a total cost of Ł1280.32 just to get Vista on them all! I would be paying Ł1280.32 for a slow, insecure, unreliable, feature-lacking, locked-down operating system when I can use Linux and get a better operating system and save myself that Ł1280.32. Mac OS X Leopard is Ł85 each, or Ł129 for five licences. That is still Ł129 you never need to pay!

As for reliability, how often does Windows crash?!?!? A large number of servers around the world run Linux because it is more stable, more secure and more powerful.

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i once tried ubuntu by registering and after a month stacks of live and install cd's arrived via post..it's interface is meager and not showy as compared to apple's and microsoft's.. however it is exremely fast and responsive..i hope windows can produce operating systems like this

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it's interface is meager and not showy as compared to apple's and microsoft's.. however it is exremely fast and responsive..i hope windows can produce operating systems like this

I started typing a post for this entire thread but mainly replying to this part of EngrJanze's post when I suddenly realized it seemed very familiar, then I realized I was basically typing out the same thing that I did in a post a few weeks ago. So to save myself the trouble of typing this out again I'm just going to quote the top points of my previous post:

[...] if I had to choose a favorite [Operating System] it would be Ubuntu. Just because of the fact that linux is so customizable you can make the GUI look any way you want without being limited what some big corporation thinks your GUI should be. Thats what an OS is meant to be anyway. Functional and how you want it to feel. Mac and windows actually force their GUI onto you even if you don't like it.

Now going back to EngrJayze's post... First of all why do you want linux to conform and have a pretty GUI and all that other flashy stuff? The point of an operating system is to be functional, stable, and useful. Being "pretty" should not be a major concern. It may be to some and it may not be to others. And the some that do like their OS to have pretty GUI (like me), should be able to make it look how they want too. With Linux you can do this. Even If you have no programming experience you can still download premade GUI enhancers and modify them to you're liking, for example Compiz. Now getting back on track here. Yes I do think Mac os X's GUI looks nice, and it is a stable and good operating system, but I have to go through a lot to actually modify it. Sure they keep all of the system images where users can find them and modify them, which is more than I can say about windows... Edited by galexcd (see edit history)

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