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Seeking A Better Host Why I came to Trap17

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Greetings, all.My name is Josh, and I call myself the Blue Ink Alchemist. I'm an aspiring novelist, a web developer, and a gamer to the bone. Currently, my domain of blueinkalchemy.com is hosted with Microsoft's OfficeLive. However, since I'm interested in implementing solutions that involve PHP and MySQL, and Micro$oft, of course, is too $afe to involve open-source things like that.So, here I am. I plan on looking around, posting, and responding. I hope to get to know a lot of you in the days and weeks ahead!

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Sounds like you will like it here. Hosting is awesome. Forums are great. Nice, helpful bunch of folks, always willing to help and share their experiences and expertise.Please take the time to read the Xisto Readme file, or simply use some good netiquette and you should do fine around here.Looking forward to reading your postings.

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Hello Josh aka:BlueInkAlchemist Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA.


As JL has already said, you have come to the right place. Hosting here is one of the best on the net, especially since it is free to those who post on a regular basis. Get to know all you need to know about Trap 17 and you will do just fine. You can use the links just above my sig to learn all about Trap 17.


See you around the boards. :lol:

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Welcome to Xisto Josh, nice to meet you. :lol:

Oh yeah, you are going to fit in just fine...


Seeking a better host? You have came to the right place! The hosting is awesome, as others has said before me. An important thing here is to write good, quality posts. The amount of credits you get depends on that, not on the number of post you make. One-liners are considered as spam, and will probably be deleted.


If you have any questions just ask me, one of the many other helpful members or take a look in the Xisto README.


Good luck. Looking forward to seeing you around. :)

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Welcome aboard Josh. Hope to see ya around on the boards, just a reminder though posting on the forums is usually needed to keep active, and to keep the hosting active since forum posts are done through credits by the amount typed. As others said, the post has to be of good quality and not of the "spam" type (eg one liners or one-two word only posts are usually deleted and the poster given a reminder or warning) for it to be counted.

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