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Study Abroad Or Go To College In A Foreign Country Which to choose?

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Hello there,Someday when I become an adult, I'd love to move to France. College would be my first opportunity to travel to this beautiful country, but I'm unsure of which option to pick. I could pick an American college and choose to study abroad for a semester in France or I could attend a French college. European colleges are cheaper than American colleges, so that is a plus; however, it costs a lot of money to commute between America and France during holidays and vacations. Does anyone here have a suggestion on which would be a better choice for realistic, financial, etc reasons? I'd appreciate the suggestions.

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Well, college is cheaper over there, but usually not for foreign students. My suggestion would be to go to a state university, and then study abroad. In-state tuition is usually relatively cheap, and if you qualify there is usually a lot of financial aid. I have a friend attending WSU (Washington State University) who is currently studying apparel design and merchandising (ie: fashion) in Florence, Italy. There are a lot of good study abroad programs, so I think that would probably be your best bet. Of course, if you decide you love it over there you could probably transfer to that school in France as well, after studying abroad there.

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Thank you for the advice. And state universities are just as good as MIT, Princeton, etc? Now, I don't know much about the study abraod programs and what they entail. Are there choices you can pick in your selection besides where you would like to go and study?

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I would say that it really depends on where you live, in my case, I live in Mexico. What I have chosen to do was study my bachelor degree here, work a couple of years, travel a little after that while I look for a good place to do a masters degree (I would like to go and live in Europe for 6 months to see If I like it there to stay, work and study, Canada and Australia are also good options that I have in mind). If you like France I would highly recommend that you study in your country at the moment and study a semester abroad like you said.

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about to go franceStudy Abroad Or Go To College In A Foreign Country

 woow...I really need your help!!

 I already got the admission of a university in france ,and now ,at 26th dec ,I have a interview for get a visa to go france!

 I'm a chinese study,and 19 years old ,and about that interview ,I know they care about why you go to france and not go usa ,uk ,germany etc,and your answer must relate to your subject in that university and the french!

guys ,can you you help me? I really need ,give me some advise ok?  thank you so much!


P.S. Who has experience about the interview to get the visa?



-reply by Elle Wang

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