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Installing Custom Fonts...

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Is there any way to install custom fonts? Like I've got a few fonts here that I would like to install for my website. Is there any way to install them? So how can I install them? Would it even be possible to install them?

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the PCMag article describes how to embed custom fonts with the web pages. But this solution is not supported by all the browsers. for instance IE will not support PFR where as Mozilla will not support WEFT. There is no general font embedding technology.

But you've solutions where you replace the text you want in custom font with image replacement and flash replacement techniques.

sIFR which stands for "Scalable Inman Flash Replacement" is a technique which replaces the text with custom font text embedded within a flash file that is generated dynamically. If javascript is disabled you'll not be able to see the text with custom fonts.

the other method is using image replacement with CSS. In this technique we place the text off the screen and put a image with the custom text in its place. The major draw back is that the user will not be able to select the text to copy.

so you need to choose the technique based on how you want the site to function :P

I'm ready to help you; in case if you need :lol:

sIFR example
Image replacement technique examples,

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Of course the other catch using other fonts is that other people need to have them for them to be displayed, however, it would seem that CSS3 is now fixing that little problem. Although this document is like 6 years old, it would seem that if you implement CSS3 coding into your text it would make my last statement untrue.

Here is a list I believe to be current on what fonts you can use regardless if you have them installed on your computer.

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lalalla.. well for me i just change the css [oh sr mike dood (: i used the word css (:] the stylesheet should say somewhere font: or something, and i change the name to the font i want and BAM its there.. i dont know if everyone is able to see them, or if its just me [i use fonts that i downloaded and installed on my computer] (: haha dont listen to me, it might not work ahaha.. it works for my website & myspace though!



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It works for you because you have the fonts installed on your machine. A client that does not have those fonts installed will see your page with another font instead of the specified one.That is also a good reason to declare several fonts in a font css rule, and the last one in the list should be a 'generic' font.

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