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What Is Happy Slapping something about crime

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happy slapping is new phenomena in this age.
i know this term when i read the news about some boys and a girl
kill one person victim unsuspect.
but what make different is
the girls was record that attacker with mobile phone or smartphone
just for documentation
but usualy that documentation was upload
in clip website like youtube.com
for narcism

when she was capturing by police
she say..we are just happy slapping.
what d..
for more information :

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In a nutshell: Happy slapping is the art of a group or even just one person beating the crap out of someone and videoing it on camera which is sick... Youtube used to get problems with people posting happy slapping videos on there it was on the news and everything!

Edited by kobra500 (see edit history)

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Slapping a random person (they can be on the bus, walking down the street, whatever) whilst recording the act with a video camera phone. It's a very unfortunate London phenomenon. Attackers are usually yoots (ghetto versions of chavs) thinking they are rudeboys. Victims are usually boys around the same age as the attackers, but it's not unknown for victims to be older, or even women. Sometimes the tables are turned, as there are videos going around where the attacker is happy slapped by the victim. More power to the victims, I say. The act is totally random, so be on the lookout for a group of pussified yoots pointing their camera phone (that their mum bought) at you.Its a SICK SICK craze, pursued by youngsters. It involves a gang of youths going up to random people in public or in school and physically victimising them when they least expect it. Meanwhile, one of the gang members is busy filming the violence and stupididity with a video phone, for the gang to laugh at. It is horrible and terrifying for the innocent victim;Hilarious for the sad gang.

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Happy slapping is funyn when it's done to someone else, but hurts alot when done to you. I think 100% of all schools have banned Happy Slapping and you can get in serious trouble for taking part in Happy Slapping. That includes commiting the Happy slap, recording the happy slap or simply encouraging happy slapping.

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Wow... that's just disgusting and totally demented. I don't know why anyone would want to record or watch something like that...

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yes it's becoming a phenomenon in my country too. The sad thing is, the kids who are involved in it are usually young teens from 12 - 16. I think it makes them feel powerful and they can broadcast their 'power' to the rest of the world with the videos. But it really is a sick thing to do, and can be very traumatizing to the victim. Sites like youtube should ban happy slapping videos too.

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