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Directory Restricted? I cant edit one of my sites directories

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My website is split into two directories: "site", which is my main site's content, and "forum", which explains itself. The "site" directory is mostly filled with Joomla! files due to my website using the Joomla! CMS.Previously, I was able to upload templates and extensions to Joomla! without fail. However, since today whenever I've done either of these I just get "failed" messages. Unable to source it to a problem with Joomla, I tried to access the directories using FTP.I was able to access and rename all my directories using FTP, but whenever I tried to delete some of them, or change their CHMOD permissions, some directories failed to change, and I got "Permission Denied" errors. I then tried using CPanel's File Manager, and again I was able to access the directories, but if I deleted one, it would fail to go to the trash, and if I changed one's permissions, it would tell me "operation not permitted".Strangely, I have noticed this behaviour in only two directories - site/admin, and site/components - and their subdirectories, but all other directories behave normally. Actually, there is one other directory that acts wierdly for me too - I am unable to upload anything to the site/media directory, but I can still do everything else in it.What is going on? Can someone please help?

Edited by gameratheart (see edit history)

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I think, not sure, you gotta change the permission on those directories. Clikc on them, then change permissions, then tick everything. the numbers in the bottom row should be 777. This allows anyone to look at the directories. Use the Xisto cPanel, as I know from experience some FTP mangers don't always do permissions correctly.

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I think, not sure, you gotta change the permission on those directories. Clikc on them, then change permissions, then tick everything. the numbers in the bottom row should be 777. This allows anyone to look at the directories. Use the Xisto cPanel, as I know from experience some FTP mangers don't always do permissions correctly.

You have not read my post through to completion. I am unable to change the CHMOD permissions on the directories I mentioned - they always reset to 755 and I get "Permission Denied" errors. But that is just one of the problems. Please read more thoroughly next time.

Or, did I not make my post clear enough? I appologise if that is the case. Even though I have the literacy skills of a 12th Grader, I still fail to phrase complicated problems effectively.

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I am not certain about this, but there are differences between a directory/file that you create and those created by an Apache process. If the directory in question is created by a script, then the Apache server is the directory owner, so only an Apache script can chmod or delete the file (unless Apache 'chowns' the file to you, but that is a whole other can of worms).Just curious, but did you install the Joomla! yourself? or via fantastico?

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I am not certain about this, but there are differences between a directory/file that you create and those created by an Apache process. If the directory in question is created by a script, then the Apache server is the directory owner, so only an Apache script can chmod or delete the file (unless Apache \'chowns\' the file to you, but that is a whole other can of worms).


Just curious, but did you install the Joomla! yourself? or via fantastico?

I installed the Joomla! 1.0.13 package through Fantastico.


But, I doubt what you said is actually the problem. Only three of the directories used by Joomla are affected by this problem, and they themselves were working ok before today.


EDIT: Actually you may be on to something, jlhaslip. After careful examination, I realised that two of the three affected directories were in fact created by a mod I had used for Joomla. But that does not explain why I am unable to upload files to the /media directory (which was NOT created by the mod)...


I think I'm going to have to contact that mod's developers though. I actually uninstalled the mod that created those two directories, and it said in their help file that "in the event of a failed uninstall, you should be able to finish the job yourself by deleting the files created in the "/components" and "/administrator/components" directories <_<


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

Sorry for the double-post, but I thought it would be disorganised if I made this post part of the previous one.


I've discovered the problem. You were right, jlhaslip - as it turns out, my CPanel is denying me permissions to any file that was created using a script. But it is also blocking scripts that upload or create files from actually putting the files onto the server.


This is a problem as I have some modifications and skins for Joomla that can only be properly installed if uploaded and installed using Joomla's inbuilt "upload and install" scripts. It is also preventing me from uninstalling some of the mods. Is there a way to fix this problem?


Notice from truefusion:
Edited by gameratheart (see edit history)

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Not really certain, but I'm thinking that the joomla! forums might have an answer. Maybe?

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I've discovered the problem. You were right, jlhaslip - as it turns out, my CPanel is denying me permissions to any file that was created using a script.

It's not cPanel, but the Linux operating system running on the server. Files created by a script wouldn't have you as the owner, so you don't really get rights to them. Anyway, you've fixed that problem.

But it is also blocking scripts that upload or create files from actually putting the files onto the server.
This is a problem as I have some modifications and skins for Joomla that can only be properly installed if uploaded and installed using Joomla's inbuilt "upload and install" scripts. It is also preventing me from uninstalling some of the mods. Is there a way to fix this problem?

This will again be a permissions problem. To upload files, and to delete them, you need 0777 permissions on the relevant directories and files. The file upload directory will need to be CHMOD'd to 777 permanently, as you cannot tell when a file will be uploaded. You will also need to CHMOD all the relevant files to 777 when you try to upload and delete things using a script. For example, the folder where the themes are installed would need to be set to 777 to let you upload a theme using a script. At the moment, this looks like the only reason why it wouldn't work.

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It's not cPanel, but the Linux operating system running on the server. Files created by a script wouldn't have you as the owner, so you don't really get rights to them. Anyway, you've fixed that problem.

Actually, I haven't fixed the problem, I just know what it is now. I still can't figure out how to get rid of the two denied directories...
And obviously, I need to put more research into Linux. I should really learn about these things if I'm testing linux right now and am starting to think I should make it a default OS on my PC...

This will again be a permissions problem. To upload files, and to delete them, you need 0777 permissions on the relevant directories and files. The file upload directory will need to be CHMOD'd to 777 permanently, as you cannot tell when a file will be uploaded. You will also need to CHMOD all the relevant files to 777 when you try to upload and delete things using a script. For example, the folder where the themes are installed would need to be set to 777 to let you upload a theme using a script. At the moment, this looks like the only reason why it wouldn't work.

Sadly, that is not the case. Joomla! uploads Installer files to the /media directory, which I CHMODded to 777 as soon as I installed Joomla, and a check of it now finds it is still 777. But, the installers are still not being uploaded. There may be a script used by Joomla! for the uploads that is not CHMODded to 777, but I can't find it.
EDIT: That's strange, it's working again! Must have been a problem with Joomla.

All problems have been resolved, can this topic be closed please?
Edited by gameratheart (see edit history)

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