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Bring Back The Ads

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Listen, I'm all for Xisto and if bringing back the ads if it means more money towards Xisto, then I'm all for it. The ads didn't bother me, and I clicked them every once in awhile, so did a lot of other members. I think other members will agree with me on this, and I think it's for the better of Xisto and Xisto

Edited by bk2070 (see edit history)

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I cant stand the ads. If they bring them back I'm leaving free host or not I'll just pay for it. I think xisto make enough money already to be giving away free hosting so why take a step backwards for the users by bring it ads. You may not mind them but thats just you, what about everyone else? Its like me never ever going back to 56k lol.

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Well the issue back then if I remember correctly is that the ad's were plastered every few posts in the topic. Now the problem is that is more or less two things 1st more bw would be used up by these extra posts, and 2 people would have to do extra scrolling just to read everything as well. Like bk I do click the ads from time to time I think I generated about $2.00 for xisto on all my clicks :P, but the issue would be ad placement though and I will tell you why.

The ad's would have to be place in post format and then like ever 5-10 posts you will see a generated ad thats the major issue right there. As for other places I would say and ad next to the imagefilez upload would be a fine place, just because the ads would be small enough to fit there and or add a few more pixels in space. Thats it though because you want to make most of your money off the posts, but if you go to Lofi version of the forums you see ad's all over the place. So the question is not why should we bring them back but where should htey be place without ruining the flow of members posting?

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Don't put them in the middle of posts; that's just annoying.

Agreed, thats what they did last time and it was the most annoying placement for ads, i think the top and bottom would be good, that way you see the ads when you come to T17 and AFTER you've read a topic but it doesn't interfere with the topic itself, so while you're reading the topics you wouldn't see the ads yet they are still there and easy to click etc...

im not sure where this topic came from, are they planning on putting them back?

I really hated the ads, and it seemed pointless that half the time the ads that were displayed were for T17 anyway... so T27 pays the add firm to put their ads in the cycle, and then gets them displayed on their own website? Its just loosing T17 and xisto money...

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Well you are all forgetting that the "light" version of the forums (I think thats what it is called) still has ads on it which is usually what google links to and not what our members see. If you think about it the way they have it now is the best. The members aren't overrun with ads on the forums, but guests to the forum see relevant ads and click on them to make xisto money.

I cant stand the ads. If they bring them back I'm leaving free host or not I'll just pay for it. I think xisto make enough money already to be giving away free hosting so why take a step backwards for the users by bring it ads. You may not mind them but thats just you, what about everyone else? Its like me never ever going back to 56k lol.

The way you are talking leads me to believe you are talking about ads on our trap homepages, this is not what the topic is about, it is about ads in the forums not on your website. I don't really see the problem with having ads on the forums, and I don't really see why that would make anybody leave. Edited by alex7h3pr0gr4m3r (see edit history)

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I find ads a very distracting element on websites. I know certain people don't mind or actually like seeing them but I find them very annoying. If I'm interested in a product or anything I will go searching for it I don't need it advertised to me. I'm too used to this site having no ads and if it changes I know it will create a bad experience for me.I don't know why you guys feel that bring ads back will benefit the Xisto community. I mean the service is already good and what will happen with the money gained from advertising? will it go to improving our hosting? its already good enough IMO so I don't see the point.Theres already enough spam in this forum and the adds will only add to that effect.

Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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