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Where Are All The Trap 17 Witches? Are there any other Witches On Trap? If So Discuss it Here...

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Well I'm a 3rd Degree Solitary High Priestess Of Witchcraft, And I have to say I am upset that I Have Not had the good fortune to meet another Witch on here yet. So I thought I would start this thread to make my brothers & sisters fly out of the besom closet....I kind of feel like we're all playing cyber hide & seek with eachother... Come out come out wherever you are:)

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Greetings, priestess!Haven't you heard? Way back in the 17th century, they burned witches at the stake and ever since, we've been sworn to secrecy. What happened with Alice Molland was really horrific and since then, things have changed.You can drop by at the annual secret WitchFest to meet up with the rest of us.Hope to see you at WitchFest '10! :-)Regards and Best Wishes.

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The way you talk is as if witchcraft is still outlawed and anyone caught practising it will still be burned on a stake or stoned to death. I know the past wasn't kind on religions that they did not understand so any thing they didnt understand they feared and with fear came excuse to act irrationally like stone someone. Whats significant about dressing like a goth if you are a witch or is that just some stereo type. I'm interested in finding out about witches and what exactly its all about. Im not there to judge anyone or condemn anyone. I just would love to know what the religion of withcraft entails. How does one become a witch, what powers if any do you posses or are you granted. Are witches good or bad. Is your life similar to the charmed ones always chasing demons etc. Now please dont feed me BS cause that will only make me discredit the whole thing in my mind. I want something that makes a bit of reality sense. Not we travel by teleporting or we had a meeting in china over night and when i ask more details you just worm your way out with more false stuff. I want someoen who genuinely will talk to me about their experience. Im not looking to become a witch or anything I just wanna get to know and understand what witches are all about. Also so I can have a general view on the bigger picture of this thing we call life and spritual world.

Edited by mandla (see edit history)

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There are those that like to think witches are still persecuted, im many places (aside from backwards places like the bible belt) it is something people think is not real, so they either just nod and agree and hope you stop talking, tell you they dont believe in any of that stuff and carry on with their lives or try to learn more as you have done.

I dont consider myself a witch, i dont have the experience to do so, i am a pagan and i learn about the theory behind witchcraft but as of yet my experience is limited to basic energy work.

Witchcraft is nothing like anything on TV, witches dont often go hunting demons and what not, sure there are those who "specialize" in protection, so things like exorcisms, cleansing properties/spaces, removing negative energies and setting up protection from such nasties. Some people use the terms evil, curse, hex etc... i just call these negative energies, or negative entities or spirits. I do not believe there are any such things as demons or angels, gods or devils.

Witchcraft itself is not a religion per say, it is an act that is often encompassed within a religion. So for example, prayer is practiced by Christians, Muslims etc... it is the same act, opening oneself up to a divine power and asking for help or giving thanks. You do not have to pray as a christian (although 99% do) and likewise you do not have to be a devout christian to pray, all that is required is a belief in a higher power. This is particularly true in times of tragedy.

So, within paganism (a pagan is anyone that follows a non-mainstream religion, particularly based around nature) you have various religions. Again, paganism isnt a religion, it is a group of beliefs. So we have, for example, druidry and wicca. There are many others, Buddhism to an extent is pagan, Shamans too. Now, to be Wiccan one simply has to abide by the Wiccan rede (which states you cant harm anyone) and believe in at least one male god and one female goddess as well as an afterlife of some sort. Some wiccans believe in more gods and goddesses but you must believe in at least one of each, generally called the lord and lady, otherwise you just arent wiccan, like being christian but thinking jesus never existed... Fools. (PS, i'm not wiccan, but i know more about it than any of the other pagan religions). Notice that witchcraft is not a requirement of Wicca, a wiccan can go their entire life without ever reading a book on the occult however, just like Christians and prayer the vast majority are involve with the craft (witchcraft).

Whats significant about dressing like a goth if you are a witch or is that just some stereo type.

A bit of both. Many goths and other stereo-typed groups are interested in witchcraft and paganism because it is different, because it makes them special and they like to rebel. Some of these people are undoubtedly interest for the right reasons, self improvement, a better life, understanding and a connection to nature that no other path in life could ever give (perhaps with the exception of Buddhism).

Likewise many trouble people find paganism, i dont know if it is from desperation of their situation or something else but paganism is very accepting of literally anyone. Gay, bisexual, transsexual, goth, chav, jock etc.... tolerance is huge within paganism, more so than all of the other mainstream religions that preach it openly...

I just would love to know what the religion of withcraft entails.

Studying... Damn there's a lot out there! I can assure you that no-one will ever learn all there is of witchcraft in their lifetime, not even a fraction of it.

It also takes a strong person. This sounds somewhat pathetic but belief is a large part of the craft, if you dont believe in yourself how do you expect to influence a world which is so intangible? You have to believe in yourself, and part of that is perseverance and patience. Very very very few people will have complete success the first time they try something, but you need to believe that you can do it, and try again until you are able to consistently achieve a result. I know this sounds wishy-washy but i will elaborate at the end. Another large part is to acknowledge the world around you. See how every week in spring a new tree has leaves, a new colour of blossom is grazing the sky and a new insect or bird is collecting food, building nests, pairing up to breed and then how the chirping of baby birds grows. The path of the sun changing by the month, its path changing all the time. The temperature changing, the way the rain enriches the ground and spurts new growth where before there was nothing. Some witches and pagans choose to celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the year, which has 8 sabbats each representing a new stage of the year as it forever turns, an eternity of change because for a witch change is good, change is always happening and there is no status quo.

As for powers... This is a tough one. There are certainly witches that lie. Another forum i am on had a member who had two accounts, and combined with several accounts on other forums she was an elite assassin chasing someone down, pregnant, dying of cancer and various other attention grabbing situations. Another member claims that humans can transform into vampires, fly around and turn other people. It is ludicrous.

Some of the powers i firmly believe in are: Foresight (using divination tools such as tarot or runes), faint kenesis, including pyrokenesis and very, very, very faint telekenesis. Empathy (the feeling or sensing of other people's emotions despite distance, particularly for those you love), use of energy and by that i mean we are surrounded by an energy which i believe exists on another dimension, namely the 5th dimension which many physicists will agree does indeed exist, and which can be influenced by desire of the human mind and or soul/spirit. Many people call this psychic energy and is particularly useful for healing, protection and psychic attack.

This post is very long so let me finish by stating a few things...

Im not a lunatic, at least i dont consider myself so. i consider myself intelligent and grounded. I am no genius but i am very scientific and spend a lot of time reading physics articles on wikipedia and newscientist.com so im no redneck either!

As my scientific understanding goes there is no evidence to suggest anything i have said is 100% false, on the contrary there is some evidence to say it is indeed real. The intention experiment is a great example of a scientific test that backs up the theories of the craft. According to quantum physics everything i said is possible. Due to a combination of entanglement theory, the many worlds hypothesis, quantum uncertainty you are left with only a small gap in a complete theory of how magick works. The K denotes that i mean witchcraft and not stage illusion. Usually its not needed but it helps sometimes.

Keep asking questions ;)

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