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I Have A Great Idea but how can i contact the company to here my idea?

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how can i let the company here the idea? if they want it or something? i know companies have research groups and such but can an outsider suggest something and make it into a product for example?

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If you've got an idea about an existing product then most companies will be very happy to hear from you. They all want to make the best products and feedback from a real user is a great way for them to make sure their products are doing the best they can. If you have a feature request, an idea, or a little annoyance you want fixed, no matter how small your suggestion, they will be very grateful for it.If you have an idea for a new product, they will also most likely be very interested, but be aware. If you give them an idea for a new product, they will attempt to patent it and claim rights over it. Then they are free to produce it and do what they like without paying you a penny. If you really have a good idea for a product then you are likely better off contacting a lawyer to sort out a patent, before licensing the idea to the company.

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First, be calm, then you must be careful to who will you talk about your idea for a new product or service, if you talk to the wrong person, you will be robbed/stolen, if you understand what i mean, you must talk about your idea only a litle, only the basic, only the enough to motivate the company owner/director/administrator to invest in your idea, which by the way, it is always a middium to big risk despite the eventual fact that your idea is a very good one, nonetheless, even if your idea sucks "big time", or it is not an original one in fact [that it is already used by someone in a company], you must be always careful to whoever you talk about it.Think a lot about the presentation you will will in fact present to the company representative, which will year and see it, do not expose it all, only after you sign a good and profitable contract, sign in front of you by the actual owner or real representative of the company you will want to work with/in it.Do not be surprised that even if you do a great and careful presentation to the company representative, and even to more then one company, and then not one company hires/contracts you, i mean, that not one uses your idea, because most likely they will use your idea without your knowledge nor your consent, i am pretty sure about it, so BE VERY CAREFULL jopak134.

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