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Only 30 Posts In The Last 11 Hours?!? Wow, this forum is inactive.

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Weekends are usually the big down time for Xisto as most of the members are teens and so they hang outside the computer during that time, but that can be side about all the members as well. You would think that the weekend would see the most activity because everyone is not at school, and usually don't work on the weekends, but that is not the case and most of the activity happens during the week while members are at school. The same goes with the 3 months of summer when Xisto receives its lowest activity because everyone is not sitting in front of a computer all day. So don't be shocked if you see your posts 10-12 hours after you leave.

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I think there are quite a few members over in the USA. When I come on Xisto first thing in the morning, at look at the posts made since my last login, there are often around 4 pages worth. However, when I return in the evening, very few in comparison have been made during the day. That matches with people in the US making posts in the evening.

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Diverse range of posters, although most of em seem to be from the USA and are of the mid to late teens. However there are a fair number of older posters around it seems. I'm in my mid 20s for example.

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Hi,It is a combo of factors why you might see your post in the recent activity list, It is a combination of different time zone, school and work timings and of course whether the feedbacks have been approved or not.Where I live, kids are always running from home to study halls to school and then back home for some lunch and off again to study :o It is a hectic life as their exams are closing in... So that can be a reason, or they have projects to complete.Now people who work have it either easy or difficult, take me for example..My work revolves the Xisto network so it is easy for me to post here but as I am always busy with a project or another, it is very difficult for me to submit even a single post here..But don't worry, regular members have their time set as to when they like to come online and so on... Well I guess I will dig up some old topics now. **Approves Xisto feedbacks**Hope you post a lot :D

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Diverse range of posters, although most of em seem to be from the USA and are of the mid to late teens. However there are a fair number of older posters around it seems. I'm in my mid 20s for example.

Oh man, your killing me!!!! Your an "older" poster and in your mid twenties????? Sheeesh. Your not even half my age!

I think with any forum I've ever been on there are just hot and cold days. Weekends generally are slower, and holidays too. I think in the summer people spend more time outdoors. I know in the spring, I spend very little time on the old computer. Too busy with outdoor stuff, spring cleaning, garden planting, dog shearing, all that fun stuff. Which is why I need to get my credits up, cause once the weather warms up, I won't have much time to hang out with ya'all.

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