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Doing Push Ups? is doing push ups a good way to get a strong body?

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push upsDoing Push Ups?

****ttt... I try to do at least 300 a day right now... when I started doing them I went with 1oo then slowly moved up... Once uve done a ceratin amount of reps for awhile (weeks,days)whatever then move up like 10 more.Or try to go up a few reps u will know when your ready to move up.. I do  them in intervals of 60 though just stop and rest while doing them and incorparte them with lifting and u will def see diffrence in your arms..And chest but more arms for me..  hershal walker the football player did like over 1000 daily and jamie fox does like atleast like 100 or more perfect push ups a day to keep his arms tone... but then u gotta mess with the pull ups, those are a diffrent animal ... Jus keep at a good work out routine and u will c results.. But do your own thing **** what everyone else does or is supposed to do..  run and do push ups at same time...

-reply by bman

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will running and skipping or either of them help my abs?Doing Push Ups?I'm a 20 yr old girl, 5ft 6 inches in height.I've noticed that with my growing up, right from when I was 16,my waist size has grown along and all the other parts of my body looks fine except my waist or my abs..How come?..And its not that I'm a plump person..I look fit all over except that my stomach looks fat!..So I just wanna know that if I start running or skipping from now on,will it really help my abs at all?-question by Greesha

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For the same distance covered, running will burn twice as more fat than walking. If you have the motivation to do so running/jogging is ideal. Though it takes some time to build up enough endurance to run for any length of time. Running puts more impact on the joints such as your knees, so it would be a good idea to consult your doctor first.

You'll build up excellent heart health by running or skipping. Also doing "other" some exercises that particularly target the abdominals/obliques would help tone them, which sounds like it might help you in particular. An excellent source of information is to go here - http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/richb4.htm

This site has a lot of useful information if you can handle the advertising, i just totally ignore it. Somewhere on this site i found a page where it compares running, walking, rowing etc and rates of fat burnt per a certain amount of time. A quick search this time didnt bring up any results.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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look at animals. That is what we are compared to. May be you want to be a bull. Strong elite. What do they do walk around on all fours all day and eat all day. Walk and graze walk and graze. That's their routine. Every time your standing there watching tv, sitting on the couch, standing at the door ,chilling at a friends house, drop and do push ups. Our bodies are one huge working muscle.My motto,theirs no talking just start walking don't be depressed do some bench press.

-reply by daminoKeywords:

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every other dayDoing Push Ups?

Don't worry about doing super sets.  Just do a set of 10 reg pushups, rest, 10 wide pu, rest, 10 narrow pu, rest, and then something else.  No need to superset or go to your max.  Once you get through this 5 times with a full 10, then change it up and do something more challenging.  Give it a day of rest, do abs and legs on the rest day.  It's a 30 minute workout and stick with it.  2 weeks you will notice improvement.  90 days you will look awesome and be strong.  

-reply by ringostore

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i wanted to know will doing push ups for about 10 weeks give you a strong toned body?

i wanted to know because i do pushs up only once a week and run the next 6 days of that week and i don't know if

i'm getting any stronger.


If you want to get your upper body stronger, then you should do push ups (aling with sit ups and other workout like that) 3-6 times a week, the same days you run. Always leave one day for rest: You can jog 2-3 miles that day, but do nothing else.

If you are only doing upper-body workout 3 times per week, then I recomend doing them the same day you do long-distance runs: Don't do the push ups the same day you do a speed workout unless you're doing to 6 times per week.

You can't just do them for 10 weeks and then drop. I recomend doing them for about 12 weeks, then give yourself about a week of rest and then another 12 weeks: You can vary the rest time and the intesity of your workouts with time.


Good luck with your training, with determination you'll get anything.

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