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Wonderful, Im Grounded!

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Oooh great, im grounded and now i cant go to my mates Halloween Party tonight.


But thhe problem is, IT WASNT EVEN MY FAULT!?!?!?!


Okie so this is what happened.


Friday Morning, I wake up, for some reason in a bad mood, so i went straight to my grandmas house since were getting a new kitching done so i cant have breakfast there.


So im at my grandma's and i find out that my two little half brothers (they are 2&3 years old) and they are screaming in my ear the whole time, so that got me more stressed out.


Left to go to my mums house, and i got their and had like 5 misn to cool down, then my mum comes in and she has a go at me because i havent been their for the whole week. But she said it in a little Jokey kind of way.


Then i walk back to my dads house at about 8PM and i get heir, and as soon as i get in, Dad tells me to walk the dogs, so i back outside again, come back in and i just turn the computer on and i had to help build the kitchen, the whole time im helping my Dad and Jess (his girlfriend who i hate) they moaned at me for staying on teh computer till 1:30 in the morning... So after about 2 hours of doing the kitchen, i went in the shower to unwind, but as soon as i got out, i went on the computer and Jess and Dad moaning at me AGAIN about the computer thing, the baby morniter was buzzing in my ear, 8 people were talking to me on MSN, music going but i couldnt hear it, dogs were fighting, so i just EXPLODED OUT WITH "SHUT THE &*(&*( UP!!!!"


And now im grounded.

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Bleah. Sometimes I have days like that where everything just seems to be going against me. I hate it. I don't blame you. You can totally get revenge on them... Make them feel guilty by telling them that the reason that you feel like you need to escape to the computer is because your parents parents divorced (at least i assume that since your dad has a gf =\) It might not be true, but it will really make them feel bad and most likely lighten up on you...

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You can totally get revenge on them... Make them feel guilty by telling them that the reason that you feel like you need to escape to the computer is because your parents parents divorced (at least i assume that since your dad has a gf =\) It might not be true, but it will really make them feel bad

Wow, Alex, you're evil. You totally beat me to it; I was just gonna advise that ;)

and most likely lighten up on you...

I doubt it will work though, but it's evil nonetheless. In any case, don't you think couples who go for a divorce have already mulled over its effects on the kids? Also, his dad is a male and, far be it from me to be a traitor to my own sex, males generally tend to be jerks. His dad might reply, "Well, you're gonna have to find some other way to deal with it," or, "WTF, you have a problem with my girlfriend?!? Huh?!?" or, "Oh, lemme guess, squandering my electricity is supposed to make my girl better for you?"

I dunno, though. Honestly, why do you stay up late on the computer? Is it something you can't just tell them? :rolleyes:

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Well heck, at least you didn't get your mouth washed out with a bar of soap! Do you have any idea how long you have to spit to get that nasty taste out of your mouth?? Especially if it's Ivory, it coats your teeth like wax and is about impossible to hack out. :rolleyes:

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if i was in your situation, i would have done the exact same thing. if your going to demand stuff from someone, you cant yell at them for trying to have some fun. quite honestly, i would talk to your dad, tell him what happened, and see if he understands, that way you might be able to go to the party. i know my dad would understand. if he doesnt let you go still, sneak out. you dont deserve to get grounded, so just do it. who cares? your already grounded.

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Well there is actually no reason to ever tell someone to shut the f up. I know that we all get stressed out and angry but you have to realize that once you move out and start working, you will never be able to say anywhere but at home. Imagine being at work, have a ton to do and people continually bothering you. You still would not say it. Just learn to control your mouth and you will be thankful later on. I work and go to college and trust me i get stressed out all the time. I hate talking to people at different points because i am beat but i do it anyway. You just have to deal with and deal with it the right way. Otherwise, i would not have a job, i would not be doing well in school, and i definitely would not have a girlfriend.

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In my youth, if I had've exploded like that by screaming what you did, I would've been picking myself up off the floor about Tuesday of next week. Grounded is probably a better solution. I seriously hope that you have some time to consider that what you said was not acceptable and is worthy of the punishment you deserve. Consider it a bit of a lesson for the future when you are under a similar set of circumstances and need to refrain from such actions. There are things we can control in life. The circumstances leading up to having the urge to scream obscenities are sometimes beyond our control.Screaming obscenities is on the list of things we do have control over.*end Grampa Haslip lecture here*

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Heh, I usually don't explode like that until someone explodes at me first, but when I do explode it's a lot worse than what you did. Still, it's not right and it kinda does make sense that you're grounded. If I was still at my parents' house I would have gotten alot worse, but then that's why I'm not there anymore^^

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I know how you feel. Sometimes my mum and dad nag soooo much that I get very angry and shout eventhough I was trying to hold back my anger for a long time. It's inevitable, but also a huge mistake, because not only will they leave you alone and stop nagging like you want them to, they will nag even more about what a rude child you are etc etc etc... Besides, I think one usually regrets saying such things because we usually only say it in a fit of an anger. I don't know if its too late, but you can apologize about your rudeness, explain to your dad why you screamed, and most likely he will stop grounding you. And remember that in future, try not to lose your temper like this. Now I try not to explode. Usually I'll keep myself occupied with something else so that whatever's annoying me can't get to me.

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In my youth, if I had've exploded like that by screaming what you did, I would've been picking myself up off the floor about Tuesday of next week.

LOL, that's a good one, I'll have to remember that.
It seems like every time I go in a store or somewhere I see children acting so badly I am just in shock. My parents would of absolutly knocked the crap out of me for carrying on like that.

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*end Grampa Haslip lecture here*

hey grandpa haslip :rolleyes: did you forget what it was like to be a kid and what we all wanted as kids? i understand that parents need to be strict, but they also have to allow freedom. yea yea, aaron is at fault, but only because his dad(screw his g/f- she should have absolutely no say in raising him. she should just be a friend) wasn't allowing him any freedom or limiting it. why he wasn't in school though is my question. other than that, he is not a parent and should not be responsible for anyone elses kids. babysitting from time to time should be part of the chores, so should walking the dog and helping out in the kitchen when needed. no biggie. but when the work is done, you deserve a break.

now in my expert opinion in knowing people, i don't think his dad minds him being on the internet but it's probably all the time he spends on it. there has to be more to this story that wasn't stated. at the same time, hey....it's friday for gosh sakes! parents need to lighten up on the weekends especially. arron sounds like a good kid and sounds like others are putting too much pressures on him and they need to notice that and lighten up a little. everyone has their bad days....but again....haha no excuse for talking to ANY eldors with that language hahaha. i feel for 'm. lesson learned. i bet he can't wait to have a place of his own just like we all did :D they don't realize the other presures though yet in the REAL world.....muahahahahahaha. that's a lesson EVERYONE learns ;)

hey aaron, nice name bud, i have the same one. be cool....sometimes i know you probably walk on eggshells as it is when you sneak sometimes just to use the computer. it doesn't hurt to ask them FIRST if they don't want you to do anything at the moment, if you can use the computer. to them, being on the internet is sorta secretive. they probably have issues with you on the internet because they don't see the productiveness in it and you could be doing other things. talk to them about it and your interests and what you gain from being on the interent. do be so secretive and let them in your life sometimes. your dad loves ya bud...and he wants to know everything about you as you're growing up. if ya let people in your world that love ya, they'll love ya more for it. be privlidged to have the internet at all and even though you don't like it and your parents will never understand ya, you will always have to follow their rules when living under their roof....so even though jaslip was supporting your parents more than you, he has a point too....good luck with it. i know having parents living in two different places isn't easy either. i feel for ya. hang in there bud!

btw- being a parent isn't easy either.... :D try to understand them too....

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