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U S Military Mistakenly Flies Nuclear Weapon Over The Country

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All I have to say is that the US government is so damn lucky those weapons were secured or all hell would break.

"Air Force standards are very exacting when it comes to munitions handling," Thomas said. "The weapons were always in our custody and there was never a danger to the American public."

Of course there was no danger because nothing happen to the plane itself, but if something happen to the plane itself they wouldn't be saying that right now. Of course they would cover up that mistake and say terrorists shot the plane down or something, but either I hope some people lose there jobs over this because I know for a fact what needs to be done when transporting ammunition and I don't even want to know how they missed 5 nukes.

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I think someone did lose his job over that, but, really, it's not a big deal. Even a plane crash wouldn't cause any harm. Those weapons are very secure. How about we talk about how there are towns in FL, TX, and elsewhere that are being policed by Mexican police who don't even know English. Now THAT is what's concerning me...

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Scary thing knowing that you have nukes flying over you.I read the article on msnbc.com and it said that an officer did lose his job and that some people were suspended from their jobs

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I read about this earlier today. This is extremely scary. What if it wasn't just a transport plane, but instead they were testing some bombs in some vacant area (as i'm sure they sometimes do). When they go to test the "normal" bombs they find that they aren't "normal" at all and that they just blew up half of Utah or something. This is very disconcerting that nuclear weapons can accidently be replacing regular weapons.

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man this is really horrible.the world is heading over to its own destruction. each country having sufficient money have started acquring nuclear warheads :Pthis is really a great concern for the future.

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Right on Brother Dre. Exactly right on. Listen people, look at the big picture... Here's my prediction, and it's being set up nicely, if not a little transparently:


First we've got someone short selling the markets for something like $5B USD. This means if the market takes a big plunge on or around September 21, that person rakes in a HUGE pile of cash. If not, he stands to lose $5B.(1)


We've got this nuke deal which resulted in the Air Force giving stand-down orders to the further transport of weapons:

Air Combat Command will have a command-wide mission stand down Sept. 14 to review their procedures in response to this oversight, he said.



Then this obviously fake Bin Laden tape comes out just four days before September 11th to make sure the sheeple know just where an imminent attack will be coming from.(3)


Of course, it should be noted that NORTHCOM is planning an "exercise" to "prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises." This is planned for October 15th through the 20th. (4)[(5)


Interestingly, when the 9/11 attacks happened, "the NRO, which works closely with the Dept. of Defense and CIA, had planned a simulated exercise in which a small jet “crashes” into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001." What a coincidence! (5)


What this all adds up to is a long series of events that all tie in to one another. All that is needed now is for an "attack" to take place during this Autumn window for it all to make sense and come together.


Don't believe in "coincidences", people! And don't believe for a millisecond that the Air Force can "mistakenly" loose track of five nukes for any length of time! It was done for a reason that has yet to be reveled... Stay tuned...

Edited by Watermonkey (see edit history)

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Wow... that's actually amazing that I haven't heard that in the news/from my friends... Kinda creepy, but still amazing. And causes a naughty smile appear on my face thanking all earthly powers that no accidents happened during the flight.

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man I truely hate hearing about stuff like this, I mean wow how much crap like this happens on a daily basis and we dont ever even find out about it.Its scary to say but im sure it happens alot.as for me Id rather not know. The less I know the better. Well thats how I feel sometimes. Casue some of this stuff is cary stuff. What would have happened if the boms or missles fell and hit , if the plane went down and activated everything.what would we do.

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Well I thought a toss a update about this little incident, and from the latest article 70 people have been fired, decertified. Which includes 4 officers, one of the being a colonel and 65 airmen with various ranks from the looks of it. But what really gets me is the reason why they did it,

A main reason for the error was that crews had decided not to follow a complex schedule under which the status of the missiles is tracked while they are disarmed, loaded, moved and so on, one official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the record.
The airmen replaced the schedule with their own "informal" system, he said, though he didn't say why they did that nor how long they had been doing it their own way.

From the looks of it they been doing this a long time if they forgot what a nuke looks like or this would have never happen. Of course I doubt any one will get kicked out the military for this little incident just because of the current situation and they need all the soldiers they can have for this war on terror.



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I stand corrected. While I maintain that something still stinks about this story, in re-reading it I can imagine the scenario they're selling to the public. While it's a bit disconcerting that something like this could happen, I stress there was never any danger of the nukes actually exploding at any time. So, while interesting, it's little more than a trivial diversion from real news that's going on that actually matters like, for instance, there is a housing bubble like ours in China that's collapsing just like ours and that could add to the depressed state of the global economy....

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