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I Dated "the Myspace Girl"

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Weeeelll, this is what happened.


I normally use this networking website called bebo and i keep running into this particular girls profile on people i know's profiles. I sit there wondering who on earth she is but never really bothered messaging her or anything.


A little bit down the year i click one of my friend's profiles on myspace (i have like 8 friends) and BAM! she's there.


I said something along the lines of "@#$*&%* I SEE YOU EVERWHERE ON THE INTERNET!"



Well, we ended up messaging around every corner and i find out i know a helluvalot of her friends and she happened to fit into a couple of categories of types of people i like *cough*englishaccents,braces*cough* (ps, i was 17 back when this happened so braces wasn't seedy back then x_o -- she's 16). I also find out she takes the same bus as me (20 minutes earlier though) and a bunch of other random stuff that would make me seem i tad stakerish (oops?)


Well one day we end up meeting and stuff.


3 weeks down the track i get broken up with (not an awful lot happened there), but lesson learnt. Never go out with anyone from the internet :P --it wasn't working well at all.


We're still good friends and i've made a heap of new friends and stuff throug her. Personally i'd never reccomend going out with anyone from the internet unless you've phoned them/etc and yeah :P. I've met a few people from the internet and they were pretty much how they were online :P


Make friends not love, at least meet them and know them for a while before deciding you like them :P



Okay that wasn't particularly exciting but hey :P

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Haha, well its still sound advice. I find more often than not, people change the way they behave on the internet, so that person you love online, might not be the same personality waiting to meet you at the movies. I had that problem, but its all over now, with message learned as well. If anyone else here knows someone online, probably best to stick with this guys advice. He knows what hes talking about :P

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My husband and I knew each other years before we met, but I never gave him the time of day. Then 5-7 years later, he found me on tagged. We have been together ever since. I believe it's all about timing:) and Chemistry, there was very strong chemistry when we met the first time, I just ignored it. :P

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Yeah good advice. Although, be more specific, you kind of skipped parts of the story like "it lasted 3 weeks" saying things like that without ever describing the story leaves the reader really curious... :P I'm still curious! But too bad it didn't work out.

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Alot can or can't happen in 3 weeks. Same bus as you only 20mins eariler, what are the chances of that happening? Good Luck.PS. Lilemi, can I ask something? Are you male or female?..and Age? Your going to take my title! lol :P

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I've learned this lesson as well, I once dated a girl online, only to later find out she was nothing like what she told me (I was 15 or something at the time, we met in a chat room). Now my brother is doing the same thing, except he's lasted about a year now, it's really unhealthy, she is taking over his life and he won't get to meet her for another 10 months (she lives in the UK, we live in western US). Sometimes it may work out, but a majority of the time, it seems the internet relationships never work; however, meeting someone online to meet them then getting to know them off-line would be a better idea i think.

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Dating somebody you meet on the Internet can work out. Like others have already said, you (generalization) have to remember that it's easy for people to change a little, or a lot, when we're online. I'm more outgoing online than I am in person, for example. So anybody who knows me online thinks that I'm less shy than I really am - and meeting me would suck because that person would expect somebody who's more talkative. Meeting somebody online isn't necessarily a bad idea. I wouldn't make a serious commitment, though, until I'd spent some face-to-face time with that person. :P

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same here....though this was over spinned the bottle so this girl named Cristy she was 13 at that time i was 15 so i just though she was like really damn cute well turned out she goes to photoshoots./...well no wonder why she was hot at those pics...well i gave her my # she called me and we talked and talked for hours and like after a month she came to my house....but thats not at...her parents wanted to met my parents./...WOW what a dissaster right? well everything seem to work fine...my mom and her mom really liked eachother and stuff so yeah after a couple of days we started going out and stuff....we had out adventures as you know what i mean....but i only got to see her like 7 times because she was able to come to my house like once a week because she lived like 30 mins away from me...but after awhile well the 7th time she like broke up with me...and from that moment on....i said....NO MORE LOCAL ONLINE CHICKS they mess up your life lol...well it wasnt funny but thats just my testamony! :XD:

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Use of the Internet to find a couple is nothing of other world, is practically the same to know a person face to face.When you find a person face to face, you think about the person in good ways or bad ways. In Internet is te same.If you like how the person "writes", "looks" at the webcam, or you have coincidences with he/she, you make a link with that person.But, that is superficial. There is no way to know really a person until you coexist with the other person. My advice is this:1) Be frank and honest and don't expect that the other person be frank and honest with you.2) Stay cold and firm before to "fall in love". Visit the parents of the other person, know his defects and virtues.3) If after several months, or maybe a year, you feel that you know what are you doing, and feel comfortable with the other person, go with it!4) You'll find that after all this advices, maybe you choose the wrong person... so, don't blame to me, this is normal everywhere!Regards.

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lol, well what happened in the 3 weeks wasn't really too much at all, dont really remember it too well :XD:But yeah online stuff does work out every now and then but not too often. The whole people are different online and offline. Since you're online, you're not staring dead into their face being like "oh crap!". Psychological stuff :) people show different qualities and emotions with other people around than by yourself.But yeah, also i got made fun of it :D i kept on getting quoted "AHH!! I SEE YOU EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET ...and now we got out" lol.

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