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Domain Change Problem

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I know BuffaloHELP has been trying to help, but maybe if i can be more specific on this topic..

Ok, so i just got the 280 domain thing, forumbuilderz.net i set it as a parked domain, but i want to get rid of the subdomain, and replace that with it, (15 credits) so i go to the process page, and click "change your domain/subdomain (15 credits)" I click that, enter my username and password, and then enter my domain that i already got, without www. and when it finished, i got this:

User Data Verfied Successfully!Changing password..
This can take time...
Please be patient..(Do not hit Reload or Back). This can take a lot of time.. Please be very patient..

Domain Change Failed!

Please help and tell me!

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You first have to UNPARK the domain and then use it to change your cpanel associated domain name. Remember that when you change your domain name, all your relative links, such as <img src=old sub-domain.trap17.com must be pointing to the new domain. Check all your database as well--if you installed WordPress or forum that required database, chances are you have to go and edit those as well.Until then, I cannot be sure if there's an error with the Process domain name change script of you're trying to associate the already associated domain name to a hosting account.

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ok, new problem, is there ANY way i can change my current domain to a different one, not get a new one, but change.. like cheese.com to nocheese.com? you know? (i just made those domains up, dunno if they exist) 'cause i need to change my domain, i sent a support message, but i still havn't goten a reply, so i decided to post.

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Tramposch, if you'd be changing your current domain to a different one, you gotta have rights to it (hence you gotta, purchase it) and modify the nameservers to point to Xisto. after doing that, you can simply have your new domain as an addon/parked domain. i'm thinking you haven't used up all the allotments you have still, so i would suppose it won't pose a problem by doing so. :P if you really would like your current domain out of the Xisto servers, you can point it elsewhere, or just drop it from your cpanel. :P

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Hmm i dont exactly understand what you are saying it? I already have a domain name forumbuilderz.net i want to change the text of the domain name to something else. not change domain name, or whatever you are saying.

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domains don't work that way, tramposch. you can't simply rename a current one to something else. it is not similar to subdomains/subfolders, where you can virtually change/delete/add/modify its text as you want, as in your cheese.com to nocheese.com examples. domains have a monetary cost attached to them (even if you get it for free, with Xisto in exchange for credits). a text change is virtually a new domain in itself (and it is unlikely Xisto will foot the bill for you again just to do that). that is why i said above that you need to acquire another domain with the name you want.otherwise you can choose to use subdomains to differentiate your changes "in the text of the domain" as you put it. instead of nocheese.com from the original cheese.com, you would get a no.cheese.com. check cpanel documentation to do that, or search Xisto forums.

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ok :POpaQue should make a change name system lol, like to change your domain name, its 100credits :P eh.. i guess.. i will have to wait a year.. well thanks for the answers serverph they really helped i think.. lol

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He wouldn't be able to make a change domain. If you change the domain by even one letter you must pay for that new domain name. Think of a domain name as a trademark for a company. You can't register a business name and then just change your business name. If you want to change the name go to godaddy.com or wherever you bought the name and buy that domain name. Domains are like physical things you can buy. You cant buy a blue ball and then snap your fingers and change the color :P So that's why he cant make a change domain service.

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