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Tesla's Wireless Power Finally Coming True? 21st century finally catches up with 19th century technology

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Nikola Tesla was one extraordinary man. The city of Buffalo was once his play ground for his ideas. But due to many undocumented feuds with Edison (yes the very one) Tesla's contribution to electricity world went less than well notice... that is until now.

Tesla worked on transmitting mass volts across the distance without the aid of clumsy wires. Let's face it, the power poles and loosely hung black wires across your block are just an eye sore. But Tesla's methods were quickly overshadowed by Edison's quick and easy solution--run wire grids to provide electricity to a block, a city or a state.

This invention shown here http://bea.st/sight/lightbulb/ reintroduces Tesla's forgotten work(s). You can clearly see that Tesla was far ahead of his time. I wonder if Tesla would have been celebrated as the farther of invention had he was allowed to continue with his studies without politics playing the major role?

The website demonstrates the possibilities with electromagnets, wireless transfer of electricity and the power of Tesla's understanding the principles of electrodynamic. Although it may not be much at this point, it's certainly something to be considered.

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Very interesting... that movie The Prestige with Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, and Michael Caine talked about Tesla and his theory, except I thought it was all fiction and part of the science fiction element of the plot. The thing that I wonder about is the electromagnetic field and how that might affect people. People currently living near high-power lines have an increased rate of cancer, leukemia and other diseases allegedly caused by the force of the electromagnetic field generated by the lines.

It's really cool to see the bulb suspended in midair and all lit up like that though. Thanks for sharing!

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yes, it shoiuld be widespread inn a coupe of years when people start to realise that nikola tesla was one of the greatest humans, still love his tesla coils *zap, zap* hehehe well, somebody should tell the government one day and nikola's dream will come true

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I thought i should add some more details on this. This would change our lives so much...

WiTricity, a portmanteau for wireless electricity, is a term coined initially by Dave Gerding in 2005 and used by a MIT research team led by prof. Marin Soljačić in 2007,[1][2] to describe the ability to provide electrical energy to remote objects without wires. WiTricity is based on strong coupling between electromagnetic resonant objects to transfer energy wirelessly between them. The system consists of WiTricity transmitters and receivers that contain magnetic loop antennas critically tuned to the same frequency. As WiTricity operates in the electromagnetic near-field, the receiving devices must be no more than about a quarter wavelength from the transmitter, that is a few meters at the frequency of a few MHz used by the system. In their first paper, the group also simulated GHz dielectric resonators.

More about this in the below wikipedia link.

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Holy moly! When i was really young I thought of this and how awesome it would be if they could get wireless electricity, but I was told that it was impossible and I just accepted it, but now this?! This would change all of our lives, thats for sure... Imagine not having to charge your laptop or phone anymore, they would just charge by themselves when you walked into your house!Nice find BH!

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I saw Nikola Tesla in the Prestige movie also. It was a pretty interesting movie. I had read in a science article about science electricity a while ago, and I guess it should be about a decade away before we have wireless electricity. Cities are definitely going to look much cleaner without all those cables flying around the streets. Nice..

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Simply amazing. I knew Tesla made some important contributions to physics and the study of electricity, but I thought that (aside from the Tesla coil) it was mainly theoretical stuff. I never thought his work(s) could have such practical uses. That invention is just plain cool.

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