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Ip Blocking Php Script! Stop the bad guys before they stop you.

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Hello, I did some search's to see if anyone had covered this apparently not! So ok! Lets set up a Ip Site blocker using php and mysqlThe First thing we are going to do is make the form that is actually blocking the site.Note: You Must have this in a PHP file to work, it must be at the VERY TOP!!!!!

<?php$vip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];include "config.php";############################### See if the Ip is in the blocked list               ###############################$get_info = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blocked WHERE ip = '$vip'");$do_block = mysql_fetch_array($get_info);#############################################  Now we are just checking to see if we need to block the user      #############################################         if( $do_block['ip'] == "$vip" ){        die("Sorry! Your Ip has been blocked from viewing our sites content");} ?>

The above just save it however you want to... I would recommend ipblocklist.phpbefore that works we need to create the table inside of a database that will have the ip's stored inside of themSo in phpMyAdmin or your MySql Query Window type in

USE 'databasename';

Excute it...

CREATE TABLE blocked( id int not null auto_increment primary key,ip varchar(15),added datetime);

Excute...Now you are set up! Ok, Good Job on the MySql Database set up...Now, we need to create a config file which will store how we are connecting and what database we are using

<?php##########################    Config File                                 ##########################$dbhost = "localhost"; // This is your database host name usally localhost$dbuser = "user"; // This is your database user name...$dbpass = "pass"; // this is your password used to login to the database$dbname = "database"; // this is your database name.########################### Edit the above to suit your needs    ############################  $conn = mysql_connect("$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass");               mysql_select_db("$dbname", $conn );?>

Then Your Done...I would save this as config.php because thats what we imported into our ip checker file(e.g. inlcude "config.php"; )Ok, as I said you need to put this line of code on your first line after <?php or if you are using session_start();after thatit's should like this

<?phpinclude "ipblocklist.php";// The rest of your code?>

Now, it's time to make a admin type area so you can add or remove blocked Ip's...

<?phpsession_start();###################### Get the Config File               ######################include "config.php";########################## Set the admin credentials              # #########################$admin = 'admin';$pass = 'password';$s_user = $_POST["admin"];$s_pass = $_POST["pass"];if( $ses_user <= " " ){########################## Admin Login Form                         ##########################echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'>";echo "Admin: <input type='text' name='admin'><br>";echo "Pass: <input type='password' name='pass'><br>";echo "<input type='submit' value='Login'>";echo "</form>";}    if( $s_user == $admin and $s_pass == $pass ){         $ses_user = $_SESSION['admin'] = $s_pass;        $go = 1; }if( $go = 1 ){echo "Add a Ip to the Blocked List";echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'>Ip: <input type='text' name='ip'><input type=submit value='Block Ip'></form>";}if( $_POST["ip"] > " " ){$ip2 = $_POST["ip"];echo "Are you sure you want to block $ip2";echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='ip2' value='$ip2'><input type='submit' name='block' value='yes'>";}if( $_POST["block"] == "yes" ){  mysql_query("INSERT INTO blocked SET ip = '$ip2' added = NOW()") or die("Could not Block Ip, MySql Error");}echo "<center>Remove Blocked Ips<br><br>";echo "<form action='ipadmin.php' method='post'><select name='remove'><option value=''>Select One</option>";$ips = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blocked");while( $showips = mysql_fetch_array($ips)){$ip_value = $showips['ip'];echo "<option value='$ip_value'>$ip_value</option>";}echo "<input type='submit' value='RemoveIp' name='Remove Ip'>";echo "</form>";if( $_POST["Remove Ip"] == "RemoveIp" ){$del_ip = $_POST['remove'];mysql_query("DELETE FROM blocked WHERE ip = '$del_ip' LIMIT 1");echo "The Ip $del_ip has been removed from the blocked list!";}?>

OK now save that above as ipadmin.phpEverything Should work succesfully any question

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Yeah, I mostly did this for people who does not have a Ip Blocker installed on there machine... It's basicly the same way but somethings, are diffrent...

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I am able to get an IP blocked using this script, but the ipadmin.php is giving an error when adding or removing ip's.I have a good db connection, since it blocks the IP on my localhost, but I had to add the ip using phpadmin in order to acquire the block. Any suggestions? Is there a working link for this script available?

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Hello Admin,I have messaged you via feedback form..i like what code you have above..first of all i am not able to add the ip address.. or remove the ipaddress from ipadmin.phplets seei set up everytihng correct setup database also... nowproblem is.....in user and pass... i enter..... admin as user and password as password.but this take me no where and same page stays... still those two fields of user and password.. remain on their..now i have to add ip .. lets say i add ip for example.... nd say Yes.. or click yes.. the i recieve this error Could not Block Ip, MySql Errorhence.. this is the issue.. and now what i did i went to mysql db... and inserted manuly.... ip and time....then when i go to ipadmin.php.. i can see that ip now lets say i click remove.. nothing hppn.. ip still der.. and remains..Please can you again check the issue.. or improve same script and let me know.. the fix.. I really need urgent...thank you,hero

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