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The Uk's Immigration Laws Are Ridiculous

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Im not alone in saying this, but the one thing that this country really needs (UK) is damn clamp down on immigration. Im now out of a job because the government think its beta to employ a load of foreigners instead of decent, hardworking british. Im sick and tired of being shouted at by a load of asians (Nothing racial intended, im not racist, true story), asking ME what im doing in there patch. As you can imagine, this ended up in a fight and eventually the police got called, and me and my m8 got in the most trouble for it. LABOUR PARTY, PULL YOUR FINGER OUT AND GOVERN THIS COUNTRY WILL YOU!And i find it funny that they sit on their ?1000 armchair and talk down to the like of the BNP that are trying to help the people who actually try and help our countrys economy move forward insead of backwards.TRUE FACT : The UK has lost of ?10 billion in the last 5 years due to Immigration and immigrants sending their money abroad,END RESULT : The prices of housing is on a rapid increase, the suppley of food has stayed the same, whilst the demand has increased (same as the price). And the prices of education has sky rocketed!It rages me, it really does

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If you wanna truly and effectively want this problem of your country fixed, you're going to have to fix the foreign country's problems first. Fix their problem, then they won't need to leave their country to find a better life. What's the UK considered, first-world? You think they're sending money back to their country for no reason? That's how bad it must be in their country. If you were them, you'd do the same to help your family back home. But of course this isn't gonna happen—ever—in my opinion, for the government only cares about themselves. They don't dive into foreign affairs unless it's their problem or if there's something to gain. You say clamp down on immigration, but i say don't try to block the problem—solve it. The problem is not in your country (even if you think and see that it is), it's in theirs.

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i understand that other countries have their own problems, but i think that this country doesnt do enough about ILLEGAL imagrants, and the legal immegrants that come over here to exploit this countrie and turn it into a criminal science lab. most of the larger organised crime is of those who come over here solely to ruin our living standards and will try anything to sanitise what we have. im all for people coming here to work, help our country move forward and obide by our rules and code of conduct, so to speak. those immigrants are worth the time of day and deserve our counties support. And yes, the UK government could pull their finger out and help these counties in my opinion. But, for example, terrorist bombers, suicide bombers, G-Had tutors. have all been allowed to come here and pitch up, most of them are illegal. and i feel the country isnt tight enough on illegal immigrants, or as severe as they should be with the punishments. But in my veiw, they shouldnt evan have to get as far as to need punishment. As far as border control goes its a joke! it no where near as strong as it should be.

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Ah, yes, i excluded those kind of people in my post by implication. You're right, only the legit should be allowed if indeed the people you talk about are only looking to cause trouble. Send the evildoers back, and then deal with them there. :)

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Hey.. UK plundered most of the countries the asians are now sending their money to. You didn't have a problem then. At least maybe your forefather's din't have. Since you didn't exist then. No country can keep its doors closed any longer. So gotta improve yourself to do better in competition or live with it.

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Hey.. UK plundered most of the countries the asians are now sending their money to. You didn't have a problem then

This is why African leaders are reluctant to oppose Mugabe. He is standing against the British and they see him as a hero for that. This is making it very difficult for us to get rid of him. I usually don't want to look back to the colonial era and start to make judgments based upon what happened in history. It's when I hear people giving us a lot of labels that I start asking myself "Why did they come here to plunder our resources if we were not supposed to have anything to do with them?" This kind of thinking is very wrong but I can't help it. Let's try and understand that whenever someone leaves their country, it's because of something that would push you to do the same thing if you were in their position. The result will definitely hurt someone because humans naturally take care of themselves at the expense of others. When your forefathers came here, they were pushed by things that would make me do the same thing if I were one of them. When people enslaved others they did it because they were born humans(generally selfish, greedy, cruel). We have to forget all that and try to get along, trying to understand the reason behind everything and solving the problems we can solve.

But, for example, terrorist bombers, suicide bombers, G-Had tutors. have all been allowed to come here and pitch up, most of them are illegal.

No person in his sane mind would sympathize with these evil doers. If the UK is going to do something about these guys let it not affect those who are not bent on evil. There are a lot of Asian and Arab people who migrate for greener pastures to go and work hard and improve their lives and it's very unfair for those guys to be affected because their countries breed terrorists. I wouldn't like it if someone was going to hate me because Mugabe and his cronies are racists. Edited by kudmus (see edit history)

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Ya know i agree completely with the Original Poster. Im in the UK too and i am SICK and TIRED of being called British! What the hell?! Those that migrate to our country are British. I am ENGLISH! Its time to vote for the BNP. If you people think thats racist then thats your problem. The BNP arent racist, they will however house native citezens over those who have just run through the eurostar tunnel and turned up in dover. Which is right. There are people in this country, pregnant, single women, families, couples who are homeless and these immigrants come over here and get a 3 bedroom house, not a scummy flat, a house, car, benefits, free healthcare and everything while these homeless natives get to squeeze in with relatives, live in hostels, or live in scummy council flats. Not only that but look at the areas where the illegals congregate. Now look at the crime figures... While what dya know? Its higher!


not only that but they dont integrate... they come over here, play their bloody punjab music out of the windows (im not against punjab music per say but blaring it out of the window isnt what we do here, unless youre a chav...) they bring their gangland culture here, guns, knives, rape and then fail to integrate, they dont speak English (and let me tell you, if you get on my bus or train and dont speak English you'll get an earful from me, im not afraid...), they dont learn to queue up, theres a nice line for the bus and some immigrant comes along, talking to themselves in some foreign language and just pushes on to the bus, again, do that if im there and youll get thrown to the back of the queue...


The next general election belongs to the Conservatives, its not great but its better, another decade or so and we will either have a black/asian PM, in which case there WILL be riots, they say this country isnt racist. It is, so is America, France etc... Everyone is, deal with it. or we will have the BNP in power. And that is what we need. They will get things wrong, no doubt, but the shake up they provide will sort things out, the illegals will flee rather than be "held" in "detention" centres and deported. The white English family will finally get the housing they deserve and equality will be restored, and i mean REAL equality, not just "You're black, ive given the job to the white guy, see ya!" but equality between races. At the moment the Labour shambles of a government actually said that if you have two candidates who are equally qualified for a job, and both perfect, but you can only employ one of them it should be the immigrant/minority that gets it, regardless, every time you should employ the black guy. I got news for you, that ISNT equality. That is racism against the whites, *patronizing voice* oo but thats ok because the white guy owes the black guy something, and the white guy will just roll over and take it *end voice*. Well i got news for you Gordon. I aint rolling over and taking it. and the day you visit my area is the day you get publicly slated, heckled and assaulted by the true minority in this country.


End rant.


On a non-rant side, the immigration needs to be tightened, no doubt. We didnt even deport abu hamzar for being a terrorist.... we wouldnt to abuse HIS human rights would we? Despite the fact he is a vermin, a disease that is itching to infect others and turn them into walking talking bombs. Personally i would have sat down with him and mashed every single on of his fingers and toes into a gooey mash using a mallet before making him choke on his own vomit. And what about the fingerprint scanners?! Hes gonna get through un-noticed! "finger print please sir" "Oh no no no no no, i have de hook, get oot ov ma way"


What a state we are in. I call for all English people to rise up, stop taking this racism and deprivation and speak your mind, let those not speaking English that they are not welcome here until they speak english fluently, let the government know we no longer want a labour government and bnr proud of your country. It is not the country that is ruined, it is the society, and only WE can change it.


Disclaimer: I do not know if you consider me racist, that is your judgement to make, i conform myself to no group, that is the job of the observer. If you consider me racist then *shrugs* thats up to you, as i said, i do not consider myself to be of any group. I do not intend to offend anyone with these comments, mainly because many of you do not live in the UK, and those that do clearly integrate by speaking English and being courteous here. you are welcome in my country. Those that do not integrate, or seek to bring their violent culture here are not welcome, and if i had my way i would shoot them at the ports. But thats not my decision. you may consider these comments to be extremist, but again, that is your observation to make.


Id also like to add that i am not against legal immigrants who work and pay their national insurance and tax, and hence are more than welcome to free healthcare, and if they need it later in life a pension, housing etc.. It is the illegals who do not integrate and as "work" sell drugs, steal, create "gangs". I have an asian doctor, i went to an interview today in which half those there were immigrants and the manager was himself indian. these people are welcome here, they all spoke brilliant english and obviously had, or were looking for, jobs. Thats fine. Its the others that arent fine.

Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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At the moment the BNP has the closest views to mine, however, I do not support them because they're working class. Were the BNP to get into power life would be hellish for the middle-classes and all the jobs that went to asians (who are damned good workers) would go to the uneducated masses.
Other than that I agree with most of what they say, even though their immigration proposals are a bit strict even for me.

Offtopic: UKIP is another party I agree with but do not support as they do not have any good qualities other than their core belief. Shame really, I hate France.

If you wanna truly and effectively want this problem of your country fixed, you're going to have to fix the foreign country's problems first. Fix their problem, then they won't need to leave their country to find a better life.

They can fix themselves. I don't see why we should mother them after having given most of them back their land.

Hey.. UK plundered most of the countries the asians are now sending their money to. You didn't have a problem then. At least maybe your forefather's din't have. Since you didn't exist then. No country can keep its doors closed any longer. So gotta improve yourself to do better in competition or live with it.

We could just not let as many immigrants in...

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And the prices of education has sky rocketed!

Sadly, education is a business, and a very risky personal investment. You put in time, effort and money to develop a skill or earn a degree, and the turnover might depend on finding a job. I'm fresh out of college and can't get an entry level job (in Brazil), companies will always hire the more skilled professionals for less money. They won't hire you because you are a local, or invest money to train you, they preffer to hire someone who is ready right now.
Since education and cost of living is cheaper outside the UK, they will outsource their whole IT department or call center to India, where they can speak good english.

Now about English natives being rude to non-english speaking people, do you ever imagine they might be tourists? Europe in general has low tolerance with foreigners if you can't speak their language!

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