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The Social Security Number Is The Mark Of The Beast?

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What is the purpose of the social security number?

Well here are some verses from Revelations Chapter 13

13:15 It was given to him to give breath to it, to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn't worship the image of the beast to be killed.
13:16 He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads;

13:17 and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name.

13:18 Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six.

I was thinking we need our social security number to stay out of trouble,meaning if we worked for the cash that we need to buy food we could get in trouble for not claiming taxes and that is something that our ssn is needed for. Without our ssn there are a wide array of things that we could not do.In short our social security number could be our name having a number.Now the 666 thing is a number that may or may not have anything to do with the ssn.But if you notice at the beginning of 13:18 it says

Here is wisdom.He who has understanding,let him calculate the number of the beast,for it is the number of a man.

I would like to know what everyone else ideas are about this.

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We first of al id like to highight that the number of the best would technically be 616, so now we know how the bible can be wrong, or at least wrongly interpreted lets continue to SS numbers.now given the quote from the bible about the number of the best being the number of a man, would this not suggest that men, meaning mankind, are beasts? Given what we do to teach other and the world in general then yes it would, it suggests we have some sort of evil, which we obviously do and of course the bible refers to the original sin and all that so in my opinion the philosophy behind that quote is that mankind is in fact evil..which we are if you think about it. I think it has nothing to d with SSN's though.

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What is the purpose of the social security number?




I was thinking we need our social security number to stay out of trouble,meaning if we worked for the cash that we need to buy food we could get in trouble for not claiming taxes and that is something that our ssn is needed for. Without our ssn there are a wide array of things that we could not do.In short our social security number could be our name having a number.Now the 666 thing is a number that may or may not have anything to do with the ssn.

Although in different senes you will find similarities with your theory about SSN's and those verses, they have nothing to do with each other. Plus, does one need a SSN to buy or sell things? Either way, 666 is a three-digit number, and a SSN is a nine-digit number. Also, the number 666 is given to everyone that it is given to. If i'm not mistaken, a SSN is unique for everyone.


We first of al id like to highight that the number of the best would technically be 616, so now we know how the bible can be wrong, or at least wrongly interpreted...

There could be about three reasons why 616 has not been declared as the beast's number.

The dating of the scripture(s) with the number 616 may be a bit "fuzzy;" that is, unreliable. So it is uncertain which one came first. Which, in such case, you'd have to relate to:

Majority of found and known scriptures contain the number 666, therefore claimed as a more reliable number.

If it has been declared the true number to be published, then those Bibles may still be in production. It's not easy translating a whole book in such a short time.

Number 2 seems to be the reason why it is still 666.

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I was thinking you don't actually need a number to buy and sell things but you cannot buy anything if you don't have a job and you cannot have a job without your ssn.When you are born you are issued a social security number and it is a unique number.If you notice it says about calculating the number.Maybe there is some way to calculate it?

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[1]I was thinking you don't actually need a number to buy and sell things but you cannot buy anything if you don't have a job and you cannot have a job without your ssn.




[2]Maybe there is some way to calculate it?

[1]Well, if you can actually buy something by money earned by doing chores at your house given to you by your parents, then you don't need a job to buy something, you just need a job to buy expensive stuff. :unsure:


[2]I'm sure there's a method of generating the number that uses some calculation known only by the government or whoever. But good luck finding that out. :(

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I cannot think of anything more deceptive than a system instituted generations before it manifests its intended evil plan of entrapping people that nearly everyone signs up for or starts using simply because that is what is done. Social Security is something voluntary, yet the costly social implications and grave ramifications for not using it are enough to cause nearly all to speedily ignore any "crazy" warnings about it. Social Security is insurance or a trust fund every worker has paid into from his very first day in the workforce even though he is never guaranteed any return. Social Security is a program that once entered into changes everyone's status from a sovereign wage earner to a certain law-ruled, INCOME tax-owing national subject (a.K.A. Slave) who has in essence become a ward of the government that was suppose to serve him. Social Security conveys trust that should be in God to trust in man and tricks man into suffering high-priced privileges instead of exercising his inalienable rights. The Social Security Number is a man's mark (badge of servitude), or his CORPORATE NAME, or the number of his name that one day must be used if he is to buy or sell.

It is not too late to repent of being involved in this voluntary system and using the number of your name. However, once you do stop using it and reject the beast system, you will soon find it is becoming increasingly more difficult to buy or sell.

Revelation 13:16-17  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  (17)  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

-reply by nonumber

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In Canada a social security number is called a social insurance number(s.i.n).People even call it a sin card.Perhaps there was some sly sense of humour at work here. I guess what they meant in the bible is that once we become toolarge a population,we'll all become just numbers to those that matter.Numbers rather than faces of people with feelings. The key is to just try to stay an individual.Don't become one of the sheep.

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‎Your SSN in 3 digits, 2 digits, 4 digits.111-11-11113x2=6 2+4=63x4?2=6"Title 42, Section 666, paragraph "13" of the United States Code (USC) requires that as a condition to receiving federal funds States must establish procedures requiring that the social security number (SSN) of any applicant for a professional license, driver's license, recreational license, occupational license, or marriage license be recorded on the application." Even though there is no constitutional provision for a social security number, Americans can no longer get a bank account to conduct their business without a social security number. You cannot get a credit card without a Social Security Number. You cannot get a professional or occupational license to make a living without a social security number. No one will hire you as an employee if you do not have a social security number. You cannot get insurance without a social security number. You cannot get a hunting or fishing license without a social security number. You cannot get a marriage license without a social security number. How are you going to buy a home or car unless you have the cash or credit? The bottom line is that you cannot buy or sell (that is, survive financially) without a Social Security Number unless somebody with a Social Security Number is providing for you by buying your food, clothing, shelter and all the things you need to survive.I have a SSN as it was assigned to me when I was born. If this is the mark of the beast, God help us all, and forgive us if we recieved the mark unknowingly.

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Social Security is something voluntary, yet the costly social implications and grave ramifications for not using it are enough to cause nearly all to speedily ignore any "crazy" warnings about it.

iguest, I really like your post. It does a great job of covering the argument that started as soon as the push to get everyone a social security number started. Unfortunatly, most people are not going to stand up or go against the tide when it becomes quite uncomfortable or difficult to do so. With the list Anonymous gave of things you cannot do without the number, it is easy to see why nearly everyone goes along with it. And since this number is tied into all of our other personal information, like bank accounts, credit cards, etc, it is simple for the government to keep tabs on every single thing we do. Every purchase we make, every trip we take, probably right down to a list of the pay for view movies we watch.

But to my way of thinking, we have something far more incidious coming down the pike. And something that comes closer to the bible's version of an actual "mark" on a person. And that is the micro chip. Right now, our government is pushing real hard for these chips, many bills have been introduced to force farmers to micro chip all livestock. The NAIS, the National Animal Identification System, introduced by the USDA was fought tooth and nail by many local grass roots organizations, and was eventually defeated, however, it continues to rear it's ugly head in so many other ways, it reminds one of that mythical creature that grows two new heads every time you cut off one. For example, many state fairs would not allow 4H kids to show their livestock in the fair unless it was micro chipped. Just as with the social security numbers, the government is making more and more things that you are not allowed to do unless your animal is micro chipped. And they are doing a pretty fair job of promoting the chip, by telling us how safe it will make our food supply by being able to track animals back to their farm or origin. This, despite the fact that there are already so many safeguards in place that the one and only cow that ever got into this country was traced back to the exact stall she was in back on the farm in Canada.

Now you may be wondering what chipping animals has to do with humans? It's really quite simple. Once micro chips are accepted as the norm, it is not a big step to begin the push for putting them in humans. As our society moves towards a cashless society, if you cannot purchase groceries until you pass your hand threw a scanner, most people will cave to the insertion of a chip in them. The micro chip is a true "mark" physically on the person.

I don't know if it's true or not, but someone told me that they are actually micro chipping babies that are born in hospitals now, unknown to their parents. That's pretty scary.

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I have no doubt about the Bible and I believe it so much but its the interpretation of the people I am doubting. I think it has nothing to do with SSN, we just want to guess it, that's why we came up of something. It maybe means credit card or atm LOL :P

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