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Request For Asp Hosting

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you can run ASP.NET in Apache using either Opensource Apache modules or commercial packages.

here are the few resources I've found online.

* How to make Apache run ASP.NET / ASP.NET 2.0
* How do I run ASP on other web servers besides IIS?
* Apache Modules for running ASP
* * Apache::ASP - GPL
* * Chili!Soft ASP - Commercial
* * ModVB - GPL
* * mod_mono - Apache License
* * OpenASP Module - Apache License

hope Opaque finds any of these solutions feasable and provide the hosted memebers the facility to host ASP pages in their sites.

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Although ASP are installed and available only on WINDOWS server for Xisto hosting services, at this time Xisto does not offer ASP compatibility. If you need to use ASP please refer to Xisto - Web Hosting hosting services.

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I must join delivi plea for ASP hosting because few reasons some of them concern well only me and some of them may concern to wider people gorups:* I like to try out new things and one of such things would ASP * This might improve even better Xisto and attract new group of users that are in fact developing in ASP but as there is lack of ASP free hosting providers Xisto would be great for something like that* Also I think that in the second year of study I have one exam that is concenrned of Microsoft technologies and application practices so what better thing to do would be then to test on the Xisto.* I though I had something more but there is nothingI hope I will see Xisto offereing also ASP in theiir package. Next to the last enlargment of space and bandwidth this would be nice edition.

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There's always a room for an improvement. Who knows, perhaps in distant future Xisto may so... but at this time ASP requires dedicated full time around the clock support watch (since there are more hackers and hacking tools for Windows than Linux OS :))Therefore, ASP is currently offered by Xisto - Web Hosting only.

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There's always a room for an improvement. Who knows, perhaps in distant future Xisto may so... but at this time ASP requires dedicated full time around the clock support watch (since there are more hackers and hacking tools for Windows than Linux OS :))
Therefore, ASP is currently offered by Xisto - Web Hosting only.

And are there any plans that Xisto will do so that is, will Xisto start offering next to its existing packages also support for ASP in any close future even in distant.

Thanks, this would be helpful.

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