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Hypocrisy And Lies Why do people do that even if they dont have to?

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Hello,I dont know how many of you would be interersted in this but this is definitely a thing I wanna know about,,, Why are many people hypocritic and lie?Even when they dont need to they tend to lie or make statements which are said by their true self but for the sake of impressing others or cover their insecurities.I knew a girl who used to lie like crazy evn though she didn't have to. I mean she could afford her own things, had great friends, nice personality except when she lied. I have seen a lot of people say things for it will show them in a great light or perhaps get them a date or something.You tell me what would you do with hypocritic people?I mean would you trust them? Coz even our politicians are liars... Dont you think?If you found out that your own lover,friend or family were lying or hypocritic. What would you do?Would love your feedback on itCheers,

Edited by velma (see edit history)

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Oh, the art of misrepresentation and subterfuge... what a great topic!In truth (pun not intended), you already answered your own question. Some people lie because they have this need to impress others. Some do so to cover their insecurities. This girl you mentioned, had a lot of friends; I'd like to point out that some of these... companions may have been "ensnared" by her lies. Well, in any case, her plight is of no significance to me.Now, while it may be readily apparent that some people don't need to lie, they sometimes do so because they fail to see that they don't need to not do so. Another thing is that some people revel in the apparent power they have in misleading others. For example, I, for one, enjoy pulling pranks that involve lying. These are harmless, rest assured. I'd ask them, "Have you prepared for the exam?" They'd ask, "What exam?" Well, it all goes metaphorically downhill from there. Really, it's not all as simple as that but the point is that, in good fun, lying can be enjoyable. Understandably, prank lies don't often last long; any longer and it's no longer a prank.There is much more to lying than what black-and-white media, like religion, for instance, claim. I, for one, think that lying people make the world a much more exciting and interesting place. True, the world right now is hazardous because of us "vile-low-down-slithering-snakes" but, hey, you gotta admit, it's a very interesting world out there.Oh, and lastly, without liars, there'd be no theatre, thespians, drama, movies or even advertisements :lol:

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Hi,That was a really nice reply and I do agre about the world without actors and all but My question, why do The little eople need to lie when there is no need They speak of things which we can clearly see is not true or not what they follow.I want to know why you think that they lie or project themselves in a false light.The girl I mentioned had friends coz she was nice and all and we realised her lies only after a long time. Dolts :lol:Anyway thanks for giving the neat reply :lol:Cheers

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I do believe it's a thing of instinct. A lot of times I've noticed that I didn't need to lie in a certain situation, but I did anyway, simply out of impulse.It's just the first thing people think to do when they believe it may benefit/keep their reputation, honor, that kinda thing. In retrospect though, you can see how that is a catch 22, since lying is dishonorable by nature.People lie, it happens. Some people do it more than others, but I think most people get past it over time. You just end up realizing that lying doesn't really do much anymore, and that telling the truth makes things a lot easier for everyone.

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Have to agree lying on occasions is a instinct or a spur of the moment kind of thing, just to get yourself out of trouble, or a bad situation. But in many cases, it does seem to get back at you down the track. A radio show recently had a segment on "telling the truth/confess" type of segment, where some people confess to being the real culprit after some years (one case even had 25 years!). Theres been one case where a plate was spilt on a young kids head, and the older sister blamed it on the cat.. only to confess 20 years later, and the parents still dont believe her!

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Not really the answer to why people lie but I'd just like to share something I've come across in a comic strip earlier.

Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince the others of the truthfulness of his lies.

The next frame also presented a retort.

But, liars go to hell, eh?

Alright, shutting up now XD

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Lying is okay on some occaisons. When lying isn't really going to end up hurting someone badly, or at all, its okay. But when it gets too out of hand, its really bad. Some people feel they have to lie to feel important or so that people will look at them a certain way, but they don't realize that when the people find out it was all lies, they're defiently not going to like them or respect them anymore. Other people lie because they think they're "protecting" someone else when really, they're just setting them up to be more upset because they're going to be mad at you for a.) whatever you did and then on top that the fact that you lied about it. And some people lie because it's just whatever comes to them at the moment and it sounds better than truth and they possibly lying could make them not get in trouble. Overall, lying isn't a good habit to get into. Every now again, everyone lies. But lying constantly can really set yourself up for failure because most likely (if it's something BIG) it'll get out that you lied and people would be mad at you or you could possibly be in even MORE trouble than before.Hypocrites, SO annoying. Some of those hypocrites really need to learn to keep their mouth's shut!! Don't tell people not to do things and then go ahead and do it yourself. I think the main reason that people do this is because they want to do whatever it is you want to do and so they try and talk you out of it, so they can do it. That is truly an AWFUL thing to do. I could not deal with being friends or dealing with hypocrites! Just my opinion on everything though!

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