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How To Find And Open A Firewall

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I have AVG antivirus. I am downloading WoW for a free 10-day trial. In the middle of the download it goes really slow and says-

Your PC may be protected by a fire wall. Please disable it before trying again

Can you please help me! I don't know how to disable my firewall! I have Windows 200 Service Pack4.

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Well, I always used to get that message until I set up my firewall to allow the ports. I don't know much either. I simply followed the step by step instructions on their site.There should be a link on the downloader somewhere when it says you're behind a firewall, for more info or something. Follow it.Or just have a look round the WOW site in the support area... You'll find it!

Edited by Jimmy (see edit history)

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I looked around the support area- I found the thing about firewalls but I don't know what firewall I have. I think it has something to do with the Anti-Virus Program. I know i don't have Norton. I searched my computer for "firewalls" and something came up about AOL Firewall. It was a .ini extention. There was another one that was a .dll. They jsut have weird boxes and some other random letters. I know none of the other ones are mine.

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Well your firewall will be one of two, either the windows standard or another one that you or someone else installed. First if its the windows standard. Now im on xp so the instructions might vary but you can probably work it out. Go to START > ALL PROGRAMS > ACCESSORIES > SYSTEM TOOLS > SECURITY CENTER Now youll see a few items at the very bottom one of which is the firewall settings, click that and set it to off. Now if thast setting is already set to off it means you have another firewall running, see below. If it was set to on and is now off but youre stilling having issues, restart the downloader and if it still is a problem it could be your router/modem.Now if its another firewall. Again im on xp but these should still work. Usually you'll have a tray icon on the system tray which is where the clock is, mouse over all the icons there till you find one that mentions "firewall" "security" "protected" "norton" or anything firewall sounding. Then right click that icon, nw usually you will see either a "Settings" option or an "enable/disable" type option. For the "settings" option, click that and then usually you'll see "disable" or "security level/settings" click that tab, or if its a button click it to disable or enter the settings, whichever it is. If its the disable button then it should not give a warning saying its going to be/is disabled and it should work after restarting the downloader. Now if it was the security settings then you might have a slider and at one end is like "full" or "paranoid" or something similar and at the other is "off" or "low". If its "off" then of course slide it there and all should be well. If its only "low" then look around that screen for the disable option. I think i covered all i can think of there! Try what i said and let us know what, if anything, happens.

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