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My Introduction

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Hey everyone!I just signed up here. Transfered from Byethost. One of the worse hosts I have tried.So I hope to make my home here :PSo far what I have seen is amazing!If this place is like it is advertised, I will never leave this place :PAnyway the site I am gonna make will be a fansite for Movoda. A browser game. It might become more than just a fansite. Not sure...Anyway, my real name is Marcus and I am 15 (16 February 20th) and I love website designing. Although I'm not to great at it.It's great to talk to you all!-Mystixs

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Hi Marcus, welcome to Trap 17 - it's a great place with a lot of really nice people, I'm sure you'll like it here. So go ahead and start posting, you'll find everyone is really friendly.I'd really like to see your site when you put it up. Take care.

Edited by Yratorm, LightMage (see edit history)

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Welcome to the Xisto. If you have a history of belonging to other Forums, you will understand the need for a few rules, so please read the Xisto readme file for an overview of the things we find offensive. The rules are required to allow all members to have a good experience here at the Forums.

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Welcome Mystixs! We hope you stay around here too! I've been host-hopping for a while too, but this place has been the best by far for me. It's reliable, and even though you have to post, I enjoy it. There are a lot of great members on here. Have fun and make sure you read the Xisto Readme!

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Hello! I'm sorry to hear that it was bad host, but I do think you've made a good choice with Xisto, if you can manage to post of course ;)Welcome! And I hope you enjoy it, like I say to everyone, if you have any questions ask a mod, or a member who's been around for a long time, you can also ask me, and I'll *try* and help, but I'm not that knowledgeable ;) Have fun!

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