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How To Make An Rss Channel For Your Site A copy and paste guide

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Have you ever wanted to know how to make a RSS channel for you site? I'll teach you how. If you know HTML it's not much different. The stuff in the code that has [] around them is what you change. Get rid of the brackets though! There are not a lot variables either. Here is what you need to copy and paste first:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><rss version="2.0">

Paste this at the top of your new document. we used utf-8 for a more freedom as to how we write it.


Here is the next piece we paste into your document:


<channel><title>[Put your RSS Feeds title]</title><link>[Put the link to your site]</link><description>[Put the description of what material is in your RSS feed here]</description><lastBuildDate>[Put the date you are doing this here the syntax should be like this: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:26:00 GMT]</lastBuildDate><language>en-us</language>

If this is a english RSS feed in the US then keep the language the same. Onto the next step.


The next piece is the item. The item is what each topic you see in an RSS feed is. For each new topic/post you put a new item down. Here is our example item:


<item>		<title>[Title of the topic/post]</title>		<guid>[Link of where the feed is directed to]</guid>		<link>[Same as guid in most cases. Just put the same link here. More information below]</link>		<pubDate>[Date you published this feed. An example is: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 14:26:00 GMT]</pubDate>		<description>[Put the description of what this feed will be about here. Each item should be a new description]</description></item>

For more information on guids go here: https://cyber.harvard.edu/rss/rss.html


For each new rss post put a new item. I suggest just copying from the <item> to the </item> then just filling them in.


Now to close everything. Almost finished.Copy and paste this at the end of your document:






So you made the file you need to save the file. I named mine feed.rss But you can name it anything as long as you make it .rss .


After you name and save it and upload it you need to show everyone you have a feed. Do this by posting this at the <head> of all your websites documents:


<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="[Put the title you want people to see when they subscribe to the RSS feed here]" href="[Put the link to your feed. An example: feed://website.com/feed.rss]">


Sometimes it works as a http:// link but not always. feed:// seems to work all the time. After you save and upload your websites documents with that in the head upload them. Depending on what browser your using, when you go to your site now you should see something new on the right side of the URL box. For firefox it is a little blue square that says RSS it is the same for Safari and in Opera you should see an small orange square with the RSS logo. IE doesnt show anything.


Hope this helps. If you want an example here is my sites feed:



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Very nicely written. Will have an attempt later! I wonder how to make like dynamic ones using PHP? Well maybe one day. I am off for the night ;)

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I will look into PHP RSS Channels. Maybe write a tutorial on that also. I'm glad this was useful to someone haha. I would like to see some of the people who used this tutorial's RSS channels.

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first of all thanks for such a great tutorial! it is really helpful! I didnt know how to set rss channel for my ex site but i think that with your tutorial i will make rss channels here on Xisto. Once again thanks!

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I tried to make it as easy as i could to follow. I added as many details and jumped no steps and i hope you like it so far. does anyone have a finished RSS channel from using my tut? I would love to see it!

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Thankyou for this tutorial. I thought that you had to submit your RSS to Yahoo or something, is this the case. I have tried several times to start an RSS feed but it always seems to fail half way, if I could PM you the files, would you look at them and tell me what I am doing wrong?

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Again a very nice tut. I have used RSS on my site. as for writting the code. sadly too lasy for this at times. there are may rss readers around the net to use as well, not to stop people from using your tut. I plan on trying it myself too.

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