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Reduce Acne

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i know how to banish acne once and for all, it's the only real way to get rid of it. Detox. Get rid of all the stuffin your system that's causing your acne, and you can't get it. There are several ways to go about internal cleansing. You may reduce the amount of toxic food you ingest, such as refined sugars, refined carbs, junk food, and nonorganic fruit and vegetables. You can adopt a high or all raw diet, or go on a fast. you can cleanse the colon, which you should do anyway, by taking an internal cleaser like psyllium seed husk, or by taking enemas or colonics, or by simply improving the diet and exersizing.

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Hmm - problems with acne can usually be divided into 'normal' or 'mild' cases and chronic acne that can persist for years.
Unfortunately the chronic kind is sometimes actually an inherited condition.
For the more usual type of acne, first of all, try avoiding:
1) Clothing, hats or helmets that retain sweat and moisture.
2) Long hair that keeps brushing against the skin of the neck or face. Also avoid sleeping with your face on damp hair. If you use hair gels or sprays, be careful that they do not touch the skin of your face.
3) Food. We don't know for CERTAIN, but some foods may aggravate the condition. See if you have an 'outbreak' after eating a certain food, and avoid it in future.
4) Certain kinds of cosmetics may trigger acne as well. Be observant - if you notice a cosmetic triggers your acne, avoid it.

For mild acne there are cleansers, topical gels and creams available - as acne can be caused by several conditions, you might have to experiment with a few of these before you find what works best for you. A suggestion would be to try out a 'new' acne cream on a limited area and see how well it works.

DO NOT go for a product just because some athlete endorses it. They're being paid to dupe you, and you should try to foil their evil plans as much as possible, hehe.
If you have serious problems with acne, the very best thing you can do is consult doctor. This is because serious acne can have any one of several causes, and it's important to locate the specific cause of your acne before treatment. Medical treatment for acne includes antibiotics and hormonal pills. Severe cases are treated with Accutanea.

Whatever the treatment your doctor prescribes, KEEP TO IT for a cure.

Yratorm--is that your face in the picture? if it is, then how would you know about acne, your face is spotless!

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I don't really have much acne, maybe a couple small spots here and there. But I use a prescription medicine(That my sister used). It's some crazy mix of Clindamycin Phosphate. You'll probably have to go to a doctor/dermetologist to get it. It works pretty well, usually overnight any signs of acne are going/fading.

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i use to have ance on my nose and chin and it wouldn't go away. i used everything i could think of and even tried home remedys but nothing seemed to work for my skin. then my sister suggested that i try the clinique skin care line. so i went into dillard's and get the 3 step kit. it worked wonders for me. it came with a face bar of soap. a toner and a clarifying lotion. i love it so much and i still use it to keep my faces from getting oily. its a little more expensive then drug store acne products but its worked for me.

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The athlete, even if their face is clear, will use the treatment once and say that it worked great for them. It's just a testimonial but usually isn't true. They do that to convince you that it must work if someone famous uses it. Sometimes though it is indeed used by that athlete and what they say is true, but you have to be careful.

that's the main idea of advertising. using a popular celebrity as an endorser for their products is one of the best tactics in advertisements. it's like "joining the bandwagon", if you find out your favorite artist uses that product, and you adore that artist so much, you'd buy anything they endorse.

yeah, but it works. If an athlete or some hot girl is promoting a porblem look for me to buy it. Even thought I know that the person may not use it, im willing to take the risk!

lol, just like what i said earlier... :) the reason for buying the product isn't really because they want a cure to their problems, but because they know their favorite artist uses it (which isn't always the case), and since they have this beautiful skin that may or may not be a product of facial treatment centers (or they probably don't have any skin problems at all), it gives you the idea that the product would have worked.
i personally would want to see a celebrity endorse a product they have used before and actually did encounter real results. i remember we used to have a lot of whitening products released in our country (i know, filipinas and filipinos as well are so obsessed with white skin, considering we're in the tropics). it's quite ironic that most people in our country wants to be white, while other white people wants to be tanned. it's a funny thing really. anyway, back to the whitening products, i see a lot of commercials that feature women who use the products. for some reason i really couldn't believe that it would give those results. it's funny because i thought they were just adjusting the light so the lady would look lighter :) if they actually did a test and use the product on a dark-skinned girl and she became whiter after a few weeks or months or so.

it's sad that most people in our country think having a dark skin is not "in" and they will look at you with disgust. people have this preconceived notion that dark skinned people are dirty, which is quite sad. my skin is from brown to slightly darker shade and i'm fine with it.

It's some crazy mix of Clindamycin Phosphate.

anyway, back to the topic :) i've used a similar concoction using clyndamycin. my nurse cousin actually told me about it. you have to buy a capsule or tablet (then you have to pound it to make it into powder form) of clyndamycin (it's a generic name, i think). buy a skin cleanser, i use a local product called eskinol (just the classic one) and mix the powder from the capsule. you have to wash your face using a mild soap, then use the clyndamycin solution. then use a toner and a moisturizer. i actually didn't have any pimples when i used this. i remember when i went to the dermatologist, she gave me a set of facial products she made herself. it was an alpha-beta lotion (don't know why it's called like that) for treating the pimples, a vitamin e cream to help the skin on the face rejuvenate, and a clyndamycin solution, only she used distilled water instead of a cleanser. it did help me lose those pimples.

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Well acne is just a normal part of a humans life and we have to deal with it. We can use products like clearasil but they can damage your epidermis with overuse(trust me it has happened to me). But its just better to keep yourself clean and clear as this solves your acne problem pretty well and keep your hair short as it gives acne a lot if you have dandruff. You guys can also try less oily soaps as oil is the main composition of acne. There are many products out there that guarantee you lose acne but if you just wait out till your puberty its not a big problem and guys can avoid sugary materials like chocolates, but if you tend to use products they you might be stuck with them for the rest of your age. Im clean and clear so nothing to worry about. Good luck to people that have acne.

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Reduce acne and find treatments: Reduce acne

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mmm i found this on a site & use it very much =) hope this tips her you!

1. Fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds
Increase the variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet. The easiest way to do this is to create delicious smoothies and juices from ripe fruit, have at least one salad every day — even just as a side dish — with your main meal, and snack on nuts and dried fruits. Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds are fantastic for acne because they contain selenium (Brazils) and zinc (pumpkin seeds), deficiencies in these minerals have been linked to acne. If you're stuck for recipes containing a good variety of fresh ingredients, look no further than Clear Skin, the new book by Karen Jessett — it contains over 80 delicious recipes to aid acne-prone skin.

2. Water

Drink plenty of water every day. Aim to drink at least two litres of still mineral water. If the skin becomes dehydrated, dead skin cells are not effectively shed, which can lead to blocked pores and further acne.

3. Probiotics and prebiotics

Antibiotics destroy the bacteria in your digestive system, which can lead to poor digestion, constipation and reduced absorption of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients — all of which can lead to more acne because your body isn't able to get rid of waste effectively and toxins get expelled via the skin instead. If you have been taking antibiotics for your acne, it's vital you replace the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive system with a good quality probiotic, such as Nature's Biotics.

Prebiotics are foods which help re-establish the good bacteria in the gut — these include honey, onions, artichokes and bananas. Taking a probiotic supplement and eating prebiotics foods will help restore the levels of beneficial bacteria that are destroyed by antibiotics.

4. Supplements & superfoods

Sometimes it's not possible to get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients required to obtain and maintain clear skin. We can be eating all the right foods, but because of other factors — such as long-term antibiotic use — we may not be absorbing everything we need from our diets. There are a few supplements that are particularly useful to those with acne, including:

* Maca — a powdered Peruvian root vegetable that helps balance and stabilize the body's systems and helps normalise hormones. It tastes delicious blended into smoothies, a little bit sweet and little bit savoury. Maca is also rich in essential amino acids, fatty acids, phytochemicals and minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silica and iodine.
* Nature's Living Superfood — A nutrient-dense, mineral-rich superfood, it contains a full spectrum of absorbable nutrients: vitamins, minerals, trace minerals.

5. Use only natural products on your skin

Many skin care products on the market contain chemicals that can aggravate acne-prone skin. By overloading the skin with harsh chemicals that strip the skin's natural oils, the skin will produce more oil to compensate — which can lead to more blocked pores and acne! Use products that contain natural ingredients such as tea tree oil, which is known for its antibacterial properties. The best method for dealing with acne-prone skin is the less-is-more attitude. Use as few products as possible so your skin gets a chance to heal on its own. If you wear make-up, buy formulas that are non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic (non-pore blocking).

* Natural skin care products
o Cleansers
o Toners
o Face Masks & Scrubs
o Soaps
o Moisturisers & Sun Lotions
o For Spots & Pimples
o For Acne Scars
o Men's Skin Care

6. Reduce stress

Stress is on of the biggest precursors of acne, especially beyond puberty. Controlling stress can reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol, and therefore reduce the severity of the acne. Id you suffer from stress regularly, learn to recognise the early symptoms and take action. There are various ways you can reduce stress and become more relaxed:

* Exercise — especially Yoga and T'ai Chi. Moderate exercise will increase blood flow to the skin and aid healing, as well as improve the health of your internal organs enabling them to get rid of waste more effectively.
* Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation

7. Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates

There is recent research pointing the finger at diet — eating refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, flour etc) and sugar leads to a surge in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. This in turn leads to an excess of male hormones, which encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. This grease-like substance encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for acne.

Refined carbs/sugar = more insulin = more hormones = more sebum (oil) = more bacteria = more acne

8. Reduce your intake of caffeine

Caffeine increases the levels of stress hormones in the body and can aggravate acne. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and other stimulant containing drinks.

9. Reduce your intake of dairy and red meat

Dairy products and meat are hard for us to digest, and are acid-forming in the body. The condition of the skin is linked to the health of your internal organs. If you're struggling to digest high levels of animal protein, your body won't get rid of waste products effectively, and they will be released via the skin as acne. Dairy and red meat also contain high levels of hormones which can increase our our levels, and result in more acne. Many people are also intolerant to dairy products without realising it, and a mild intolerance can manifest itself as acne. There are plenty of alternatives to dairy these days — and you can create simple and nutritious nut milks at home, such as the calcium-rich sesame and banana super smoothie.

10. Sunshine and fresh air

Sunshine stimulates the creation of vitamin D in the body — an essential vitamin for healthy skin. A little bit of fresh air and sunshine every day will also reduce stress and increase oxygen to the skin. Even when it's overcast, the sun's rays reach us, so take a 10 minute walk outside every day. Don't get burnt in the sun though — apart from increasing the risk of skin cancer, burnt and heavily tanned skin forms a thick layer on the skin's surface that doesn't exfoliate quickly enough and leads to blocked pores.

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