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What Is Genocide?

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Exactly Hitler had this weird notion that all Jews deserved to die because he felt that they were not the perfect race or something.

More than that, actually ('coz their allies were also "dirty non-Germans") Since Hitler believed the Jews crucified Christ, he may have deemed it his "divine" mission to completely erase all sinners of the world. If you might remember, he also ordered the killings of homosexuals and political dissidents.

A bit off-topic, I just wondered. Why do the words Hitler and Jew always come together but homosexual barely makes it to the association? :lol:

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Dont forget the turkish genoicde against the armenians. The turks will deny to this day that this genocide was every commited by their people, but there are documents that say otherwise.

There isn't any genocide to Armenians by Turks. I can give lots of proofs about this in every platform.

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