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I entered in a a small GFX Tourny at a different site, So first round the theme is set to SCi-Fi which was the piece I just made. I lost the round 3 - 0 KO

I have no problem with the loss but I have a problem lossing by popularity, cause that is what this feels like. But just to get peace from it Id like to hear your honest opinions on the two sigs.. If mine just plain out sucks then let me know..


My Entry:

Posted Image


His Entry:

Posted Image


Please give your honest opinion...

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From looking at these two sigs I can tell you want got you beat.-Lack of depth in your sigs-lack of color-Text Killed you big timeThe standards have changed in sig designing now and your styles are those form 2 years ago.I recommend that you recheck the popular gfx sites and see what are hte new standards.

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sincerely spoken, your sig doesn't remind me of something Sci-Fi....I mean, it`s too abstract, so to say, it doesn't represent the theme of the contest very well...also, you could try adding some "contrast" to your colors - it`s a bit dull the way it is now :)

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I like the eyes on the sig but just like everyone else has said, the text and colors really hurt you. I didnt even notice you had text until i looked at it a second time. Also, the theme was Sci-Fi but that means your sig should be Sci-Fi and not just abstract. Should have picked a better theme or image to make your sig from.

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I have to agree with everyone here. Your sig sucks out loud. For starters, it's WAY too bright, and yeah it was hard to see the text. For afters, the text is too big and rather intruded on your sig. And for finishers, it's just not Sci-Fi enough.

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I think your's has cool effects, cool graphics, but no meaning at all.It's boring in color, and it gives you no other feeling than "urm... what is this?"Like Saint_Michael says, it's lack of depth. You also need a good border for it too.You don't need to fill the whole screen with patterns if you want to make a good sig.I think his entry is better, he has design, colors and interesting background.And his picture is not boring. But i kinda dislike the techniquez word...

Edited by quakesand (see edit history)

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First of all: don't feel too bad about it eh? :) All that competetiveness (dunno if my English is correct) is not good for your heart. But alright, you want an opinion. I honestly don't like both of them, yours and his, that much ^^; they're a bit too blue, too monochrome, and it just doesn't grab my attention. There's no playful aspect in them, and they look like they were made really quickly. A sig has to be interesting you know? It shouldn't be just some cluttering of abstract images, it has to show something.

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Well in my opinion....your sig isn't good...but it should've definitely beat that other one.....lol...You got all the stuff from everyone about how to fix your signature...I'm no pro or anything...so I cant really comment much.

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