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Hello all, my name is Vanna. I'm actually doing this for my aunt pat because she has a small business. ANYWAYS, I'm 20, married, a proud parent, and VERY into anime.I actually think this whole arrangement is pretty sweet, I wonder why more people don't do it...

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Welcome Vanna to Xisto. My name is Joe btw, 15. This arrangement is really cool, over 25,000 members but some people just end up here for who knows why. Nice to meet you, hopefully we'll get to know you better and vice versa... try to ignore my annoying side in the shoutbox. :blink:

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Hey Vanna, welcome to Trap 17. I'm pretty new to all of this myself but I think I am starting to fit in very well. If you are like me you will probably end up wanting to post on this forum rather than needing to. If you need any help with anything I might be able to help but you would probably have a better chance of getting help from someone like Plenoptic up there ^^ lol.

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Wow. You're a parent? Must be tiring. :wacko: lolBut, anyways, welcome to the boards. Hopefully, you have a great time posting. But before you start posting, just remember 1 liners aren't allowed. They're considered spam and you won't get any hosting. :blink: Have fun.

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Thanks everyone! And yes it is quite tiring.And teecee, I'd prolly feel more comfortable getting advice from you, cuz sometimes more advances users can be alil intimidating >.< but so far everyone seems nice and ready/willing to help. :blink:

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Welcome pat decor! Don't let the more advanced members like Plenoptic scare you, they usually know a lot about things and are very nice (shouldn't have used Pleno as an example lol). Anyways, there are a lot of people on here into anime (not me) so you should find some friends. Have fun and make sure you read the rules.

By the way, no post counts spots may be your worst friend lol

Edited by husker (see edit history)

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Hello pat_decor (Vanna) Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Well your aunt has a nice niece. You are being helpful to her by coming to Trap 17. There are a lot of friendly, helpful people here, so you have come to the right place for free no ad hosting.

If you haven't read the Trap 17 Forum Rules, please do so. They are important to keep this forum up and running in a wholesome informative fashion.

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