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How Would I Add This To My Forum?

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Phpbb is available by using the pre-installed scripts in the cpanel.I think it is phpbb version 2.0.17 or maybe 2.0.21 . Not certain about the actual version number, but it is a stable release.I timed-out using that link, so I don't know exactly what the link leads to. You will be able to Mod the phpbb forum anyway you wish, once you have the Hosting account.Subject to space and bandwidth limits, of course.When I first started, I found the smaller package was not large enough for two forums and a web-site. Bandwidth issues. So save your credits and go for the default (larger) package is my suggestion.

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I am nt certain about the dot net accounts. I will go register and set one up then I will be in a better position to advise you. Hang tough. I will be right back.

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wait!!!! im talking about a package two!!!! im not doing a dot net one anymore...im VERY sorry if you didnt get this in time

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I have installed that on a friend's forum before and it is actually very simple. The mod comes with instructions on how to modify your forum so it works. Obviously you need phpBB up and running first, and for that you need your hosting account, but when you have your account feel free to PM, email or IM me and I can help you get phpBB and the Cash Mod up and running. Both phpBB and the Cash Mod do have full, detailed and easy to follow instructions on how to install them and troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. I would also advise against installing with the cPanel auto-installer as it can go wrong and the version is out of date.

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Hey :)


Like everyone else has pointed out, get phpBB up and running first. Install it from scratch, install the latest release that the CashMod is compatible with. I think the latest release is 2.0.21, but cashMod would only work on 2.0.18, as far as I can see, so install that version.


To install a mod yourself, you need to be comfortable with editing php files. It's mechanical work, potentially tedious and dangerous in roughly equal proportions. Hint: If you cannot install phpBB without an auto installer, get a friend to install the mod for you - seriously. Someone can download a vanilla phpBB, install the mod and toss it back to you.


Having said that, here's how you'd typically go about it:


- Backup your database if you're going to do the install on an active forum. This is extremely important - please ensure you've everything backed up!

- Download the mod files. Usually, it will have some instructions on it, in the following general format:


a. Open xyz.php/xyz.tpl/xyz.inc

b. Find something, say "lorem ipsum".

c. Add something, either before, or after "lorem ipsum".

d. You might have multiple edits in a single file.

e. Close the file, go back to step 'a' :P


- Close everything and vist the forums via your web browser as usual. You should be able to see the mod incorporated into your forum assuming all went well! If you get wierdo errors, make sure to look up the discussion in the official forum thread. (Tip: Do not PM/email the mod author for support, as a matter of general principle, they wouldn't appreciate that at all! Don't be shy, if you can't find a solution in spite of googling, just reply in the thread that you linked to in your post explaining your problem.)


Also, for the cash mod, you might have to execute some SQL statements. You can do this by copying and pasting the statements inside phpmyadmin under the relevant database (usually called phpbb or something similar).


Good luck with the installation, and ping right back if you encounter any trouble.

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I would recommend that before you edit any of the files you copy them to your computer first, that way if you encounter any errors when you have finished you can just overwrite the edited files with the originals.Trust me, this is well worth doing, otherwise you could find yourself spending hours trying to track down a typing error.

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I have installed that on a friend's forum before and it is actually very simple. The mod comes with instructions on how to modify your forum so it works. Obviously you need phpBB up and running first, and for that you need your hosting account, but when you have your account feel free to PM, email or IM me and I can help you get phpBB and the Cash Mod up and running. Both phpBB and the Cash Mod do have full, detailed and easy to follow instructions on how to install them and troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. I would also advise against installing with the cPanel auto-installer as it can go wrong and the version is out of date.


whenever i get hosted is phpbb up and running automatically? what do you mean about the cpanel? not to do what?

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I know for one, you have to put it in the plugins or something folder. The readme should tell you everything from there, if these kind people before me have not. From there, just activate it in your phpBB admin panel. PLEASE BACKUP YOUR FORUM IF YOU HAVE CONTENT ON THERE. It's a total pain to try to restore a forum if something happens. (My previous post was retarded; if you read it, don't yell at me :))

Edited by biscuitrat (see edit history)

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