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I'm Not A Christian!

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It is true that you are a human and have opinions etc... But your opinion must not be always the same, your opinion can change by other people's thoughts and evidences and facts. If you hated your medicine because it tastes no good then someone told that this medicine is for your own good and health won't you like the medicine because it preserves your health?!!! That's the same thing here!! I think that God didn't answer your prayers because you don't have faith in him, and because you just prayed without really beleiving that God is able to answer your prayers and to respond to them!! YOU SHOULD FIRST BELEIVE IN GOD AND THEN PRAY TO HIM!! You should be first convinced that God truely exists!! Have you tried reading another holy book else than the holy bible like the holy qoran?! I read there that the last day of earth is coming soon. But saying that isn't just eough to proove to yo that the last day in approching isn't it?! And the holy qoran said that God exists and that he is one and that devils exists and angels, hell, heavan etc... but saying that is not ough to proove for people that these truely exists!! and from here the holy qoran wich appeared about 800 after Jesus Christ said that Tall buildings will evade the world!! Didn't that truely happened?! And that is only one of the signs that God gave it to us so that we beleive in him and the last day etc... Another sign that this important book said long before it happend: Weman will progressively put on less and less clothes, people will be more interested in music than in education and God. These are some of the signs that the qoran said before happening and truely happened.


Now here are some of the signs that didn't happened yet but are supposely going to happen: A big mountain of GOLD will be discovered beneath a river in iraq and people will make wars to take it over, a person who makes magic will appear in a country and will say that he is Jesus but in fact he is a fake one and people will be attracted by his magical shows etc... and eventually they will beleive him. I have tons of others facts and evidences that could change your mind about beleiving in God!! I hope when that mountain of gold will appear in Iraq you will said that someone told me this and perhaps you will start beleiving in God, I am happy to tell you more real evidences and facts prooving Gods existence not just some man talking about heavan hell God... But true evidences that I hope the world will take a close look at it and will start beleiving in the O Mighty, my hand is hurting from writing I hope this effort you would change your mind!!! Don't say heavan and hell do not scare because you don't know what are they but I am sure that when you will see hell you will wish if you was sand.

Now I am ready to continue this topic and brake my hand from writing, to convince you that God exist but tell me if you are a little bit convinced by what I just said. If you feel you want to learn more about God, why you should beleive inn him, and to help you solve your problem than, I am ready to do it, and I will keep writing till I convince you that God exists or till both of my hands are broaken!!


When Princess Diana was in the car Accident I was 10 years old, so yes at the time i probably did have real faith in god.


Just because the book says things will happen, doesn't mean it was because of god. Its called observation, watching the surroundings around you, seeing how things are progressing etc...I can make a bunch of predictions that will probably come true, it doesn't mean god told me.


When you are ready to believe in all things science, and not fantasy, I'll be ready. But obviously that isn't going to happen IS it? And neither is me letting you sit there and pack your beliefs into me, because i will just throw them back up. All you just typed wasn't evidence, I think you don't understand the word 'evidence' that was just predictions and theories...neither are actually evidence.


But you know what, you can thump your bible at me and preach and it won't change what i think, just like i can't change what you think, so just drop it because i will never be one of you.






I also think that you're just over reacting :) imagine, drawing conclusions such as "forcing their relgion to you" from "god bless you" :P


well, but your over reaction is ok :P it's just a phase (not the atheist part, but the over reacting part :D) :D


your over reactions are probably just due to the fact that you know very few people who have similar beliefs as you B) that's why you think the christians are "ganging" up on you :P perfectly normal human reaction, but it will wear off through time :P


...btw, religion is not evil :P ...i don't believe in branding something that cannot decide evil or good :P if you think about it, it's another common human behaviour, pointing fingers :P ..but again, it's just a phase (at least for you, i think it is) :P


I'm not overreacting. It is a case of hearing too much of the same thing over and over , and finally getting fed up with it. I say ONE thing, about evolution and several christians get on my **bottom** about it, i have gone 19 years hearing 'god bless you' and 'i will pray for you'..I think I am allowed to finally say, hey i have my beliefs too!



And if anyone thinks it is a phase, and im just trying to rebel..you are wrong. I didn't just pull my opinions out of the big book of how to defy the world, my non believing in god has come on me slowly after several things have been brought to my attention, one major thing being science.

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Christians are ridiculed for believing in God too. We're ridiculed most by the scientific community, which is easy to believe.

Maybe in ancient rome and in Angels and Demons, but now-a-days there are over 2 billion christians around the world. Scientists don't ridicule christians because most scientists are christian.


just thought I'd say that :)

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Ok, let me get this straight...

Everyday you got a...

"I will pray for you" "god bless" "bless you"... from somebody, for some reason.

Not stating these reasons, for it was either unknown, or it...

didn't bother me all that much, i just shrugged it off because it was their belief, and I understood that.

Though, over time...

it happened more, and more...and I started to think about what it really meant, and then my own beliefs, and i started to get angrier, and more annoyed each time i heard it, until i have been driven to the point of where i am now.

Apparently, you came up with the conclusion, on your own, that all of this was a bad thing. Although, you did not mention how you came up with it, you gave the impression that you brought in your own religion into this in order to form this conclusion. Now, it has been stated that Christians don't always say these things as a negative. In fact, if i'm not mistaken, "God Bless (you)" is always in a positive manner. It is like saying, "I hope the rest of your life goes well". Now, i understand "I will pray for you" can go either way, but there is no evidence that shows that it is in the negative. Since the other phrase ("God bless [you]") is in a positive sense, i can only conclude that "I will pray for you" is also in a positive sense.
Because of lack of evidence, i must agree with those that have stated that you're taking this as a bad thing, when it appears to be a good thing. These Christians--when they say such things as "God bless"--are in no way pushing their religion upon you.

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Ok, let me get this straight...
Everyday you got a...
Not stating these reasons, for it was either unknown, or it...
Though, over time...
Apparently, you came up with the conclusion, on your own, that all of this was a bad thing. Although, you did not mention how you came up with it, you gave the impression that you brought in your own religion into this in order to form this conclusion. Now, it has been stated that Christians don't always say these things as a negative. In fact, if i'm not mistaken, "God Bless (you)" is always in a positive manner. It is like saying, "I hope the rest of your life goes well". Now, i understand "I will pray for you" can go either way, but there is no evidence that shows that it is in the negative. Since the other phrase ("God bless [you]") is in a positive sense, i can only conclude that "I will pray for you" is also in a positive sense.

Because of lack of evidence, i must agree with those that have stated that you're taking this as a bad thing, when it appears to be a good thing. These Christians--when they say such things as "God bless"--are in no way pushing their religion upon you.

When someone tells me they will pray for me because I am gay. Thats offencive and that is negative.

And i do take 'god bless you' as a bad thing, just because they think its a nice/good thing to say doesn't mean i do, or that it actually is. Its like saying 'Happy Birthday' to someone who doesn't celebrate their birthday, maybe to you it seems simple, and gentle enough and nice..but to them it can be highly offensive and rude. Many people dont believe in reincarnation, and so when you say "Well, he will be reincarnated into something even greater" you may THINK its a nice, and soothing thing to say, but if they dont believe in reincarnation, it can be taken as the exact opposite. People need to just keep their mouths shut and stop telling everyone 'god bless' and 'reincarnation that...' and anything else of that nature, UNLESS they know you share their same beliefs. And there is a time and a place for it, i mean if i am walking down the street or at school i dont want to be told 'god bless' everywhere i go, but if i was in church and someone said that how can i really be offended? Its church... so for them to assume i believe in god, would be understandable but anywhere else it isn't.
Edited by JasperIk (see edit history)

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Didn't you ever wondered how this world is moving on? I mean we don't have water on planet just by coincidence?! God made water on earth because we people get thirsty. And he made us food from animals and trees so that we eat! That is not a coincidence. The sun exists because if not we will be frozen. This whole completed system is the circle of life. Look at a bee it weighs less than 100 gr and can make jars of deleicious honey and can twist her wing thousand of times per second!! That's not science or human invented that. It is God who said:''People can;t invent a flye'' (if that is how it is written) We are not here on earth to live our live and pretend that nothing is going on. We are here for specific purposes wich is science and culture and to learn more and more about this magnificent world!!If you don't want to pray to God then pray to the one or the ones who created this world because you know that neither human nor science created this world but someone or maybe more if you like created this world. So I am not saying that you should beleive in God! But atleast beleive in those who created the system we are living in!! And thank them for the thinks you like. The people or the one who crerated this world are mighty pray to them perhaps they will hea from you!!

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Didn't you ever wondered how this world is moving on? I mean we don't have water on planet just by coincidence?! God made water on earth because we people get thirsty. And he made us food from animals and trees so that we eat! That is not a coincidence. The sun exists because if not we will be frozen. This whole completed system is the circle of life. Look at a bee it weighs less than 100 gr and can make jars of deleicious honey and can twist her wing thousand of times per second!! That's not science or human invented that. It is God who said:''People can;t invent a flye'' (if that is how it is written) We are not here on earth to live our live and pretend that nothing is going on. We are here for specific purposes wich is science and culture and to learn more and more about this magnificent world!!
If you don't want to pray to God then pray to the one or the ones who created this world because you know that neither human nor science created this world but someone or maybe more if you like created this world. So I am not saying that you should beleive in God! But atleast beleive in those who created the system we are living in!! And thank them for the thinks you like. The people or the one who crerated this world are mighty pray to them perhaps they will hea from you!!

None of the other planets (atleast in our solar system) have any sign of life, because they do not hold the requirements to store life. We need water for hydration, we need oxygen to breathe (we put out carbon dioxide, for plants, while they put out oxygen for us) . We need the sun for warmth. Life began, because of energy from the sun, and lightening, mixing with the hot water/lava on our earth, it created tiny simple organisms that later and eventually progressed into more complex organisms. Not because some god created it. The whole world doesn't revolve around humans, even though most people think it does. None of the stuff on earth was made for US, they just happen to be the only things that can handle us. If god exists, than why aren't people perfect, and why have we gone (not just humans) through so many changes. Wouldn't god create the 'perfect' beings if he supposedly has such a power?

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None of the other planets (atleast in our solar system) have any sign of life, because they do not hold the requirements to store life. We need water for hydration, we need oxygen to breathe (we put out carbon dioxide, for plants, while they put out oxygen for us) . We need the sun for warmth. Life began, because of energy from the sun, and lightening, mixing with the hot water/lava on our earth, it created tiny simple organisms that later and eventually progressed into more complex organisms. Not because some god created it. The whole world doesn't revolve around humans, even though most people think it does. None of the stuff on earth was made for US, they just happen to be the only things that can handle us. If god exists, than why aren't people perfect, and why have we gone (not just humans) through so many changes. Wouldn't god create the 'perfect' beings if he supposedly has such a power?

Maybe none of the planets have any sign of life because humans ARE the main focus of God's creation. What are the chances that there is just enough oxygen to meet our needs, that there even is water, and the the sun is just close enough for there to be living creatures? And I do believe that everything on this planet was made for us, or to reveal God's glory.

God did, in fact, create perfect humans in the beginning. But he also gave us free will. And the first humans chose to use that free will for the worse. And there we have it - impefect humans.

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wow hadiplease do not state whatever you say for the creation of the universe as fact...no one knows how the universe was created, you cannot state any method as fact at this point in time.and really stop being such a close minded person.accept another view point, take it in as a possibility.

Edited by DarkPsycho (see edit history)

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Maybe none of the planets have any sign of life because humans ARE the main focus of God's creation. What are the chances that there is just enough oxygen to meet our needs, that there even is water, and the the sun is just close enough for there to be living creatures? And I do believe that everything on this planet was made for us, or to reveal God's glory.
God did, in fact, create perfect humans in the beginning. But he also gave us free will. And the first humans chose to use that free will for the worse. And there we have it - impefect humans.

Humans are NOT the main focus of anything, god why are people so self centered? The world does NOT revolve around humans, infact the world would be better off without humans, because we have destroyed almost everything. I honestly cannot figure out a way to explain that the things we need, weren't made for us directly. Yes without them we wouldn't live, but the reason they are here was never for just us, they just happen to be the only things that we (and other organisms) can be created from and benifit from. If god existed, we wouldnt have to use any resourses, and we probably wouldn't be as complex. I just think god was created because at the time scientific discovery was small, and people didn't have the ability to study things more closely, and conclude things as well as now, so they made up god to answer questions they had about the world.

Always blaming eh? God was created by people to put blame on someone. The world is bad because eve took the apple blah blah...why not just accept that people suck, and there will always be good or evil, and if there really was a god, he wouldnt have allowed anyone to be evil.

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Exactly, people believe in a God because they needed guidance from somewhere. Whether this God is real or not is impossible to find out.Also about everything being perfect on this planet for humans, its also perfect for dolphins and apes and every other animal on the planet. People thinking that this earth was made just for humans is as close-minded as people thinking that the sun revolves around the earth. I don't know but it seems like the more religious you guys are the less open to change you are. I'm Christian but I don't believe everything said in the Bible to be the absolute truth. Although obviously I do believe that Jesus Christ was the Savior and Son of God, or else I might as well be Agnostic.

Edited by DarkPsycho (see edit history)

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Well, I think there are a lot of views of Christianity and personally, I think it is polite for them to say "god bless", "bless you", and "I will pray for you" To me, its a polite gesture that is sometimes good. I myself am agnostic and I respect the religon Christianity and others, since some members of my family are Christians; even though I don't attend church, or believe in it. You can see another topic that is maybe similar to this one at http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=40792= where my view about atheism being a social bias. Also, your post is very strong in meaning how you describe Christianity of lies. Christianity may be of lies or could possible be true, but it does have it's benefits sometimes. Maybe this will change your mind about them.

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@jasper Ik:Who do you think created this complex system?! Is it coincidence who know that oxygen is essential for human live and we should put machines to create more and more oxygen. Or God who said that and we made for every element a source, wich means everything we need we can find more of it. Do you think the one who wrote this holybooks was a human who accidentally knew all secrets of life, or is it the one who created this whole system and wrote this book to introduce us to this world, and to really beleive that he is the one who created this world because he know everything about it, and that is prooven that holy books has everything about life all it is small secrets too but we just have to read one of those books.God said why he didn't make us perfect. One of the prophets said:''The deamon goes with you the same as blood goes into your body.'' We aren't perfect because they are deamons on the same planet as we do.God made a cure for every disease and for every virus, but for one disease wich is getting old and enventually die. Perfection comes in the after life. If someone said so and appeared to be true won't you beleive that God exist because you have proove know. If someone wrote a book about life, and all what it had was nothing but true secrets of our lives won't you beleive this book when he say that God wrote me and he is the creator of his universe?!PS: Tell me if you are starting to be convinced. Not even a bit?!

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I'm actually tired of reading your posts, only because they are just god did this god did that, and YES i normally do come up with better things as a reply, but i am just sick of your posts, and will not put anymore time into replying to them, because they are just you saying blah blah blah. NO, you are not convincing me, you will never convince me so please stop trying, you are only wasting your time. Another thing, i know people aren't perfect, and i have made many typos in my life, but would it hurt you to proofread, i find myself skipping over a lot of what you say because it is spelled wrong, or doesn't make any sense, maybe you don't know english well, but you can atleast use a spell check.

Edited by JasperIk (see edit history)

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You are sick jasperIk, I am trying to do a good thing, to you, and you just blew me off. What I write isn't for your fun, or pleasure, and isn't just for you. If you don't want my posts then gentely say it not this way.You know I am tired of your sickness, and of your posts and replying to them. How could you do that, you are selfish, and want everyone at your service be a grown-up, I am not your maid!!! No wonder you don't want anyone praying for you, and you get mad at them. You are crazy!!Go to your doctor or something!! I am really, really mad. You know it is very hard to know 5 launguages and I am not yet 14. So excuse me, for not writing well. You are a phsyco-freak. I wish God will cure you.I am out of here, you are a looser and just don't car about other people's feeling. Stay that way your whole life. At least apologize, but you ain't a gentleman to do this.Get a life!!

Edited by Hadi (see edit history)

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You are sick jasperIk, I am trying to do a good thing, to you, and you just blew me off. What I write isn't for your fun, or pleasure, and isn't just for you. If you don't want my posts then gentely say it not this way.You know I am tired of your sickness, and of your posts and replying to them. How could you do that, you are selfish, and want everyone at your service be a grown-up, I am not your maid!!! No wonder you don't want anyone praying for you, and you get mad at them. You are crazy!!
Go to your doctor or something!! I am really, really mad.
You know it is very hard to know 5 launguages and I am not yet 14. So excuse me, for not writing well. You are a phsyco-freak. I wish God will cure you.
I am out of here, you are a looser and just don't car about other people's feeling. Stay that way your whole life.
At least apologize, but you ain't a gentleman to do this.
Get a life!!

holy crap, calm down buddy.
he was right, you're sitting here trying to convert him, basically.
I really doubt he needs someone trying to throw their beliefs at him when thats why he made this topic in the first place :)

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