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Zero Ziat

Is A Smtp Server Setup On Trap17 Servers? I need it for my websites DRUPAL registration.

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Hey guys! I can't ask in shoutbox so I've got to use the slow way. : /As you've probably read, I need it for my website's registration, I've learned this by asking in the Drupal(a CMS) Support, this good man said that I should have an SMTP server setup for it to work, unfortunately, I don't know if Xisto haves it and I don't know how to access it.If there is none, could you recommend a free solution?If there is one, could you be so kind of teaching me how to use/access it?Thanks by now.P.S: Go Xisto crew!

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Yes, I believe there exists an SMTP server on this Hosting service. Well, at least the php mail function works and I have never had any difficulties using the mail() here. I have a forum set up on my account and the emails to/from members works perfectly. I also require email notifications for registration, so have fun with your new site.

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have you tried setting up your drupal-powered site already? most CMS would automatically configure this, especially the more popular ones like joomla, etc. i'm thinking drupal would do the same. drop your site link in this thread later on when you get to set up your drupal-powered site. :)

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Well, a user never recieved my registration e-mail at his AOL account, he tried a LOT of times...So...Are you sure?There is also this Drupal module called "SMTP" that will allow me to use another SMTP server but I obviously need it's address, port, username and password...So, I dunno.

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i have no first-hand experience with drupal, so i can't say for certain. ask me about joomla instead (i'm currently using this for one of my sites). :)

nevertheless, here are some tips:
1. for the AOL user you said which cant receive his registration email, AOL may just be filtering it as spam. have you any other registrants with other email providers, like yahoo, msn, gmail for example? if it works for one, it should work for all.
2. don't forget to properly configure your user registration, as you require.
3. try to register a test account yourself, using an email address you own, so you can verify if registration works or not.
4. if in your own test account you registered yourself, you find you do not receive the registration email, then this might help: E-Mail from Drupal is bouncing or not being sent
5. if SMTP configuration via your php.ini does not work, try this: Configuring Drupal to successfully relay SMTP mail to an external mail server using smtp.class

so far that's the research i have done for you. hope it helps. :P there maybe differences with how the linked suggestions above would work depending on your drupal version, so you may want to add that next time in here as well, so we can figure out a version-specific solution for you, if we can. :P

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Here's some quick info on Gamma's (the free hosting server's) mail server settings:Address: mail.yourdomain.trap17.com or mail.yourdomain.comPort: defaultRequire SMTP Authentication (or similar wording): Yes or checkedSMTP Username: account+yourdomain.trap17.com or account+yourdomain.comSMTP Password: the one you setIn the future, you can get access to this stuff by going into cPanel, clicking Add / Remove E-mail account(s), then Outlook next to the account you want the settings for.

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dear Zero Ziat Xisto has very good smtp and you can use it
you can acess regfile for manage your mail clint
for more info read cpanel help
dear Zero Ziat you can acesss your email and send email by webmail for webmail :
then your username : yourusername + yoursite.com
password : password
and now you login

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