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Replies On This Forum at least read the first post in a thread

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Just a minor annoyance here. I thought I'd start a new thread instead of hijacking the other one. It's not in the vent forum anyway, and I need to vent. :)There's a thread in particular that I am talking about, but I see this quite often- people will respond to what they see in the thread title and not what the person is actually posting about. "I don't have a dream" is what the thread that sent me over the edge is called. A girl is talking about how she feels there is a void in her life because she doesn't know what she wants to do. Dream = ambitions and goals. Half the responses in the thread are explaining how it's okay not to have sleeping dreams. You don't need to read the whole first post if it's going to take up too much time. At least read a few sentences. Get the gist of things.Does it matter in the long run? Everyone got credits for a day or two.

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I know what you mean, especially from the author's standpoint. You put something out, wanting to be read, recognized - particularly when it's an honest request for help and assistance - and then having it ignored, you feel a little less worthwhile. Granted, it's always worse for me, having Clinical Depression and self-esteem issues, but seriously, pay ATTENTION to the author!This forum is supposed to be about QUALITY postings, at least from my understanding. This includes QUALITY help. Sure, the other people got a few credits, but the main reason most people participate here is for the COMMUNITY. Respect the community, and respect the people in it.If you can't take the time to read, should you be taking the time to post?

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Yeah. I agree with you... I mean, we're all worried about credits, but that doesn't mean I mindlessly reply without reading the initial post. Though I often don't read all the posts in a 7 page thread, I at least make sure I know what I'm talking about.

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The problem most people face, though, is that they read in context. Quite often in a multi-paged thread I simply skip to the last page and see if I can write a relevant response to the latest post there. This post may be totally off on another tangent, but I wouldn't know, as long as it fits the title, in a way.I do believe, though, that IPB 2.0 offers many different kinds of browsing, as can be seen in the top right corner of the thread. If I'm not wrong, one of the options is to always have the first post come up in a thread, or something of the sort, anyway. If this was made default, I'm sure this whole issue of a misconception of a topic would be easily avoided.

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Just a minor annoyance here. I thought I'd start a new thread instead of hijacking the other one. It's not in the vent forum anyway, and I need to vent. :)
There's a thread in particular that I am talking about, but I see this quite often- people will respond to what they see in the thread title and not what the person is actually posting about. "I don't have a dream" is what the thread that sent me over the edge is called. A girl is talking about how she feels there is a void in her life because she doesn't know what she wants to do. Dream = ambitions and goals. Half the responses in the thread are explaining how it's okay not to have sleeping dreams. You don't need to read the whole first post if it's going to take up too much time. At least read a few sentences. Get the gist of things.

Does it matter in the long run? Everyone got credits for a day or two.

When i reply to things I normally read the first post, type something up regarding it, and then skim through all the other ones picking any highlights i may want to respond to. But you are right, a lot of people don't even skim through the first post.

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I haven't seen that happen much on Xisto however I have seen it alot on other sites (Eg. Neopets) where people take one look at the title and assume what the issue is and it turns out to be wrong. I do accuse myself of doing that a few times on other forum sites, but I've never really done it on Trap since at least here peoples posts are worth the few mintues to read.

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i actually make myself read the entire topic so I don't post something thats already been posted and so I know where people are in the topic

I do the exact same thing. Not only so I don't say something thats already been said, but also so I can comment on others views too. I like to be up to date on all the information, not just get the jist of things. If I only read the first post, I won't know what steps were already taken, what other ways I might be able to help, etc... And I think for people to just assume what the topic is about and mindlessly post or so blatently get off topic is disrespectful. I imagine sometimes it is done sometimes without intent, but it does happen often.

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If the thread is a long one, I will usually just read the first couple of posts and the last couple of posts. On shorter threads I try and read everything. What sometimes anyones me is three posts in a row saying exactly the same thing, but with slightly different wording.

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