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Humanity Should Be Destroyed!

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One must say that your opinion that the ‘humanity must be destroyed is indicative of a very dangerous point in the time of the history of humanity on this planet. The history is witness of many a cruel human beings who had destroyed millions of people in the name of politics, misplaced religious beliefs etc. But this opinion of yours comes as a surprise to me and sends a shiver down my spine when I contemplate about the possibility of that thought getting converted into a reality by someone. You are one among the 700 plus billion people that inhabit this planet. 700 plus Million! And to moot even an idea to destroy a race as vast as that because of a few among them believe that the race has lost its fitness to live on is, to say the least, precarious. Even the worst of the humans such as Hitler, Mussolini et al (to their credit!) had destroyed only a few millions. Even such hardcore dictators have not contemplated a complete destruction of the human race. Of all the species on this planet, the humans are the only ones gifted with the faculty to think, contemplate. Of course, it is a fact that that this faculty of thinking presently is being used mostly for destructive purposes. But that does not mean that the same faculty is not being used for constructive purposes. Of course, it is. There are millions of people who whole heartedly use this faculty for the well being of the human kind. In certain cases there a few hundred thousands who have dedicated their lives for this cause. We all owe our existence, howsoever wretched it may be, to this minority! In fact, it is their presence which is the nemesis of the evil forces of the world, and the prime reason that prevents the world getting taken over by these evil forces.Therefore, though the evil forces on this planet seems to have an upper hand over the good forces for the time being, we should not forget that we have dealt with all the predecessors them such as Hitler, Mussolini etc and taught them with befitting replies. Actually it is a cycle which repeats itself in the human history. The periods of living in agony have always paved the way to living in ecstasy too. Cheer up. Look at the brighter side of the life.

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It won't be long off. Nature will see to that. Once natures had enough of a species, she destroys it. Man is next on the list.

  On 9/4/2006 at 2:39 AM, 'triple6fistdestructionsoulhammer' said:

Humans have become a scourge on this planet. I shall not resort to the cliché of the cockroach comparison, though it may well be apt. In truth we are more akin to the locust, we descend upon and devour, destroying all we come into contact with. We destroy entire ecosystems for resources to build frivolous things. We hunt and kill other animals for our own amusement. When we do not needlessly devour the flesh of these things we display them as trophies, cruel mockeries of nature. When not inflicting misery on all the other living species that surround us, we torture each other. We murder our own far more than any other animal on the planet. When shooting or beating or strangling isn't enough, we build weapons that inflict horrifying plagues, or worse, nuclear weapons capable of destroying our planet many times over. Despite our self-destructive nature we breed far into excess, building harmful habitats that pollute and sprawl like vast scar tissue on the planets face. What then must be done? What can we as a population do to save our world. The answer, my friends is all to clear. Humanity must be destroyed. We must be destroyed before our cruelty and destructiveness destroy the rest of the life on this planet. We have had our chance on this planet and have proved infallibly our unfitness and our degeneracy. We are a plague, and I fear that perhaps ironically it is the virus that is the cure.

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What is the point of this idea?I mean what we should do , commit suicide for the mother nature? The whole universe has a system , it destroys objects and organisms when needed.I think of mother nature , as everything is planned. If you studied biology you would see how complicated and successful are we built. You don't need to move too far , just see flowers and bees , see seeds.We will get out of fuel , out of trees and we won't be able to make the planet worse. Everything will be as it was in the past.

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I haven't gone through all the posts so far in this thread, but I have seen comments like "the most absurd" and "completely agree"-type. With so many replies, it probably covers every slice of the spectrum of possible opinions regarding the topic. This post can add to the series to make it more complete.Way to go ...

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Life is the most complex and, largely as a result, the most beautiful and precious thing we have found. Self-aware life is the crown-jewels - the ultimate way for the universe to know itself. I have no problem with the notion that homosapiens will be replaced, either by continuing evolution, or by some hybrid techno developments that we can't even guess at. Wishing the only 'aware' species in the known universe gone, however, seems criminally solipsistic.

Edited by Bikerman (see edit history)

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It should also be noted that we have not found any life of our caliber anywhere else in the Universe. We've probed distances light-years away for any sign of intelligence, but nothing. So I can't see the point of view that our lives should be cut short due to our effect on the environment. But you're right in the sense that our expansionist mentality, soon, will become too large for the Earth to be able to handle. When this time comes, the resources available for us on the planet will not be enough to provide for our race. This, to me, is an imminent obstacle in our future, albeit beyond our life spans. Why? Because our rate of consumption increases with the population and the rising wealth of nations. Given that, we don't have any proportionately powerful ways of increasing our "output" of natural resources.At some point, we will run out of oil, be depleted of fertile fields, and have a desert where forests should have been. Much before we push that threshold, naturally, we would have invested a large amount of our resources into finding alternative sources of energy in the universe. While this sounds a little bit like Star Trek, I really don't see how we can avoid it. Costs rise, resources aren't infinite, so at some point, Costs > resources.Of course it can also be argued that a genocidal policy towards self preservation, perhaps by eliminating other races to cut down on consumption, is a very real answer. But then we move full circle back to our nuclear holocaust idea, where we eat eachother alive.Like the above poster said, we're too awesome to put other forms of life at higher priority than ourselves. =D

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Well I am agree with you about destroying humanity all the polution problems are over the life in the earth will be more clean, more green more nature. But I don´t think you want to die. Nobody wants to die. Die is the end of the life here in the earth and if you are suggesting destroying the human race maybe there are another options. You are rigth with your point about we are the only race that want things and to get these things we have to destroy in a way or another some ecosystems to get resources and like the actual tendence of growing human population we will not get some enough resources to all of us and maybe will be our ending. But the nature is very intellingent. In the past when the resources has been low the weakest dies and the stronger lives is a thing named natural selection described by Darwin. In my country over all in my town there is a say; "Not all good is correct, not all the bad is incorrect" When the planet experiment the war and a lot of people dies is only ocurring things bad to some human beings but good to the preservation of the nature and humanity when a lot of people dies all the resources that those dead people had consumed is saved and the people who lives in the long term is favored.The humanity and all the things we do are so complex. For example a lot of the economy of my country depends on the logging you know cut trees to sell the wood. If you think about nature you will see all the destruction this practice is doing to the environment here in Honduras but if you stop this... Almost 900,000 families will lose their way of sustent and the economy will fall incredibly. It´s complicated like I say so we have to think sometimes in the two ways and the two sides.I can recomend you a software named Gra.nola that saved you energy from your computer so you can use it and save a little but a very important amount of CO2 when you get your stats mixed with all the software´s users around the world. You can find it in Google.So It´s a lot of complicated my friend but you know we have to be more humans sometimes....

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I feel if every human being tries and takes care of the nature that the Lord has gifted to us to take care and fulfill our responsibility towards it, we can make the world a better place to live in. If we do not do anything and start relying on others to do something then nothing is ever going to happen. So instead of being negative and saying we are a plague or cruel or unfit to take care. We need to start working towards taking care of the world.

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Humanity must be destroyed. Then where I will go...what about my people, my brothers and their families, my relatives, my friends, my colleagues and my fellow human beings. I will lose all of them. I understand that people have become selfish, they don't bother about anyone. You have no one to support you or help you when you badly need some help. Even if you don't get any support or help, you have to survive. Life doesn't stop for you...it is moving. So a stage comes where you have to develop some abilities which will help you in the long process of living. Any how we can make out that the world is going to stop at some point.I also feel at a stage, that why is the earth still revolving...I don't see any reason for it. At every moment we have to experience something worst or when we look back in our past, our wrong experience hunts us badly. It really makes me feel sorry for myself. That's how life is and we have to keep moving on with all our abilities and disabilities.

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Wiping out the whole human community rests in the hands of the creator who has thought of bringing in an intellectual species of animal called human beings.Or if you don't believe in something called the creator then its the process of evolution that generated human beings or whatever it has to be left to that process itself whether human beings as species has to be destroyed or not. But yes we can't deny this fact that we are a danger for the existence of many species around us to survive.The bulk amount of resources being consumed by human beings if compared collectively to all other species of animals is enormously high.Its not just the consumption but also the exploitation of resources to achieve progress.Our exploitation haslead to extinction of many species of animals already and some are waiting to get extinguished fully.If not full extinction of human species happen then also a mass destruction of a huge proportion of this particular species will size up little bit and will act as a balancing factor to rejuvenate our mother nature.

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nature itself would be the host to the humans, where humans are painted as vile beings that rape and pillage the countryside with factories, housing developments, pollution, and other evils of so-called progress.- by morosophos

Haven't view the thing as such before. Haven't wondered the nature as host and human beings as parasite. This outlook is new to me and satisfies the argument to a large extent.

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When we make something with love and passion because we have a purpose while we are making that particular thing, after a while it's of no use to us when the purpose is over. But we don't tend to destroy it as we have put in our efforts to prepare it. Instead we would preserve it for a long time. Likewise it's with the whole universe that we are living in. We have to wait until the appointed time comes for the earth, human beings and every other thing to be judged. We cannot say, why is this tree still alive as I don't find any reason for it to be here. We are created by God and only he has the right to make and break everything that he has made. He is the Maker of this earth and heaven above and everything on this earth including us. He has made us with much love and passion. Though we have fallen short of his glory as we have rebelled against him. But he is still a compassionate God and a loving Father. The same way as our earthly parents when we rebel against them they would tend to forgive us N- number of times as their children before punishing us. We cannot question God's creation though we might not understand many things going around us or happening in this world because only he has the answer to it.

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Do you really think that earthly parents would, under ANY circumstances, condemn their children to eternal and unbearable suffering as a 'punishment'? Do you really have the nerve to call that 'compassion' ?I don't believe in God. This is not some wilful rejection on my part, it is a very considered and thought-out opinion arrived at through much contemplation and study. Yet according to Christian dogma I am destined for an eternity of unbearable pain and suffering. And Christians then have the barefaced cheek to tell me that God is merciful and compassionate? What a lot of nonsense.The notion that we cannot 'question God's creation' is a prescription for ignorance and, of course, religion is the father of ignorance and the mother of stupidity. Thankfully we have moved beyond that sort of nonsense and we DO question creation - and by questioning it we have discovered the principles by which it operates - principles that allow you to type your thoughts and have them displayed for the world to see. If we took religion seriously then you would be shouting your message to those few people within earshot, then returning home to your hovel, with a life expectancy of about 25yrs, and the certain knowledge that your life would be full of pain and misery, helpless victim of disease and probably dying because your teeth became so infected you could no longer eat.

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There is no god it's only a childish believe. Humanity life everything is a laughable joke the universe ,existence would all be easier on all living beings ,sentient or otherwise was no more I love the idea of absolute obliteration some much I jump with glee when I here nuclear scares I would also love to see man kind so proud and full of it's self die struggling in terror of it's imminent extermination.

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The damage that we have inflicted on all other species on the planet is unprecedented. The number of species that we have rendered extinct is about to multiply, due to the unsustainable population sizes of many species, that is, they do not have large enough populations with enough genetic diversity to survive.We are going to continue in this manner, destroying all around us, until this planet can no longer support us. As we are too selfish and ignorant to control our own population, we will die of starvation, pollution-related diseases (cancers, nervous disorders, etc) and fight each other for the last available resources.It makes me ashamed of my own species. I look around me and note so much stupidity in such a beautiful world. We wipe out whole forest in order to erect suburbs. We spray any unwanted vegetation (weeds) with poison. We are obsessed with using polluting chemicals in the name of hygeine (deodorant, hairspray, toilet deodorizer). Are we retarded as a species to do these and so many other things?I hate humans. I wish we were no more. I love being alive, and I love nothing more than sitting in a forest breathing pure air, and foraging from the plants around me. But I think as a whole, humans have more negative effects than positive, and need exterminating. Like we would do to a 'pest'.

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