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The Hosting Plans?

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Now i'm new and was wondering,when we get a plan,do we have to keep getting that amount of credits or is it optional?I am going to be on alot but just was wondering cuz if people know they only have tio do it once they won't come back so.(Just Woncering)

Edited by iVTEC (see edit history)

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First off, the Xisto Readme is great for your questions, but I'll try to sum it up for you. You have to have a certain number of credits and quality posts to get a hosting plan. Once you have that plan, you will lose a credit a day. As long as your credits stay above 0, your site will not be shut down.

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To get the starter package you need to get 10 credits, and to get the default package you need to earn 30 credits. Before you are hosted the credits will not drop unless your posts are deleted or a moderator/admin removes them. Once you are approved for hosting, your credits are reset to 0. From the moment you are approved and your hosting activated you will lose 1 credit each day, regardless of your hosting package. This prevents people posting to get hosting and this disappearing into the mist over the moorlands :D You have to keep positive credits for your hosting to be active, and if you drop to -30 your hosting is permanently deleted.

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if you have any other questions with regards to hosting with Xisto, simply read the Xisto README provided (link in my sig below). or use the SEARCH function of the forums (most likely it has been asked before, and answered/discussed thoroughly). or if it's a new query with no apparent info from the readme and search results, just open up a new topic. :D

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Added information: Remember, your hosting credits will reset to 2 after you get your hosting, so do not "save up" your credits, since you will lose all of it after it gets reset!now it's closed

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