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Juveniles Who Commit Crimes Should Be Punished As An Adult Would Without Hesitation.

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In Florida, where they passed a law to charge juvenile as adults if they have committed an act of rape, manslaughter, or anything in the category of violent crimes. When Florida decided to pass the law on January 23rd, 2006, the rate of violent crimes by juveniles fell an all high low of 20% as stated by John E. ?Jebb? Bush, governor of Florida. When other states followed the example of Florida, the crime rate of the country will drop drastically and without the worry of our malevolent young juveniles. Placing juveniles in adult prisons will not only deter crimes, but also save our country a vast amount of money. As a matter of fact, most crimes committed in the country are committed by juvenile delinquents such as graffiti, arson, thefts, etc. All of which are eating away our tax dollars, which could very well be used to better effect. Back to the topic at hand, the money that can be saved by sending juveniles to adult prisons will help our fight against terrorism and other grave matters. So when juveniles that have been charged with violent crimes are trialed and punished as adults, the result will not only be crime deterrence but also more money for the economy. Juvenile facilities and the court system do not work to deter crime, but instead attempts to only change juvenile delinquent behavior, the juvenile facility states ?Our main goal is to rehabilitate any juvenile that enters our facility and urges them to help the economy.? As mentioned above in their statement, juvenile facilities can only try to change and rehabilitate a convicted felon and take them away from a life of crime. Sadly, this sounds too much like a bad movie. Unfortunately, juveniles who have committed violent crimes as a gang will use their criminal records as ?brag sheets? to boast to their gang members about all their criminal achievements. This only further proves that juvenile facilities do not work and juveniles should be tried and punished as adults so that they can learn from their actions. Also, when the juveniles are let out of adult prisons, they will have a criminal record that follows them around to remind them not to commit the crime a second time or else they will face the same or harsher punishment . All of which was stated earlier only further proves the fact that juvenile facilities do not provide the proper punishment that is needed. When an adult is charged with a violent crime such as murder, he/she will be punished with jail time of 5 to 10 years, but it is unfair when a juvenile who committed the same crime will only be punished with rehabilitation, it does not make sense when two people who committed the same crime be punished differently just because of their age. When a juvenile is given the knowledge that no matter what they do they will not be punished harshly, it is most likely that they will commit more and more crimes. When a juvenile that commits crimes and if they are not punished as an adult, there is no way that they will learn their lesson, so well you punish a juvenile like an adult because of their crime it will show more juveniles that they cannot commit violent crimes in the future because they will be punished to the full extent of the law. Juveniles that commit crimes like an adult should be punished as an adult, so that they know that they cannot do anything they want because of the lack of punishment. In doing that the result will be a safer society. EDIT: This was not copyrighted from any sources, thus left without quotes. Typed by only by Le Nyguen and ghaskleAL. -Le Nguyen with the assisstance of ghaskleAL (Frugo Productions)

Edited by squeaky (see edit history)

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Yea I could of swore that you did not type that yourself. Hmm did you just copy then paste? Because I think you did. Well going of topic here that is kinda sick. It is kinda wierd. Next time use quote tags.

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Well I think that its a good idea to punish juveniles as adults for more severe types of offences (Like the ones that Florida has listed but with also Arson as well), since most people who are juveniles and commit those offences only commit those offences because they know they will get lesser of a punishment, then if they where to do it as an adult. However for lesser offences I think they should have rehabilitation, and if they do it again they should be charged as an adult.Anyway I'm agree with what most people are saying, please remember your quote tags. <_<

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I will also have to agree as well. Down here, youths under 18 go to a children court, and I believe some of the offenses involve community service (minor ones being fines, community service and/or slap of the wrist or a combination) with the most serious ones being a jail sentence as per adult.

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Further to add, I have to agree with some of the posters above. Parts (or many) of the original post should have been quoted as such, although I have agree with the points in that post.

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If they do the crime they should be prepared to pay for it. Kids here get away with murder.Last Friday night/Saturday morning, four teenagers decided they would steal my car. I caught them pushing it away from my house. Two ran off, but two decided to try their luck. In the true spirit of 'defending my property', I gave them both a bloody good slapping.So now here I am with an undriveable car (they bent the doorframe to gain access, then smashed the steering mechanism in a retarded attempt to start it). The two that ran off got away, & the two I hit got a caution (it was classed as attempted theft as they were too idiotic to know how to do it properly), & are now trying to press charges against me for assault.If the twats hadnt been stealing my bloody car I wouldnt have hit them!Where is the justice in that?

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If they do the crime they should be prepared to pay for it. Kids here get away with murder.
Last Friday night/Saturday morning, four teenagers decided they would steal my car. I caught them pushing it away from my house. Two ran off, but two decided to try their luck. In the true spirit of 'defending my property', I gave them both a bloody good slapping.

So now here I am with an undriveable car (they bent the doorframe to gain access, then smashed the steering mechanism in a retarded attempt to start it). The two that ran off got away, & the two I hit got a caution (it was classed as attempted theft as they were too idiotic to know how to do it properly), & are now trying to press charges against me for assault.

If the twats hadnt been stealing my bloody car I wouldnt have hit them!

Where is the justice in that?

Personally opinion, you should of just called the cops and got a good discription of them insteald of hitting them. However, I do understand how you would of felt. Man if I saw someone trying to steal my car I would of probobly confronted them after I called the cops. However thats not even a good idea, because they could of had a gun and shot you. Plus what may have been a good idea instead of confronting them is to get a camera or something and take a picture or video of those people so that way if they did run away like they did you still have them on camera. :D

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Should juvinile be put in jail?I don't think so unless they got proof.SPM is being put in jail because of something he did not do.Give them a chance just because there a music artist (Famouse at that) theyshould get a chance to say what happin or where they were at the night or day of the scene.(Sorry if I offended anyone but it's just my opinion)

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