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Referral System

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Ok, I have searched the forum, and could not find a topic suggesting this so here I go.I recon that we should have a referral system put in place, and yes there are proxies etc, so we should make it that you only get points if the person posts, lets say that you get 10% of the credits they make for the first month, they woulkd still have the credits, except you would also get some of that, without them loosing any.Now, with this not one person is just going to go along and register new accounts, post and get 10% of the credits, heck they might as well just post on theirm own account!10% may seem alot, but if they make 30 credits the referrer only gets 3, so I am thinking in the range of 10-20% rates.Or we could have it really high, but only for the first week, or 2 weeks. You could also try doing a rewards system, where you can get free domains, for x amount of dollars, and you earn these by completing free offers from your sponsors, x10hosting.com does this, their hosting sucks but they have a damn good rewards system. It made me think twice before I left them, but I did leave anyways.And another thing, you should have adsense all over your forums, I like to look at atsense ads, I have found some nice sites, you can make big bucks out of that, you could put in hidden keywords that the ads find because then you will have a range of ads being displayed, they dont look too bad, even at the bottom of the site or under your shoutbox, I just vote for adsense, not displayed on your members sites, unless the member volunteraly does it, or you could have a way of a rewards system to earn credits for the ads being displayed on your site, and monitor the amount of clicks for each site and reward the owner in credits.All the above post it what I think would make Xisto a really really cool place to be, people would get more into the forums, you would have more members, and you would make revenue.Please post comments on the above post!

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Referral System -


Well Trap gets plenty of users already without a referral system so I really don't think it is necessary. It would really be a big job for the admins to code and they have a lot to do already running the Xisto Corporation but if they could some how find the time it could be possible. What will happen though is the people will come and make as many credits as they can the first day and if their hosting is denied they are gone.


Rewards System -


Well if they were going to give out domains they should probably do it credit wise. I don't think the offers thing would be a good idea because a lot of us here at the forums are under the age of 18 so they wouldn't have a credit card and they wouldn't (aren't) allowed to give away all their personal information like their address with out the consultance of their parents and I'm sure they really wouldn't like the idea. OpaQue has thought of it though as a possibility for the credits.


Adsense -


Ads are all over the forums. They are right under the shoutbox on every single page and in fact they are under your post. There really are a lot of ads and that is what they base their income on. They could put more ads on but many people do not like them. Sure in your case you do but a majority of the people think they are annoying. I think Trap has them already in the right place and make enough already based off them because otherwise they would go bankrupt.

Edited by Plenoptic (see edit history)

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Well if they were going to give out domains they should probably do it credit wise. I don't think the offers thing would be a good idea because a lot of us here at the forums are under the age of 18 so they wouldn't have a credit card and they wouldn't (aren't) allowed to give away all their personal information like their address with out the consultance of their parents and I'm sure they really wouldn't like the idea. OpaQue has thought of it though as a possibility for the credits.

i believe that you live in the UK yes? if so, that must be a law over there, becaus ehere in america the age is 13.

If a child under the age of thirteen gives up information to a website, and somthing were to happen then the webmaster would get in trouble unless there was a form called the COPPA forum filled out and signed with the parent with all of the information needed, or if you can prove that the child signed up under a false birthday so he was over 13 years of age

just wanted to clairafy that because it is not illegal for teens over 13 to give out information like that, the parents may not like but its not illegal.

silly me, at the end of the post i am adding when you say (aren't) i am guessing you mean its illegal.

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lol No I live in U.S. but I was totally thinking of something else. Forget that part. I still don't like the sponsor idea though really because of the reason they have your personal info. You can't put fake info either because now they have things that check for actual addresses. I mean sure it's their choice but they will do anything for the extra credits. I guess just put up a little warning and there ya go.

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The referral system would take ages to code, and if people get enough new members to sign up they wouldn't need to contribute for a while. Plus, if someone you referred started posting spam posts, and the mods have to delete posts it would be an awful lot of work to deduct credits from whoever referred them too.Xisto has, in my opinion, the right balance, number and positioning of the ads so they are seen and clicked on and generate revenue, without really annoying everyone. With more ads a site starts to look unprofessional and it is likely that less people would sign up, no matter how good the hosting is.In the UK you have to be 18 to get a credit card, but we do not need the COPPA form to give out information. This really annoys me when a site orientates itself solely for Americans and require COPPA forms be filled out and faxed around the world and other such measures which aren't needed anywhere else.The other side is that without any sort of measures we would have the kids on the forum giving out all sorts of information to companies. Also, as this is a world-wide forum, what companies would offer the offers and in what currency? It would be unfair if the offers were aimed solely at the US, UK or anywhere else.

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